Politics and Religion

The kids in my school who "thought" they were cool would never brown bag their lunch
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 241 reads

All through elementary school My Mom packed my brown bag lunch  , a sandwich , usually peanut butter and jelly  on hot days ,  tuna fish , egg salad , etc . on cooler  days ,  fresh  fruit like an apple , banana or pear , never  canned , some  vegetables like raw carrots , pickles , celery ,  and  dessert , a Twinkie or similar .  
   I would buy a small milk in the cafeteria  , my Mom  said that was the only thing the cafeteria sold that wouldn't make me sick .  

From what I remember about school cafeteria lunch in junior high and high school , it was similar to hospital food .   I tried it a couple times , it was nasty IMO so I usually packed my own brown bag lunch .  
  I did  eat cafeteria food  a few times   on pizza day ,  when I had a craving for pepperoni on cardboard .  
  In high school I occasionally  hopped on my motorcycle at lunch time  to the nearest strip club  serving  
  legs and wings  .  
   Of course  I had a fake  ID when I was in High school , didn't everyone in those days ?  
   One of my best school lunch memories   ,  I convinced  the GF of the school  rich cool  guy , who drove a new Vette to school,  to skip lunch , and fucked her on her BF's Corvette hood  .
    Those sure were Happy days .  



-- Modified on 3/11/2014 2:45:34 PM

What neither Ryan or Anderson say, which is deceitful is that some kids bring their lunch from home (some in brown paper bags, some in nice lunch boxes), and some get their lunches in the school cafeteria. No one knows who gets a free lunch unless the kid says something or the school does something to make it obvious. So, Ryan and Anderson are equating all school lunches with being free lunches, and that somehow kids getting school lunches have inferior family circumstances. As a kid, I always preferred the school lunches because they were hot, and like a real full meal. It was when we were not it good financial straights was when I took my lunch to school in a brown paper bag.

It was so good and cheap.  My grandmother worked in the kitchen and serving line.  She made all the bread and desserts and those yeast rolls would melt in your mouth.  I will never forget those homemade cinnamon rolls we had with Chili, and I still have those together today!

I have some family members that are teachers and they have said the lunches are pretty gross today since Michelle Obama made them change.  I don't know, we didn't have weight problems when I was a kid because we went outside and played and burned off our food.  A healthy, active child needs whole milk!  

And, just to give my opinion on free lunches.  Give them all a damn free lunch, we pay too much in taxes for anybody over at the school to be hungry!

GaGambler410 reads

We have to quit doing this, but yes I agree. I don't ever remember equating the school lunches to being poor, and if there was any stigma it was more towards the kids that brown bagged it than the other way around.

come to think of it, at a certain age, I don't remember exactly when, kids who brown bagged it actually got ridiculed for it. I think I hate social conservatives almost as much as I hate fiscal "progressives"

All through elementary school My Mom packed my brown bag lunch  , a sandwich , usually peanut butter and jelly  on hot days ,  tuna fish , egg salad , etc . on cooler  days ,  fresh  fruit like an apple , banana or pear , never  canned , some  vegetables like raw carrots , pickles , celery ,  and  dessert , a Twinkie or similar .  
   I would buy a small milk in the cafeteria  , my Mom  said that was the only thing the cafeteria sold that wouldn't make me sick .  

From what I remember about school cafeteria lunch in junior high and high school , it was similar to hospital food .   I tried it a couple times , it was nasty IMO so I usually packed my own brown bag lunch .  
  I did  eat cafeteria food  a few times   on pizza day ,  when I had a craving for pepperoni on cardboard .  
  In high school I occasionally  hopped on my motorcycle at lunch time  to the nearest strip club  serving  
  legs and wings  .  
   Of course  I had a fake  ID when I was in High school , didn't everyone in those days ?  
   One of my best school lunch memories   ,  I convinced  the GF of the school  rich cool  guy , who drove a new Vette to school,  to skip lunch , and fucked her on her BF's Corvette hood  .
    Those sure were Happy days .  



-- Modified on 3/11/2014 2:45:34 PM

Obama’s claim that 7 million got ‘access to health care for the first time’ because of his Medicaid expansion


In any case, no matter how you slice it, it does not add up to 7 million. It is dismaying that given all of the attention to this issue, the president apparently does not realize that the administration’s data are woefully inadequate for boastful assertions of this type.

But hey, let's talk about lunchbags!!

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Obama’s claim that 7 million got ‘access to health care for the first time’ because of his Medicaid expansion  
 In any case, no matter how you slice it, it does not add up to 7 million. It is dismaying that given all of the attention to this issue, the president apparently does not realize that the administration’s data are woefully inadequate for boastful assertions of this type.  
 But hey, let's talk about lunchbags!!

Where the fuck have you been? Now if we can only get Snow to come back, then we'd have the ole band back together.

Timbow274 reads

Quote :
Today’s bulletin extends this transitional policy for two years: to policy years beginning on or before October 1, 2016.  This gives consumers in the individual and small group markets the choice of staying in their plan or joining a new Marketplace plan as the new system is fully implemented.


-- Modified on 3/11/2014 10:56:57 PM

GaGambler337 reads

I am looking out at the same Pacific Ocean as you, but a couple of thousand miles south of you

Pura Vida Cabron

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