Politics and Religion

the corporate sponosred news thinks we will believe the liesad_smile
mrnogood 1267 reads

that's why they do things like show you pictures of Indians protesting with tons of Indian flags, and tell you it's tripoli, or Bhengazi..

This is the 3rd video to surface this week like this, one was actuallly recorded in a studio in Qatar, where Al jazeera is located..One was the rebels celerbrating in bhengazi, and they said it was tripoli, nd then this one, you gotta wonder how they make so many mistakes, and know by just the sheer volume, that this can not be an accident

mrnogood2422 reads

''Each NATO warplane that passes over Libya's coast and releases its ordnance upon the city of Tripoli is a glaring reminder that not only have the NATO-backed rebels failed to take the city, but the fighting there is beyond their ability to face without constant air support. As each bomb tears through Tripoli's already NATO-battered infrastructure - most recently destroying a fire station in the Abu Salim district - the world is given daily affirmations of just how duplicitous and premature NATO's desperate claims of "victory" were, made now nearly a week ago. To add injury to insult, UK's Foreign Secretary William Hague was imploring South Africa to release funding to NATO's proxies in Benghazi and suggested that failing to do so would be "risking a humanitarian disaster." Hague has not yet explained how the persistent aerial bombardment of a heavily populated city isn't already causing a verified humanitarian disaster.''


If these rebels were the popular majority like your news would try to have you believe, they'd be able to win, but they can't not even with NATO..

More fake video's surface of ''victory celerbrations in green square'' only this time they used video from India..

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 9:12:33 PM

I'm a moron
and you are chicken little

but that broadcast was live from Tripoli

The people did look Indian
and the flag was from India.

But you are telling lies mrnogood. I'm confused.
even if I want to believe the lie... how can I?

mrnogood1268 reads

that's why they do things like show you pictures of Indians protesting with tons of Indian flags, and tell you it's tripoli, or Bhengazi..

This is the 3rd video to surface this week like this, one was actuallly recorded in a studio in Qatar, where Al jazeera is located..One was the rebels celerbrating in bhengazi, and they said it was tripoli, nd then this one, you gotta wonder how they make so many mistakes, and know by just the sheer volume, that this can not be an accident

fuckifIknow1244 reads

I never see any in the video footage, not even in a berka. I know it's a combat zone but still.

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