Politics and Religion

Tell that to Mitch McConnell.
inicky46 61 Reviews 6 reads

He specifically said he was voting to acquit Trump in his trial before the Senate because the proper forum was a court of law.
And, of course, this has no bearing on the documents case because Trump stole those after he left the White House. Not that Judge Cannon will care.

Richard Nixon.  Because with todays willing, everything he did could have been regarded as official duties.

Impeachment and removal from office are still constitutional actions.
Today's ruling is specifically about criminal liability for presidential actions while in office that are punished AFTER leaving office.

He specifically said he was voting to acquit Trump in his trial before the Senate because the proper forum was a court of law.
And, of course, this has no bearing on the documents case because Trump stole those after he left the White House. Not that Judge Cannon will care.

Yes, they are different.  However, Nixon was pardoned by Ford.  He would have gone to trial if he hadn't been pardoned back then.  With this recent decision, changes the ball game.

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