Politics and Religion

Remember what you said in 2012 about what this "liberal ass country"...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 105 reads

...would look like in 2016 if "President DumbAss" was re-elected?  You said: "Things are going to hell in a hand basket very quickly and when things really bottom out, all the people who elected him AGAIN are gonna be standing around with their arms out and palms up saying, 'What happened?'"

So what happened, mook?  Maybe you were four years early with your prediction.  Maybe if Trump is elected, all the people who elected him are gonna be standing around in 2020 with their arms out and palms up saying, "What happened?"

Oh, and another thing.  You made another prediction.  You said: "I predicted to some friends a couple of years ago that Obama is going to attempt a major, major, unprecedented power move in the next couple of years and when he does, I'll tell you all that you heard it here first! Wait and see what he's gonna do."

Still waiting for that "major, major unprecedented power move," mook.  It didn't happen in the "next couple of years" after 2012.  But it still could happen - if Trump is elected, Obama could make a "major, major unprecedented power move" and not allow Trump to become President.  Right

People who say they're voting for Hillary because of her experience Crack me up. It's like a college football coach who tells the press in the preseason that he's got his whole offensive line back from the previous year and he's really excited. The thing is that he neglected to mention that his team went 1-11 the previous year and was awful!
 She certainly has experience but she's never been any good at any of her jobs. On top of that, she's a miserable human being.
 380 million people in this country and these two are the best we could come up with?

...would look like in 2016 if "President DumbAss" was re-elected?  You said: "Things are going to hell in a hand basket very quickly and when things really bottom out, all the people who elected him AGAIN are gonna be standing around with their arms out and palms up saying, 'What happened?'"

So what happened, mook?  Maybe you were four years early with your prediction.  Maybe if Trump is elected, all the people who elected him are gonna be standing around in 2020 with their arms out and palms up saying, "What happened?"

Oh, and another thing.  You made another prediction.  You said: "I predicted to some friends a couple of years ago that Obama is going to attempt a major, major, unprecedented power move in the next couple of years and when he does, I'll tell you all that you heard it here first! Wait and see what he's gonna do."

Still waiting for that "major, major unprecedented power move," mook.  It didn't happen in the "next couple of years" after 2012.  But it still could happen - if Trump is elected, Obama could make a "major, major unprecedented power move" and not allow Trump to become President.  Right

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