Politics and Religion

Re: Your lies are an embarrassment to this board
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 415 reads

Liars supporting a pathological liar!    No I am not going anywhere, I will be here to screw you guys with all the lies that comes out of your Clown in Chief!

What is embarrassing is all of you who lick your Clown's ass and say his lies are true and real.   Get a life.   It is going to get worse as the days go by.    How long can you cover this guy's ass with your own?

"So if you have questions about my charge that President Obama did wire tapping of phones at my tower in NYC, please talk to FOX News".

There is a funny proverb among Hindus:

"You ask a dog if it ate that mouse, it will say ask my tail".

GaGambler322 reads

Hadji and fg have ZERO redeeming qualities that I am aware of.

Notice I even left out the most annoying gnat on the board in the form of LTM&L, annoying as he is, he at least has some redeeming qualities although I can't really think of any of them offhand. lol

Don't you remotely miss Captain Cut and Paste?

Just kidding!!!

Posted By: GaGambler
Hadji and fg have ZERO redeeming qualities that I am aware of.  
 Notice I even left out the most annoying gnat on the board in the form of LTM&L, annoying as he is, he at least has some redeeming qualities although I can't really think of any of them offhand. lol

GaGambler248 reads

He is posting at about the same rate as BFRG since his return a couple of weeks ago, he takes endless thread off the right hand side of the page as fg and he has no more regard for the truth when posting. I see about an even trade, don't you?

In Jake's feeble defense at least he writes his own posts instead of simply "C&P", but when half of what he writes is a bald faced lie and the other half is simply foolish, does it really matter?

JakeFromStateFarm396 reads

For example, if you go far enough down this page and even onto page 2 you won't find a single thread that went to the right side of the page where I took the last post to the edge. There are about four of those and, while I did post on them, it was ed2000 who took the final post every time.
We should call him LWed2000.
And we should call you the Duke of Deception.

It's good you think you know yours but not having a compulsion to achieve the last word using nothing more than a declaration of victory or an ad hominem is definitely not one of them.

JakeFromStateFarm360 reads

With another obtuse and inaccurate pronouncement.  Go ahead, ed, have the last word.  Again.

You called me out based on lies.  I responded with reality. Go ahead, leave this as the last word or not. Either way it will prove what you are really all about.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 5:11:22 PM

JakeFromStateFarm345 reads

You've been gone so long they've been pushed to page 2 and 3.  Please stop lying.

1) https://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=303919&boardID=39&page=2#303919
2) https://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=303884&boardID=39&page=2#303884
3) https://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=303627&boardID=39&page=3#303627

criticize lefties, like highway2heaven, and others, when they repeatedly show they have a blind eye to the misdeeds of those on the right! ;)

Like it's any of our jobs to give much thought on being fair and balanced in ripping each other! i think that's purely a rule that GaG cooked up, and Jack echoes! ;)

GaGambler327 reads

I just asked you to take a stand one way or the other. You are more than welcome to defend what he said, if you find his words defensible that is.

Even BFRG made a stand when pressed about whether or not he supported Al Sharpton. I guess even the likes of fg is more intellectually honest than you.

Fair is fair, you answer my question and I will answer a similar one from you.  

So once again, do you support or condemn Hadji for these words?

I actually like Jake and can take his criticism a lot better than some of the other cry baby snowflake dems. He at least allows you to make you point and debate it.  

At least he doesn't talk about the presidential penis and ass all the time.

Posted By: GaGambler
He is posting at about the same rate as BFRG since his return a couple of weeks ago, he takes endless thread off the right hand side of the page as fg and he has no more regard for the truth when posting. I see about an even trade, don't you?  
 In Jake's feeble defense at least he writes his own posts instead of simply "C&P", but when half of what he writes is a bald faced lie and the other half is simply foolish, does it really matter?

JakeFromStateFarm417 reads

But at least you don't play the self-appointed demi-god of the board from whom all knowledge flows. He who alone can deliver judgement on all subjects. That's GaGa's job. Only HE has been given the enlightenment to deliver the truth unto us. It must be nice to live in the delusional dreamland that is GaGaWorld.
Oh, well, he's good for a laugh. Well, actually, many laughs.

Donald Trumps Baldness Drugs May Hurt Manhood


Another reason  of many why Donald Trump has a little wanger


Posted By: SoleSurvivor

Posted By: GaGambler
Don't you have a plane to catch?

-- Modified on 3/18/2017 11:28:25 PM

Liars supporting a pathological liar!    No I am not going anywhere, I will be here to screw you guys with all the lies that comes out of your Clown in Chief!

What is embarrassing is all of you who lick your Clown's ass and say his lies are true and real.   Get a life.   It is going to get worse as the days go by.    How long can you cover this guy's ass with your own?

Seems now you want to talk about trumps ass more than his penis.  Why the change?

Which guys are you gonna screw?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Liars supporting a pathological liar!    No I am not going anywhere, I will be here to screw you guys with all the lies that comes out of your Clown in Chief!  
 What is embarrassing is all of you who lick your Clown's ass and say his lies are true and real.   Get a life.   It is going to get worse as the days go by.    How long can you cover this guy's ass with your own?

Quoting CNN....you may want to check the latest news snowflake. Donna Brazile admitted she got the questions to the debate and gave them to Hillary.  


Posted By: hwy2heaven
Liars supporting a pathological liar!    No I am not going anywhere, I will be here to screw you guys with all the lies that comes out of your Clown in Chief!  
 What is embarrassing is all of you who lick your Clown's ass and say his lies are true and real.   Get a life.   It is going to get worse as the days go by.    How long can you cover this guy's ass with your own?

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