Politics and Religion

Re: You do realize we spend $2B more every day than we take in right?
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 267 reads

So what is the solution?   Massive tax cuts and dry up the US treasury?    That is what Dubiya did and ended up with unpaid tax cuts, unpaid Iraq war financed by increasing national debt.
Trumpanazee and Paul Lying Ryan are taking the same route with massive tax cuts.    At the end of the day US Treasury will be getting less money and writing more checks than it can afford.

If my household has expenses that cannot be eliminated but my income is not up to it,  I will take up a second job and augment what I take in.    I don't starve my kids or abandon my aging parents.

Luv-Kit23542 reads

It reminds me of the statement by those 50 senior officials from the admins of Reagan, Bush-41 & Bush-43. These sentences stood out,  
"He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not
encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously."

I'll add my own assessment: his biggest weakness is that he is so madly, so madly, so madly in love with himself.

GaGambler193 reads

If the election had gone the other direction we would now be debating on how much to double down on the failed ACA, how much to RAISE taxes for all the giveaways promised by HRS, and with the absence of any consumer confidence in yet another "business unfriendly" environment, the Dow would most likely be in the 17,000 range.

Yes, Trump has some things (ok a lot of things) he needs to get a handle on, but I shudder to think what would be happening under Hillary.

At least her 33 years of tax returns are out in the public.     We can't say the same for the Con man and now the "conspirator in chief".   All he has accomplished so far are bring up fake controversies, conspiracy theories while his family is minting money from the Chinese Government.   Half of his cabinet members are under investigation for ties to the Kremlin and KGB.

His lying mouth piece is now nicknamed Sean Spinster.   His main job is to bring all the Con Man's daily dose of lies and try to spin them around in front of Journalists.

Donald.J.Trump238 reads

So easy to just blabber "well it'd be worse if the 'other' guy was in office"  

And no way to know what would be happening.  

The country will move forward, as always.  Will it be better than it is today?  Hopefully you'll be around in 25 or 50 years to look back and make that determination.  To look at the day to day...whatever.


Posted By: GaGambler
If the election had gone the other direction we would now be debating on how much to double down on the failed ACA, how much to RAISE taxes for all the giveaways promised by HRS, and with the absence of any consumer confidence in yet another "business unfriendly" environment, the Dow would most likely be in the 17,000 range.  
 Yes, Trump has some things (ok a lot of things) he needs to get a handle on, but I shudder to think what would be happening under Hillary.

GaGambler305 reads

"Free" college, doubling down on Obama Care, more regulations on business, not less. The list goes on and on.

Yes the country will move forward and IMHO we are MUCH better off moving forward under Trump than we would have under Clinton. You of course are free to do whatever blabbering you care to on the subject too.

and I am pretty sure I've got another twenty five years at least, fifty might be stretching it a bit however. In the meantime I am happy every day my eyes still open in the morning.

I can remember how you told us that you didn't want a government stacked with one party. That if Congress was stacked with one party you would vote for a presidential candidate of the opposite party. Why, for government gridlock, right? How much of what Hillary might have pushed do you really think would have passed in a Republican Congress? ;)

GaGambler309 reads

If you remember however the consensus was that the Dems would seize control of at least the Senate.

In many respects we still have quite a bit of gridlock as it's hard to dispute that Trump is not a "real" Republican and the GOP is hardly in lockstep with him.

I am hoping his dumb ideas are blocked and his good ideas get quickly enacted into law. but you know what they say about wishing in one hand and shitting in the other, I am pretty sure I know which hand is going to fill up first.

Better off with Trump. I would like to see that fantastic tax cut for the middle class he is talking about.  Also, I would like to see the screeners at the airports replaced by super models, who gives a fuck if they can't screen for shit, they can squeeze my balls any day.  My healthcare and retirement have been taken care of so I don't give a fuck about that other shit.  If he really wants to make an impact then de-criminalize drugs and tax the shit out of it.  End welfare and give the best looking dreamer women citizenship.  That's it for now. I am serious about most of this shit.

I'd forgotten about the prospects regarding the Senate, since I didn't hold out much hope for that. I thought it was tenuous at best. So, I will no longer hound you on this point, though I suspect you still would have voted for Trump if you'd known the Republicans would take the House and Senate. ;)

Donald.J.Trump393 reads

Then neither of those two incompetent morons (DJT/HRC) matter.  I will stipulate that DJT is much more entertaining than HRC is/was.  It's forced me to actually have to watch a reality show that I otherwise wouldn't have given the time of day.  I really do enjoy the spin faction.  Hope they finally catch that spy who tapped Trump Tower.

Why do you care about free college or ACA?  Are you planning on going to college?  Or living much beyond 65?

I also don't care about government regulations on business.  That shits been around forever, and isn't likely to disappear anytime soon.  Those that thrive deal with whatever is out there, while those who can't change/adapt go away.  


Posted By: GaGambler
"Free" college, doubling down on Obama Care, more regulations on business, not less. The list goes on and on.  
 Yes the country will move forward and IMHO we are MUCH better off moving forward under Trump than we would have under Clinton. You of course are free to do whatever blabbering you care to on the subject too.  
 and I am pretty sure I've got another twenty five years at least, fifty might be stretching it a bit however. In the meantime I am happy every day my eyes still open in the morning.

I would hope the R Congress would have blocked most of her ideas.  I actually agreed with her on the ultra short term capital gains tax idea.  But the one thing I really feared is what the Supreme Court would look like after 4 years years, and what power they would extend to the POTUS.

nuguy46399 reads

and leaves the US citizen holding the bag on the next terrorist incident in the US. Why did he rule? In part because it will ruin the Muslim travels to visit Hawaii.....lol....

There are more terrorist attacks committed by second amendment lunatics with mass shootings than by any Muslim born in 6 countries.    9/11 happened under a Republican President, the worst terrorist attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor, one of the sites a short distance from the White House!   LMAO.

Banning people based on religion is unconstitutional and will be thrown out by the courts.

And so it begins. The implosion of Red State America that voted for Trump. Blue states like MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE and MD all get to keep their Amtrak routes. The Red State heartland with Senators that have to beg every year to keep their cross-country Amtrak routes? Cut. The Red states with the highest opioid addiction rates like WV and KY? Sorry. Addiction programs cut. Red states with lower household incomes? Sorry. Your assistance programs and economic development programs cut. Great Lakes States that turned Red like MI, IN, PA, OH and WI? Sorry, but the federal government no longer wants to help clean up the pollution in the Lakes. You are on your own. Good luck funding those efforts. Trump visited lots of economically suffering Red states during the campaign and told you that you were being left behind and disenfranchised. He promised that he would look after you. What is he doing instead? Cutting off your federal funding and leaving your already stretched state governments to look after you. If this budget were to ever pass, Red State America would start to look like the third world. Head Start programs will suffer. After school programs will disappear. Agricultural support will be minimal. If you folks in KY, WV, MS, AL, LA, etc. think that you have state funding to fill these gaps, think again. Trump has now surrendered in the war against poverty. But don't worry. The Northeast and the West Coast will make out just fine in all of this. I'd like to think that none of us saw this coming. But that would be a lie. People have been saying this all along and the only retort is "Sore loser snowflake!!" Well, take some time to read this budget and ask yourself if President Trump is really fulfilling his promise to take care of those left behind or if he is passing that off to states that are ill-equipped for the task.

Mr.M.Johnson282 reads

He's used to running his own show and NOT answering to anyone.  Now, he's gotta deal w/P.Ryan and Mitch M and the Dems.

His budget is put together like a high schooler would do it:  Bigly cut this - "since i gotta find $$ to do what I want" - "Bigly increase the things I want," with no real thought to what he's cutting - he just wants his pet projects funded (fucking wall)

And, of course, he's ignoring his campaign promise of cutting the deficit to $0 ($zero) in 8 years. This budget increases the debt by hundreds of $billions.  I guess Donald thinks he'll make it up beginning next year

   "Mr. Trump would make no progress toward his campaign promise to reduce not only the annual budget deficit but the accumulated national debt. During the election, he said he could eliminate in just eight years the entire $20 trillion in debt that the nation has built up over generations.
But he offered no plans to reduce the deficit in this proposal, simply offsetting $54 billion in increased military spending with $54 billion in domestic and international cuts.
As a result, the nation next year will continue to spend more than it takes in through taxes and therefore will still add hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt.
Mr. Trump made no mention of that in his budget message, but his budget director, Mick Mulvaney, a longtime deficit hawk, did, foreshadowing the tension that will eventually challenge this president as his term progresses. “Our $20 trillion national debt is a crisis, not just for the nation, but for every citizen,” Mr. Mulvaney wrote.
But that will be a crisis for another day."

Do you run your household like that? Are your bills WAY higher than your monthly income?

Sorry folks but the gravy train has to stop and I can only hope Trump and the R congress gets very serious about cutting the budget, deficit and debt.

Every admin kicks the can down the road on out of control fed spending and you should be praying SOMEONE has the balls to take responsibility for ALL the stupid waste, fraud and abuse of programs that overlap, aren't managed sufficiently and wreak of political paybacks.

The spending is unsustainable and you know the saying:

Pay me now or pay me later.

We may not be able to fix the problem later but I am sure we are just better off with Dems, along with some Reps, demagoguing the issue.

That always works. Ahem.

JakeFromStateFarm345 reads

Oh, and he wants a few billion more to build his useless wall.  And don't tell me our defense spending under Obama has been scant.  The US defense budget is as large as the next seven biggest defense budgets combined.

But lets get real. The money for the wall is not going to make or break the country. It is basically a one time fixed cost.  

The money HWY is talking about is in the trillions over years, not 20bn in one year, or however they pay for it.

I also don't understand why the defense budget needs to increase. I believe we have 900 military bases around the world? None of those can go?

If he cut the defense department in some areas and spent more in others, I would agree with him.

But you didn't argue the main point so I think you believe as I do, something has to give while we still have the ability to make the changes otherwise the changes will be forced on us.

The math doesn't work and "taxing the rich" really wont help. THATS how bad our situation is.

JakeFromStateFarm167 reads

In this case it's taxing carried interest that lets hedge fund managers have their income taxed at capital gains rates instead of as ordinary income.
I'm glad you and I agree on defense spending.

and you can lump in ultra short (6 month) capital gains with that as well.  That is not investing, it is trading.

TwoMints317 reads

You must have taken the RedPill...

Trump just said that.

What needs to happen is a percent of their income has to be ordinary income. Not capital gains. That's their job. Maybe a lower capital gains tax for the first 100-200k then It's all taxed at a higher regular rate.  Something like that sounds fair and I guarantee you almost every R and D alike would agree to it if it where explained to them well.  But the tax system needs to be fixed as well. I'm not for usury taxation rates but everyone should have skin in the game at some point.  

It's not like your average R gives two shits about hedge fund guys.

I would point out that most of the taxes are already paid by the wealthy. At what point is it to much? At what point is it just envy and theft.  At what point do they just stop earning money and stop employing people?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
In this case it's taxing carried interest that lets hedge fund managers have their income taxed at capital gains rates instead of as ordinary income.  
 I'm glad you and I agree on defense spending.

JakeFromStateFarm339 reads

He said it months ago.  Maybe even a year ago.  Duh.


Yeah, Obama has really made us a super power. Russia could have come here with mops and feather dusters and taken over.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Oh, and he wants a few billion more to build his useless wall.  And don't tell me our defense spending under Obama has been scant.  The US defense budget is as large as the next seven biggest defense budgets combined.

JakeFromStateFarm186 reads

The reason our defense budget has been capped was an agreement between the Republicans and Democrats in Congress to control the budget deficit.  The Republicans own the size of the defense budget as much as Obama.
As for Russia, their military is no match for ours.  They are 4th largest in spending after China and Saudi Arabia. Our defense budget in 2015 was $596 billion.  Russia's was $66 billion.  So I assume you were kidding.  At least I hope so.
As the late Sen. Moynihan once said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

So what is the solution?   Massive tax cuts and dry up the US treasury?    That is what Dubiya did and ended up with unpaid tax cuts, unpaid Iraq war financed by increasing national debt.
Trumpanazee and Paul Lying Ryan are taking the same route with massive tax cuts.    At the end of the day US Treasury will be getting less money and writing more checks than it can afford.

If my household has expenses that cannot be eliminated but my income is not up to it,  I will take up a second job and augment what I take in.    I don't starve my kids or abandon my aging parents.

Donald.J.Trump223 reads

And toss your parents onto an ice flow.

There, problem solved.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
So what is the solution?   Massive tax cuts and dry up the US treasury?    That is what Dubiya did and ended up with unpaid tax cuts, unpaid Iraq war financed by increasing national debt.  
 Trumpanazee and Paul Lying Ryan are taking the same route with massive tax cuts.    At the end of the day US Treasury will be getting less money and writing more checks than it can afford.  
 If my household has expenses that cannot be eliminated but my income is not up to it,  I will take up a second job and augment what I take in.    I don't starve my kids or abandon my aging parents.

Cut everything basically that doesn't kill someone. Ok a bit draconian for sure, but we are headed for bankruptcy. You don't think what is happening in Spain and Italy and Greece can happen here?

The math is what the math is. Lets get real. Stop giving wealthy people entitlements. Stop the crony capitalism. Stop corporate welfare. Don't tax the rich more just get rid of their loopholes.

We need entitlement reform. YESTERDAY. 50% of the country is receiving a govt check. Wtf? I have no problem taking care of truly destitute and mentally ill. Everyone else? GO TO WORK.

How about tort reform? Libs love to point at Europe as the way to go but do any of them say we should move to some sort of "loser pays?" NOPE! Why? The Dem party is beholden to trial attorneys.

And yes the R's have their sacred cows too. TAKE THEM ON!

Too bad you couldn't help Obama.  With your wisdom he might not have doubled the national debt.

TwoMints322 reads

1. This is only a small portion of the budget. Which he didn't decrease or increase.  They reallocated the spending to their priorities.  
2. Bush? Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. More then all other presidents combined.. Where was you concern while he was racking that up?
3. You don't know that the government will take less in based on his tax cuts. That's rank speculation. Did they put out the tax bill?  
4. Shocked face, that when a R gets in office all of the sudden D's discover that the debt matters.  

I get it. You thought it was great under Oblahma.  The exploding debt, the endless regulations, endless taxation. That's part of what led to losing 1200 government elections over the last 8 years. Part of the reason Hillary is jabbering from the forest instead of being in office and adding to our debt. Maybe the cuck R's would have stopped her. We'll never find out.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
So what is the solution?   Massive tax cuts and dry up the US treasury?    That is what Dubiya did and ended up with unpaid tax cuts, unpaid Iraq war financed by increasing national debt.  
 Trumpanazee and Paul Lying Ryan are taking the same route with massive tax cuts.    At the end of the day US Treasury will be getting less money and writing more checks than it can afford.  
 If my household has expenses that cannot be eliminated but my income is not up to it,  I will take up a second job and augment what I take in.    I don't starve my kids or abandon my aging parents.

Mr.M.Johnson227 reads

But, you're forgetting the other side of the equation!  HighWay has it right!   Massive tax cuts = less revenue = bigger deficit

For 8 fucking years all we heard from Repubs was "deficits are killing us - damn democrats ain't doin nuthin to cut the deficit"

Shrink revenue and maintain expenses means increase deficits.

BTW, I bet that Mitch M and others, including Dems, ain't gonna let some of these programs get cut so drastically.  

It'll be fun watching the Repubs fight amongst themselves and NOT be able to blame the Dems!

"It'll be fun watching the Repubs fight amongst themselves and NOT be able to blame the Dems!" That, and it will be fun to see the still try to blame the Democrats. Stock up on your supply of popcorn. ;)

Egomania and Paranoia personified..

Posted By: Luv-Kit2
It reminds me of the statement by those 50 senior officials from the admins of Reagan, Bush-41 & Bush-43. These sentences stood out,  
 "He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not  
 encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously."  
 I'll add my own assessment: his biggest weakness is that he is so madly, so madly, so madly in love with himself.

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