Politics and Religion

Re: This coming from a real Meat Swallower
inicky46 61 Reviews 3 reads

Meat will Swallow any tall tale if it suits his twisted excuse for a brain. He probably believes this self-inflicted wound doesn't make Trump look bad.

She just put out a video saying “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth: individual freedom. What does my body, my choice really mean?”
Poor Don must be climbing the walls.
Then again, he's always climbing the walls.

What Melania publishes is part of the Trump campaign strategy. Trump is shutting down the idea of a federal ban on abortion. He is leaving it to the states.

Trump will leave it up to the states right until his Congress sends him a national abortion ban bill. And then he'll sign it.
Is Fester in favor of a national abortion ban?

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Fester really will believe anything. As long as it's bizarre.
Trump will leave it up to the states right until his Congress sends him a national abortion ban bill. And then he'll sign it.  
 Is Fester in favor of a national abortion ban?
Why do you believe Trump wants a national abortion ban? He doesn’t have to win a second term. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Seriously why do you think this?

constantly projecting....falsely accusing others of what he does.

said he spoke to Melania before she wrote about her pro choice positions, saying he supports her & told her she has to follow her heart.


2024 = Trump270+

Meat will Swallow any tall tale if it suits his twisted excuse for a brain. He probably believes this self-inflicted wound doesn't make Trump look bad.

No explanation needed. Everyone already knows that TATL lies constantly, and is the biggest idiot here.

He's really flailing now, smearing the board in feces and lies.
He also suffers from delusions of adequacy.
I simply refuse to descend to his level and won't respond to his other feeble posts.
I will happily give him his treasured Last Word, simply to shut him up.

self-inflicted wound doesn't make Trump look bad.
Using one of Nicky’s favorite phrases, this is a “nothing burger”. I can’t think of one demographic of voter who’s going to think “I was going to vote for Trump until I found out Melania was pro-choice”.

The only people “affected” by this news are peeps like Happy, Nicky and Imp who can use it as another excuse to gather around themselves for another TDS fueled circle jerk.

…should have to sit down with their child and explain to them why she thinks she has the right to murder them.

Normally the far right would have called her a "Murderer","Heathen" or some low life backpage escort.
So...Can I use the phrase "Don't you see the irony of this"?? Its catchy in its weird way. Still now sure how to use it.

Their option is to not vote for Trump and let Kamala win and enact a nation wide unlimited abortion on demand law.
Not everyone is as stupid as Democrats and Liberals.

think Dems want "a nation wide unlimited abortion on demand law."
That's not what we had under Roe, and that's simply what we want to restore.
These lies about perfectly healthy babies being euthanized at birth are crazed propaganda of righty stooges who hate women.

Abortion was not a major issue for evangelicals until Falwell established The Moral Majority in 1979 in support of Reagan.  ...
Prior to that time, it was NOT a political issue for the evangelical churches.  
"... In fact, the Southern Baptist Convention, they actually passed resolutions in 1971, 1974 and 1976 - after Roe v. Wade - affirming the idea that women should have access to abortion for a variety of reasons and that the government should play a limited role in that matter, which surprised us. The experts we talked to said white evangelicals at that time saw abortion as largely a Catholic issue. ..."  
ABORTION became a POLITICAL issue for the self-appointed Moral Majority in the late 70s in order to protect the taxpayer funding of segregated religious schools because "Vote for Segregation! Vote for White Power!" wasn't a good campaign slogan to recruit true Christians and evangelicals. It was "Vote Anti-abortion!!" and those candidates will just happen to also protect our tax exempt, tax funded segregated schools and other interests.  
How do evangelicals feel about Trump committing adultery to fuck a porn star? Or to have committed a sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll?  Or had an adulterous affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal? How do evangelicals feel about Melania re-publishing some of her nudie photos in her new book? (I don't know if the book includes her Girl-on-Girl lez photos.)

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: The far right/evangelicals are silent on this
Their option is to not vote for Trump and let Kamala win and enact a nation wide unlimited abortion on demand law.  
 Not everyone is as stupid as Democrats and Liberals.

“Abortion was not a major issue for evangelicals until Falwell established The Moral Majority in 1979”

Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. The first abortion law was in Connecticut in 1821, by 1883 30 of 37 states and 6 territories outlawed abortion.  

“ABORTION became a POLITICAL…for the…Moral Majority in the late 70s…because "Vote for Segregation! Vote for White Power!" wasn't a good campaign”

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, wanted to promote abortion to “get rid of the Negroes”.  

“How do evangelicals feel about Trump committing adultery to fuck a porn star?”

I dunno, but all the liberals sound jealous.

“Or to have committed a sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll?”

Sure, because we should believe what celebrity stalkers say, especially when they’re obviously crazier than cat shit. Unless IMP thinks it’s normal to paint trees blue and name your cat “Vagina”.  

 “Or had an adulterous affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal?”

The real story. Someone tried to bribe McDougal into saying they had an affair but McDougal refused on the basis that the bribe wasn’t large enough.  

“How do evangelicals feel about Melania re-publishing some of her nudie photos in her new book?”

I always wanted to see The First Lady’s tits. Thankfully it was the hottest First Lady in US history.  

 It's astonishingly obnoxious when atheists like IMP think this Evangelical thing is such a gotcha. The Everything Is Gay Including Your Kids Party is trying to lecture literally anyone about what is moral is hilarious. Meanwhile these limp dick tofu eating spaghetti armed fudge stuffers are so divorced from normal masculinity that they have no idea what an alpha male even looks like. This is a guy who handed a picture of foreign leader a picture of his house and said he would kill him if he harmed US forces. If you rounded up every testicle in the Democrat party you still wouldn’t have enough balls to do that. But they do have a gay transportation secretary with AIDS so there’s that.

Imp:  “Abortion was not a major issue for evangelicals until Falwell established The Moral Majority in 1979”
Willy: "Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. The first abortion law was in Connecticut in 1821, by 1883 30 of 37 states and 6 territories outlawed abortion." THAT IS NOT A REBUTTAL TO THE STATEMENT ABOUT EVANGELICALS.  
Imp: "Prior to that time, it was NOT a political issue for the evangelical churches.  
"... In fact, the Southern Baptist Convention, they actually passed resolutions in 1971, 1974 and 1976 - after Roe v. Wade - affirming the idea that women should have access to abortion for a variety of reasons and that the government should play a limited role in that matter ..."

And who cares? Abortion has been political since the early 19th century. You might be surprised IMP, that the USA has extremely left wing (pro murder) abortion laws. Europe’s abortion laws are closer to Texas than California. Abortion is wrong. Everyone knew this since forever until we taught women that motherhood was something to avoid.

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