Politics and Religion

Re: Haley's Super Tuesday chances
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 11 reads

NYT estimates that Haley will win Vermont by about 2.6%.  I believe this amounts to a 1 delegate advantage.
Other than that, all the other primaries have apparently been won by Trump or are about to be won by Trump.  The only uncalled races at this hour besides Vermont, are Alaska, California, and Utah.  All are expected to go for Trump.
So Vermont might be Haley's only state win.  I'm sure she'll declare victory and pledge to stay in the race to the end.  She's going to play it off as a stunning victory.

It is possible that Haley could win Vermont, Massachusetts and Virginia.  Though she might come close in Minnesota and Colorado.  Trump should win the rest including California and Texas with their large delegate counts.

Trump’s folks are looking at Virginia as a possible win in November. A strong Haley showing would be a damper on that notion.

Low turnout would favor Haley though. Heavily populated Northern Virginia (in the DC suburbs)  will be fertile ground for Haley, while the rest of the state is Deep Red Trump country.

Trump did rally in Richmond yesterday, so there’s an indication his team felt a need to campaign in the state.

I haven't seen anyone put Virginia in the Trump November election camp.  That itself would be an early evening tell that he's won the presidency (provided they report earlier than western states.)

I guess Trump did win Virginia, and not just, but NYT is estimating  by +30.  Biggly.

NYT estimates that Haley will win Vermont by about 2.6%.  I believe this amounts to a 1 delegate advantage.
Other than that, all the other primaries have apparently been won by Trump or are about to be won by Trump.  The only uncalled races at this hour besides Vermont, are Alaska, California, and Utah.  All are expected to go for Trump.
So Vermont might be Haley's only state win.  I'm sure she'll declare victory and pledge to stay in the race to the end.  She's going to play it off as a stunning victory.

First incumbent Democrat primary loss since Jimmy Carter.

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