Politics and Religion

Re: From the polling I’ve seen… Trump Appointing RFK Jr To A Cabinet Position)
cks175 44 Reviews 15 reads

Would put him in a position to tout a bipartisan effort to unify the country.

Nicky noted that he didn’t think the majority of Kennedy voters had been peeled from Trump. Willy noted the support looked to be 50/50 between Trump  and Biden/Harris supporters. All the polling I saw indicated to me that Kennedy was pulling slightly more Trump voters than Dem voters.  

A Kennedy endorsement would help Trump. Enough to win an election? Time will tell.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate Nicole Shanahan says the Kennedy campaign is considering dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump.

The comments came during a podcast appearance on Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory.

Shanahan said there are currently two options:

1. "Staying in and forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw votes from Trump..."

2. "Or we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump."

Their target would be getting 5% of the vote in order to earn third part status for 2028. If it doesn't look like they'll get close to 5% then they might just pull the plug.

He was never a serious candidate...Good riddance. Guy got "bitch slapped" by Harris and now this ball less asshole is going to support trump...they both deserve each other. Let trump have his measly 4-5 percent.
Its the Haley voter that will hurt trump. If Harris can get 30 maybe 40 percent of that vote...wow.

Just off the top of my head, look what happened when Joe Rogan liked RFK.jr. Which base lost its shit,... it was trumps base. Then Dana White probably told Rogan to STFU and back peddle that. Which he did..
But my feeling is that if RFK supports trump, most of RFK meathead supporters probably won't vote. They'll become disillusion by the process and say fuck it, RFK sold out

Kennedy was polling around 9%, now he's at 5%, so I think the ones that would go over to Kamala have already done so.  It's a reasonable calculation to see the remainder going to Trump, which would be curtains for Kamala.

RFK Jr has pulled from both parties, and pretty close to 50/50 too. RFK joining Trump would be a big boost for Republicans. Plus it shows the country that Trump is not only the big tent candidate, but he’s bipartisan too.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

It was JOE and NOT Trump that got the bi-partisan infrastructure deal done and it was Trump that killed the bi-partisan border bill that had the backing of the border agents. lol. You're funny.

…that was just a bill to give 41 billion for Ukraine’s border and less than a quarter of that for our own while also legalizing 1 million illegals coming into the country every year? LOL.

…so it makes it harder to deport them? No. Should we give the useless DHS sec more power when he’s already abused the power he has? No. Should we give Ukraine another 41 billion when we’re 35 trillion in debt? No. Did Trump need a border bill when he secured the border? No. Democrats don’t care about illegals because they hate this country. They want illegals to vote for them which is why they’re giving illegals welfare and free healthcare, while you have to pay for yours.

RespectfulRobert14 reads

In all the swings states. Showing the border guards and conservative Rs with Kamala on one side....and....Trump on the other. Sorry Willy but your boy fucked up again.

Would put him in a position to tout a bipartisan effort to unify the country.

Nicky noted that he didn’t think the majority of Kennedy voters had been peeled from Trump. Willy noted the support looked to be 50/50 between Trump  and Biden/Harris supporters. All the polling I saw indicated to me that Kennedy was pulling slightly more Trump voters than Dem voters.  

A Kennedy endorsement would help Trump. Enough to win an election? Time will tell.

With RFKjr 2 to 3% in the polls, he was pulling a percent or so more from Trump.  This could be the difference in a win in a close swing state.  Endorsing Trump would help Trump.

And now to Trump, who probably will. Trump is the definition of transactional.

To bow out in exchange for a cabinet position. Then for whatever reason the POS hit up Harris who wouldn't give him the time of day...and now with his tail between his legs he's going back to trump with, "Hey is that offer still good?"
Now I'm sure trump will offer him something...Ambassador to Outer Mongolia

The RFK seeking out Harris story was fake and planted in the press by the Harris campaign. It was to try to get his supporters to support Harris.

“They (Democrats) kept us off stages, manipulated polls, sued us in every possible state, and even planted insiders in our campaign.” -- Shanahan
And all the time shouting "muh democracy!"

Also buyer's remorse at having given $15 million to RFK's campaign.

She doesn’t regret supporting Kennedy. She regrets having ever supported Democrats.

RFKjr has confirmed he will make a path forward announcement on Friday from Phoenix AZ at 2pm ET.
Shanahan has already twice specified the two options. Stay in or endorse Trump.
One important factor besides his poll collapse is lack of funds. I don't think Shanahan wants to throw her fortune away on a lost cause.

I really hope he joins Trumps campaign. Between him and Tulsi it shows we’re the big tent party and we welcome liberals and Democrats who have dignity and honor instead of the batshit crazy left who have been inflicted with the woke mind virus.

Tulsi should be in some sort of military role, maybe veterans affairs or even international affairs.  RFKjr in some sort of health related area.  They could both be in some sort of peacenik role too.

And don't forget Trump promised to appoint a Libertarian to a position as well.  Trump reaches out to everyone. Meanwhile the Democrats run two Marxists.

a lot of money.   She probably told Kennedy she was closing her purse, and since he couldn't make deal with Trump giving an endorsement for a job, he's left with supporting Trump anyway.  If Trump win's narrowly, he can make a case after the fact that it was him who gave Trump the victory and then hope for some table scraps, maybe Ambassador to Ukraine, or something similar.  Lol  

Meanwhile, Shanahan is hoping she can stand on the stage with Trump when he wins on election night.  She doesn't really want a job, just 15 minutes of fame.  

She did speak to not wanting to waste millions merely to be a spoiler.  And she reiterated that she now regrets helping democrat candidates in the past.  She is completely put off by their anti-democratic lawfare against other candidates.  Like changing the Party rules to prevent RFKjr.  She said that it was ONLY the Democrat party doing these kind of things.  Which is why she sees the only real path in teaming up with Republicans.  

RFK Jr can help Trump tremendously. And it would be wise for Trump to give him an important role in the administration. I can see head of the FDA or even Sec of State.

And I'm not even talking about his Spasmodic Dysphonia, which makes him sound weird as hell and very ineffective as a campaigner.
I'm talking about his weird views. Beyond his being an anti-vaxer, he says he had a dead worm in his brain. He recently admitted dumping the body of a dead bear cub in Central Park as a "joke."
He's a looney toon who has gotten almost zero traction with voters. And you two clowns are so desperate you're acting like this is a big deal. The idea of him being Sec. of State is laughable. Head of the FDA? Hilarious.

What you may not get Nicky is that RFK Jr knows more about vaccines than you know about your own dick. You might think he’s some loon who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but when you see him in a panel discussion with other scientists you’ll notice that the scientists tend to shut up and listen. He’s written books on medical corruption, and he knows these problems better than anyone else I can think of. Is he a little out there? Sure. You’d be out there too if your father and uncle was murdered.  

The medical field and psychology both have the same “can’t see the forest from the trees” issue. Medical specialization has been a wonderful thing, but modern medicine is missing whole systems approach. They’ve gotten trapped in treating symptoms while not treating the disease. And as medical interventions have increased outcomes have gotten worse. Just look at the shocking increase in anti-depressant prescriptions. Depression itself is a bio-feedback mechanism. It’s there to tell you to change what you’re doing. But are patients told that? Nope. There’s no money in that and so they just hock more pills. Pills that make some people crazy enough to do mass shootings. Some anti-depressants do make people not feel sad. Or feel anything at all, like remorse or guilt. Just like psychopaths feel no remorse or guilt, some of whom become serial killers.  

So think about that. Suppose for the sake of argument that we put every psychiatrist in the country in prison. One of the side effects of this is that mass shootings would stop happening.  

Now imagine this multiplied over the entire medical profession. From cancer treatments to diabetes to heart disease. Isn’t it odd that you can go to places like Indonesia and not find anyone with autoimmune disorders.  

RFK Jr is one of the few people who are thinking about how our medical institutions have caused these problems and how to fix them. He would make a fine head of the FDA, assuming he didn’t think the position is beneath him.

Rumor is that RFKjr is still undecided whether to just drop out, or drop out and endorse Trump. Shanahan reportedly wants to endorse Trump, but RFKjr's wife doesn't want him to endorse Trump.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Shanahan for one is extremely pissed at the DNC’s dirty tactics aimed at the Kennedy campaign.

RFKjr ought to be pissed too.  He has a shot at a cabinet position. But maybe he is pussy whipped. Time will tell.

Supposedly the talks with RFKjr include Trump, his son Don Jr, and Tucker Carlson.

Trump camp announces he will be joined by a "special guest" on Friday.

Map Shows States Where RFK Jr is On the Ballot. [Aug 13, 2024]
"... While Kennedy's campaign website says that he has access to the combined 503 electoral votes of 45 states, the election data-tracking website suggests he has not been confirmed to be on the ballot for every state he's finished petitioning in. Instead, 30 states that have received his petitions have not yet placed him on the ballot, meaning ****he could miss access in key swing states, such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.**** He most recently qualified to be on the ballot in Texas and his website says petitioning is still in progress in Arizona, Kentucky, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Wyoming. ..."
Because RFK is not on the ballot in several swing states he will not be changing the Harris - Trump split in those states. Unless voters in Wisconsin were planning to write-in RFK in lieu of voting for Trump. They can STILL write in RFK ... or Mickey Mouse or even Minnie Mouse.  He is on the ballot and could have been a factor in NV, MN (really?), MI, NC, and FL.  
RFK is NOT on the ballot in PA, OH, WI, or GA. (I'm flipping back and forth between maps and lists. Some maps aren't dated - Biden or Harris? Feel free to correct my lists.) (Is TX now a battleground state? RFK is on the ballot in TX and could be a factor there.)  
Gave up looking for a current electoral / battleground states map. Here's a blank map to fill in.

According to pollster Richard Baris, if RFKjr drops out without endorsing, 40% goes to Trump, 25% goes to Harris and the rest to other or not voting.  If RFKjr endorses Trump, Trump gets 60%.  Baris didn't break down what percentage goes to Harris in that case.

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