Politics and Religion

Re: dogs and cats
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 7 reads

It's a proxy for the larger issue of importing 20,000 people with a vastly different culture into a town of 50,000.

The woman who started it retracted her post, admitted she never personally saw or heard about anyone eating cats and dogs and says she's sorry for the trouble she caused. But naturally, Trump and Vance are doubling down on it.

The good news is a guy made a really awesome and funny video about this on youtube and all of his revenue is being donated to his local humane society!
Pay no mind to the Haitian children right now whose parents are keeping them home from school because of the death threats.  

All of them feature Trump's words and show dogs and cats rolling their eyes and doing all kinds of funny shit.
Trump is a laughing-stock.

It's a proxy for the larger issue of importing 20,000 people with a vastly different culture into a town of 50,000.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says the “bomb threats” being called into Springfield, Ohio are originating “overseas”

Do let’s see if the schools open tomorrow and they put that festival back on schedule.
If the school are still closed then he doesn’t  believe what he’s actually saying  
So now it’s Kinda like nothing to see here, carry on.. right?

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Fake bomb threats
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says the “bomb threats” being called into Springfield, Ohio are originating “overseas”
Ha ha ha the left wing media has figured out how to hide their tracks in the digital age.

Go spend some time there ick? Oh wait you would have to get out of the nursing home…and yeah that ain’t happening.

Beyond pet eating the Haitians can’t drive!

Even Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has defended the Haitians:
"I think it's unfortunate that this came up. Let me tell you what we do know, though. What we know is that the Haitians who are in Springfield are legal. They came to Springfield to work. Ohio is on the move, and Springfield has really made a great resurgence with a lot of companies coming in. These Haitians came in to work for these companies," DeWine said.
But you two boobs continue to repeat the lie that's already been retracted because you are slaves to our most corrupt President ever.

Does the DeWine family's Haiti work mean Haitians in Springfield really ARE eating dogs and cats?
Fester, I think a worm ate your brain.

You can't figure out why DeWine would defend something that HE was responsible for?  Really?

DeWine was responsible for helping LEGAL immigrants fill jobs in an Ohio town and pay taxes.
Oh, the horror.

I’ll even give you that but guess what icky those people either bring their extended family (through the wide open border) and then those people bring people and those people bring people and on and on and now we have illegals there and I’m sure some aren’t eating peoples pets but I bet a bunch are. What they ARE doing, is horrific damage (even killing a kid) with their very bad driving.  

When you import the 3rd world without it assimilating into our culture 🫤 things go bad. If Haitians started showing up in your nursing home you would be ther first to bitch!

How do YOU know any of them brought "their extended family?" Evidence?
How do YOU know "a bunch are" eating people's pets? Evidence?
You've got nothing.

...I see these illegals daily here in Chicago begging outside grocery stores and busy intersections. The truly make my stomach turn and I definitely enjoy throwing pennies in their direction LOL!

The CIA has a job waiting for you! You have a keen eye for something not knowable to anyone else on the planet!

When you're in line at, say a checkout counter and you hear people in front of you speaking Spanish or Chinese...what goes through your mind? Are you that guy who is, "This is America speak English"..or do you grind your teeth,clench your fist and just suck it up.  
Just curious...if you don't mind

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Curious BG. hombre to hombre...or man to man
When you're in line at, say a checkout counter and you hear people in front of you speaking Spanish or Chinese...what goes through your mind? Are you that guy who is, "This is America speak English"..or do you grind your teeth,clench your fist and just suck it up.  
 Just curious...if you don't mind
Was my grand mother (an Italian immigrant) a racisist when she raised my father and uncles saying your in America now you will speak English over Italian?

And too bad your granny didn't teach you how to write in English.
And your teachers didn't either.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Earth to Looooser: Italian isn't a race.
And too bad your granny didn't teach you how to write in English.  
 And your teachers didn't either.
Face it old man you are simply regurgitating party lies at this point.  

Debunked! Lies! But Trump! But Vance! You cry… “there’s  absolutely NO problems with throwing open the boarders!!! And anyone who says differently is blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!” 🤬

You idiots think you have some sort of victory here? You’re in love with a stinking rotting albatross around your neck. She’s a complete idiot your dumbass wants to install her in the White House as some savior… 🙄🙄🙄

Y O U R ERTDS, that your extremely weak mind allowed in from the koolaide millers is ruining your life. Just look around, as USGRANT said, you have torched every relationship you have ever had, well except nose nuzzling Jabba.  

PS, that, btw is straight up revolting 🤢🤮

Loooooser's anger has spilled over with his angry, mindless ravings. You are the one regurgitating lies. And you know it. So now you don't believe the Republican Gov. of Ohio and the Republican Mayor of Springfield. And it seems like you don't even believe J.D. Vance who basically admitted he was making shit up.
You are so far gone it's pathetic.
Combine that with your idiotic post about ABC with no specifics and no links and you are officially out to lunch.
But don't worry, I cleaned that one up for you.
You're welcome!

Your nonna was right, but that was then and this is now.  Back then America was a true melting pot -  people changed their names to sound more "American."  Actors anglicized their names - Dino Crocetti became Dean Martin.  Penny Marshall who played Laverne DeFazio on "Laverne & Shirley" was actually Italian - Penelope Masciarelli.  It's a lot different today - De Niro, Pacino and Leonardo Dicaprio didn't change their names.

There is a father and son who are NFL announcers - Ian Eagle and Noah Eagle.  "Eagle" is a weird last name, right?  That's because Ian's father changed his last name from the German "Adler" to the English translation - "Eagle."  Likewise, "Weiss" became "White" and "Schwartz" became "Black."

Today's immigrants have more pride in their heritage.  There are a lot of Persians in L.A.  They came in 1979 after the fall of the Shah.  They didn't change their long-ass last names which are difficult to pronounce and they also still give their kids Persian first names.

OTOH, Koreans have simple surnames - Kim, Lee, Park, Choi, etc.  But many have both Korean and English first names. The Korean name is used among the family and the English name to the general public.  

Do you understand now, you mezza fanook?

-- Modified on 9/17/2024 6:04:19 AM

You’re the angry one around here perpetuating lefty lies. It’s what you do… chug a lug the blue 🥶 goo then run here to spew 💦 💦 and boy oh boy can you swallow. 🤢🤮

I’m just pointing this fact out is all. 🤷🏻‍♂️

PS your perceptions are sooooo twisted you can’t see this fact.

Poisoned by the Red Goo. And doesn't even know it.
Loooooser is completely Lost, and hasn't a clue.
Are you trying to take over for The SPOAT? If so, your posts today are an excellent effort.
Otherwise, all they prove is you're a complete idiot.

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