Politics and Religion

Per 538, Joe is predicted to win every state you mentioned.
RespectfulRobert 16 reads

In addition to PA, albeit by very small numbers. What does this all mean? Total toss up but 538 certainly sees a path to victory for Joe.

But so many righties keep posting self-serving polls they deserve to have this one shoved up their asses.
Especially since it's from Faux News.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

It's usually Willy and then CKS fawns all over it. This is a Fox News poll showing movement towards Joe. Not a "liberal media" poll but a right wing outfit. Yes, it's just one poll but it is certainly a poll the Trump people will NOT  be touting.  My guess is Trump will be calling someone at Fox and ripping that person a new ahole. lol.

After Ryan called trump "Unfit" to hold office....that set off trump.
And now this poll...prepare for 3am tweets

Not like some here who salivate about polls 2-3 years out.
But there is a trend brewing. Biden is picking a little momentum  
But the debate will change all that… for the good or bad

I tried looking at the Fox poll that was published, but it’s behind a paywall. I wasn’t going to give them my email. I’ve never understood why anyone bothers with national polling for the Presidency since the only things that matters is the electoral math. The fact that the media publishes national polls at all, or at the very least say the only thing that matters is the electoral math is yet another demonstration of their irresponsibility and unprofessionalism.

RespectfulRobert12 reads

When I pointed out to you that Biden has gained FIVE POINTS in Michigan, which were STATE polls, you yawned. You are part of the cult and you are so predictable:
Polls that show Trump winning = significant!
Polls that show Joe winning = meaningless!

I told you what polling I was using. I can’t retroactively go back in time and using a polling website I wasn’t aware of. I outright said that Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota were all in play for either candidate. I’ve also said that from the polling I’ve seen Minnesota looks like it’s leaning more for Biden, Michigan is leaning more for Trump and Wisconsin is tied. Not based on the most recent polling, but what I’ve seen over time. I have always had the same position on national polling for the Presidency. It is meaningless. It tells you nothing. This is why I haven’t posted a single national poll between the two candidates. Go back and check if you like, I’ve always ignored national Presidential polls. In this race and in every other race. The only use for them that I can think of might be during the primaries in that it might help donors decide where to put their money. I was the one who introduced the electoral math polling here precisely because the media glosses over it.

RespectfulRobert11 reads

All the polling outfits in MI had Trump over 5 points ahead of Biden just a few months ago so it didn't matter what outfit you chose. Currently Michigan isnt "leaning" in either direction at it is a virtual, exact tie. Some have Trump up by 1 or 2, some have Joe up by 1 or 2. The only post Trump conviction poll RCP is showing has it at 48-48. The state is tied but Joe has all the momentum right now. Sorry if the facts are getting in your way again.

is when he's shuffling downhill.  Lol   Did you see the video last night of Biden taking five minutes to climb into an SUV?  Hilarious!!!!    

it turns out to have been doctored by righty smear-doctors.
And you still eat it up.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Every time a new video comes out of Joe stumbling around looking senile....
it turns out to have been doctored by righty smear-doctors.  
 And you still eat it up.
You bought that “they are all cheep fakes” line from the White House press secretary?

-- Modified on 6/20/2024 12:16:18 PM

Or is it that multiple polls have illuminated what people are already thinking? Any poll can be wrong, multiple polls better illustrate the overall average. Biden might be doing better because the Israel/Hama conflict might be hurting Biden less than it was. Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michigan have been all over the place this entire season. Biden could win all three states and still lose the election. If Trump wins any of them, I don’t see a viable path for Biden to win.

RespectfulRobert17 reads

In addition to PA, albeit by very small numbers. What does this all mean? Total toss up but 538 certainly sees a path to victory for Joe.

But this is the only scenario where I see it happening.  

This is why I say the following states are make or break for Biden.  

Maine, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota.  

Biden has to win all of them to win. Trump only has to win one of these states to win the election. Come election night if you see Pennsylvania go red, then you know the election is over.

RespectfulRobert14 reads

Maine is not on the list. Per the RCP, these are the current ones:
North Carolina  
One more thing, we wont find out about PA until very very late in the evening if not several days later.

Nevada is the most telling. Trump was up +13 in Nevada. Not a single poll has had Biden winning the state. The same is true for Arizona.  9 polls and Trump is ahead in Arizona in every one of them. Let’s look at Georgia. 6 polls since April. Trump is winning everyone of them, from +3 to +9. Let’s look at Georgia. 8 polls. Trump is winning all of them. +2 to +7. I don’t see Biden winning any of them. If Arizona is a swing state then by the same logic so is New Mexico. If Nevada is a swing state then so is Maine and New Hampshire.

The surveys from Emerson College and The Hill has trump edging out Biden in Nevada (46%-43%). Not close to the 13 pts he had in April.
If you're going by April polling then you should be concerned as Biden is chipping away at the leads trump once held in a multiple states.  
And the hotel union of Nevada elected its first woman president and she'll have her close to 260K members voting against trump.
And we're in June.

-- Modified on 6/20/2024 4:38:29 PM

Cheap fake = poor blue 🥶 gooo attempt to cover for Joe Joes really bad decline.

Trump leading in all states polled except Minnesota, where  Trump and Biden are tied.

New Emerson College Polling/The Hill state polls find former President Donald Trump with a slight edge on President Joe Biden in Arizona (47% to 43%), Georgia (45% to 41%), Wisconsin (47% to 44%) Nevada (46% to 43%),  Pennsylvania (47% to 45%), and Michigan (46% to 45%), while Biden splits with Trump in Minnesota (45% to 45%).
This dovetails with the recent Iowa poll showing Trump up by 18 points (He only beat Biden by 8 in 2020).
Key Points
-Trump leads Biden 50% to 32% among likely Iowa voters.

-Biden's approval rating among all Iowans has remained low at 28%.

-Iowans overwhelmingly believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

It’s been noted that if Trump is polling that high in Iowa, it doesn’t bode well for Biden in Wisconsin or Minnesota either.

Especially if you look at Nevada.....Willy was looking at April numbers and compared to Emerson polling...trumps number are shrinking.....just as I thought they would. But don't tell

The voters are familiar with both candidates. I doubt there’s going to be much movement in what people really think. What you get with multiple polls is not people changing their minds so much as you’re getting refinements in polling accuracy over averages. This is the same reason why scientists will do a meta analysis. You know biases can throw things off. Some biases can be identified, but many will be missed. You know a bias is there, you just don’t know what they are. So you average multiple studies together to try to have those biases cancel each other out. That is what I think is happening with the polls.

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