Politics and Religion

Obama rolls up his sleeves too!
holeydiver 113 Reviews 1777 reads

Obama does roll up his sleeves for the cameras at his rallies.  Like he's about to do some carpentry.  It would be hilarious to watch him try to hammer a nail.

jw_blue3039 reads

Obama made a stunning gaffe in his press conference Wednesday afternoon. Responding to McCain suspending his campaign to address the economic crisis, Obama said that if they [Congress] need me, they’ll call me.

Yes, Obama wants to continue with his campaigning and the upcoming debate rather than show leadership and fulfill his role as Senator. In what has to be the quote of the day, if not the election, Obama said:

“Apparently, this was something that, you know, he was more decisive about…”—Barack Obama speaking about John McCain action to stop campaigning.

Wow! There could be no further contrast in leadership between these two men. McCain rolls up his sleeves and says ‘let’s get something done.’ And Obama says ‘Call Me If You Need Me.’

digem-all3172 reads

Oh please....Clearly this is an of desperation and the mother of all campaign stunts.  Despite McCain's assertion that his "leadership" is needed to get the legislation passed....The deal is close to being done.  So really...this is leadership?  I don't think so.  it's political grandstanding the American public knows it.

Rep. Barney Frank said on Wednesday "We now have between House and Senate Democrats an agreement on what we think should be in the bill, and we have a meeting scheduled at 10 a.m. tomorrow to meet with the Republicans," said Frank, chairman of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee."

So it's clear...Obama has been on top the the situation being presidential while the McCain campaign is ....who the hell knows what they're doing.

McCain...to irresponsible to lead!

That is precisely the situation.  Anyone with some common sense and analytical skills can see thru this latest attempt to confuse and mislead the public.

For shame John McCain...get to the debate and let us hear how you plan to "lead", stop with these transparent theatrics.


How exactly is it clear that "Obama has been on top of the situation"?
Where is your support for that claim?
How exactly has Obama been on top of the situtation?
What leadership role has he taken in working out the details of this bill?
What has his involvement been?

had some weaselly  allies that were about to jump ship and demanded that he be there to show support for them.

Obama does roll up his sleeves for the cameras at his rallies.  Like he's about to do some carpentry.  It would be hilarious to watch him try to hammer a nail.

There are 98 senators who want to deal with this problem without the media circus that is the Presidential campaign.  Adding 1% (that is 1 out of 100) to the mental capital of the Senate is not a material difference.

jw_blue1308 reads

the republicans are not on board with this bailout. john mccain is going to capitol hill to convince the republicans to get on board before the asian markets open on sunday afternoon(EST).

do i have to spell it out for you guys? tsk tsk.

mccain is not backing out from the debates. he just wants it postponed. he wants something passed before the debates. he wants to put country first. just watch it on friday night....you'll see a toasted obama, just like what happened @ saddleback ranch. lol.

Because the New York Times is reporting the bailout deal is pretty much done between Democrats and Republicans.  

Thank goodness the guy who said "the fundamentals of our economy are sound" just over a week ago was able to bring the Republicans on board!

jw_blue2286 reads

Are you referring to the same New York Times that suggested that Sarah Palin's "special needs" baby is her daughter's??? Lol.

If the bailout deal pretty much done, how come GWB called both of 'em back to DC? If it's a done deal, how come no one from Congress are saying it? All they're saying is that "they're heading the right direction". what does that mean?

democrats always like putting spins to what mccain says. Spin it if you want. Americans are smart enough to cut through your BS.

Sorry JW, I'm saying the deal is done because places like the AP are quoting people like REPUBLICAN Senator Bob Bennet (from Utah) who said:

"I now expect that we will indeed have a plan that can pass the House, pass the Senate (and) be signed by the president"

Guess he's engaging in some pretty nasty Democratic spin, huh?

You don't get it buddy. This crisis has the potential to be far more devastating to our country than 9/11 was. Obama was elected to do a JOB, but he basically said that running for a better job title was more important than doing the job he was already elected to do. That speaks VOLUMES about his true leadership capacity.

Meanwhile, McCain, at the risk of his Presidential campaign - after all, what politician in their right mind just forgoes campaigning with less than two months to go before the election - put country first (gee, where'd he get that idea?) and suspended his campaign until this crisis is dealt with.

A REAL leader puts their own interests aside to deal with a crisis. This is what McCain did, and what Obama did ONLY after being called personally by the President.

Furhtermore, do not for one moment think that this bailout deal will not have far reaching implications. Congress is preparing to dump $700 BILLION into bailing out these institutions. Both candidates are running on big ticket programs that will require huge new spending packages. The details of this plan are going to have a huge impact on the plans they intend to implement if they win office. So where do you get the idea that these candidates do not have a stake in this bill??

Finally, do you realize that you just admitted your fealess hero has no power? Apparently he has nothing to contribute to this problem - adding Obama to the mix is not a "material difference" as you just stated - so why are you preparing to elect him to the highest office of the land??

Your own logic is utterly baffling.

GaGambler1074 reads

Nobody really cares whether Obama weighs in or not.

Listening to Obama debate Mckinnon while McCain acutually leads should convince all but the most rabid of libs who should be running this country, or more importantly, who should not be

pals are probably getting fucked in this deal. Even if he wins he will be fucked for at least a year into the new term. The republicans are cooking up a cauldron of weird economic malaise that will take at least 3-5 years to fix. Meanwhile the world is getting much more aggressive with Russian warships in South America, and almost all of Asia and Africa on the brink of chaos.

9-man1512 reads

I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised you fell for it.

Presidential campaigns went on during the Civil War and World War II. There's just no good reason for McCain to "suspend" his campaign, other than it's going badly and he's running out of money. Those are hardly leadership causes. If you noticed, Republicans didn't praise him about it. They had nothing to say.

Who's going to be the guy (or gal) to deal with this in three months? That's the most crucial question, so the campaign should go on. Once both McCain and Obama are there, what passes becomes a presidential campaign. It's quite possible that nothing will be passed if they are both there. McCain being there alone puts a wrench into the action.  

Moreover, Obama and McCain are in the Senate. This is an appropriations bill and it's in the House right now. They might discuss it with House members, but it's hardly going to be in their court.

As for the "so-called" gaffe. I don't know what's wrong with the statement. It was humble, mildly funny, a little bit of a cliche, so it wasn't so far out there. It probably meant that they will call him when it's in the Senate.

-- Modified on 9/26/2008 6:30:48 AM

Timbow1434 reads

So if Bush had not called Obama would the DEMS have neglected to call THE ONE :)

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