Politics and Religion

Obama HIRED racists.confused_smile
JackDunphy 224 reads

Where were you then? He appointed a racist to be one of his racial advisors. He hired one to be his Green jobs Czar.

But Trump is the one that has to denounce peeps he has never met??? LOL

Thank you for making my point crystal clear.

Liberals don't give a fuck about racists and homophobes unless they are R's and they make TONS of excuses for racism, anti-Semitism and hatred when they are libs.

See Keith Ellison as my latest example.

"As many people can relate, teenagers often get involved with individuals that influence their behaviors and not always for the better and I deeply regret having been influenced in such a way.
"That, however, does not excuse my actions and I am truly sorry for the pain and hurt my words caused, especially to members of the Jewish faith."

   Yeah Sure .. What a coincidence ...Blame it on Peer Pressure ..Sorry after Caught !!!


hotplants270 reads

can't be bothered to actually READ the links provided before making completely asinine responses, let me help you. Here are the  comments from this "red neck" teacher:  

"Several years ago, while still a teenager attending high school, I made some racist and anti-Semitic statements that I deeply regret and believe are not a reflection of the beliefs I hold today.  

Furthermore, these statements were made at a time when I was not strong in my faith nor do they reflect the family values of inclusivity and respect for all faiths that my parents have worked very hard to instill in us. As many people can relate, teenagers often get involved with individuals that influence their behaviors and not always for the better and I deeply regret having been influenced in such a way.

"That, however, does not excuse my actions and I am truly sorry for the pain and hurt my words caused, especially to members of the Jewish faith. As a Muslim American of Palestinian heritage, I am all too accustomed to being bullied and the target of hate speech so the fact that I made such statements is even more offensive because I should have known and acted with more compassion.  

Finally, even though these statements were made years prior to my employment at Children's Courtyard and I do not espouse such sentiments today, I take full responsibility for my past statements and respect the actions my employer took to address the concerns as a result."

hotplants203 reads

AND a Muslim American of Palestinian heritage, who likely took-on a shitload of hatred and bullying in a high school in Arlington TEX-ASS. Having gone to high school in TEX-ASS myself----I know very well what the atmosphere is like there.  

What she said was wrong. But, Teenagers say stupid shit all the time. And, she has offered a sincere apology for her past behavior.  

But, what is Trumps excuse? He is a grown-ass 70 yr old man, born into this world as a straight, white, ridiculously wealthy guy who has had the world laid out in front  of him. And, he makes racists, misogynistic, hateful comments that are completely out of bounds all the time---as the POTUS, no less---and, even after getting called on these comments, by the American public, I have yet to see him apologize for anything, even once.

bigguy30203 reads

The Trump supporters won't answer that question about their master.
They love and believe in his lies!

Posted By: hotplants
AND a Muslim American of Palestinian heritage, who likely took-on a shitload of hatred and bullying in a high school in Arlington TEX-ASS. Having gone to high school in TEX-ASS myself----I know very well what the atmosphere is like there.    
 What she said was wrong. But, Teenagers say stupid shit all the time. And, she has offered a sincere apology for her past behavior.  
 But, what is Trumps excuse? He is a grown-ass 70 yr old man, born into this world as a straight, white, ridiculously wealthy guy who has had the world laid out in front  of him. And, he makes racists, misogynistic, hateful comments that are completely out of bounds all the time---as the POTUS, no less---and, even after getting called on these comments, by the American public, I have yet to see him apologize for anything, even once.

...the Left EVER stands up to racists, misogynists and homophobes on the Left.  

Libs just don't seem to care when those hateful things come from Dem presidents, politicians, liberal elites, etc.

Your side has COMPLETELY lost the moral high ground on this issue plants.

hotplants242 reads

I'm commenting on this article--that was presented as, somehow, being about an anti-Semitic  "red neck" high school teacher that, in a actuality, is about an American Muslim of Palestinian heritage that got fired for comments she made, years ago, as  teenager in high school.  

And, really? Left wing progressives never stand-up to racists, misogynists and homophobes? Trump is not known for making terribly offensive comments? That's a pretty delusional and desperate. claim.

GaGambler291 reads

some of her tweets only go back to late 2014, technically "years ago" but in reality I have stuff in my freezer I bought that long ago. If I were to say at age 58 "I said that years ago, back when I was a teenager" that would have some meaning to it. When you are barely 21, claiming you said something "years ago, back when I was a teen ager" is almost meaningless.  

And, really? You left out a key word in your quote. Left wing progressives always stand up to racists, misogynists and homophobes, unless of course the person is a fellow lefty in which case its considered impossible that person could possibly be a racist, misogynist or homophobe and lefties do their utter best to sweep it under the rug.

HP, you really are off your game today, could it be the facts are simply not on your side this time?

hotplants194 reads

..the Left EVER stands up to racists, misogynists and homophobes on the Left.”  

So, the argument here being that people on the left NEVER stand up to racists, misogynists and homophobes---*if they’re on the left*?

This is a hugely hyperbolic generalization that simply cannot be supported in any factual way. Are there people on the left that are racists, misogynists and homophobes? Sure. Is it that case that no matter what someone says, that NOBODY on the left will EVER condemn them for it if they’re on the left? That’s absurd.  

And, really, what is this OP supposed to convey, anyway? Hey, maybe, as Quadd contends, this woman’s blood really is “flowing with hatred”. Whatever her true feelings are, she has issued an apology, and she’s been fired.  

So, again--my original question: If the idea here is if this woman should be taken to task for tweets she made in high school (and, no, it wasn’t that many years ago—but surely you’re not so old that you don’t remember that feelings about many things can change from the time you’re, say, 17, to when you’re in your early 20’s).

If she should be judged so harshly---what about Trump? Again, he’s a grown-ass man 70 yr old man, not a kid in HS---(certainly not a Palestinian kid in white redneck TX) and he should know better right? Seems he should be expected to have the balls to take responsibility for his words. I have never seen him apologize for anything. “Nope---didn’t say it---more fake news. SAD!”

If Quadd thinks it’s sooooooo terrible for this woman to have made anti-Semitic remarks, where is the outrage for T? Where is the outrage for T supporters going on rabid anti-Semitic Tweet rants?

And, what is this OP supposed to be about, anyway. And, are we supposed to believe that this woman’s motivation---as a confirmed anti-Semite!!!, and being Palestinian---is that’s she’s planning to kill us? What the fuck is the coded message supposed to be here? Are we supposed to be shocked that some person tweeted Anti-Semitic comments? Or, that, somehow, she’s a closet red neck? Or, is this supposed to be more “proof” of how non-white, non-Christians are dangerous?

Posted By: GaGambler
some of her tweets only go back to late 2014, technically "years ago" but in reality I have stuff in my freezer I bought that long ago. If I were to say at age 58 "I said that years ago, back when I was a teenager" that would have some meaning to it. When you are barely 21, claiming you said something "years ago, back when I was a teen ager" is almost meaningless.  
 And, really? You left out a key word in your quote. Left wing progressives always stand up to racists, misogynists and homophobes, unless of course the person is a fellow lefty in which case its considered impossible that person could possibly be a racist, misogynist or homophobe and lefties do their utter best to sweep it under the rug.  
 HP, you really are off your game today, could it be the facts are simply not on your side this time?

GaGambler294 reads

If she were a true "Texas red neck" IOW "white" the very same thing would have happened to her, as it should have.  

As for Trump supporters going on "rabid anti-Semitic Tweet rants" Yes it happens and yes they are taken to task for it every single day. But it's NOT Trump saying these things. If you think Trump should be held responsible for what some of his redneck followers tweet, where is your outrage over Obama attending Wright's church for decades or embracing the likes of Al Sharpton, two black men every bit as racist as any "Texas redneck"???

You want Quad to call out righties when they are racists, but I can't think of a single example of you EVER calling out a leftie for the very same thing. You seem to finally admit that it happens, so where is YOUR outrage when it does happen on your side of the aisle?

BTW, just for the record, I too am a "non white, non Christian" so that argument doesn't even come close to flying with me.

and lastly, while people do change from "17 to their early twenties" once again you are not just stretching, but you are mutilating the truth. Nancy Salem is now twenty one, several of the tweets of record were made in mid/late 2014, only 2 1/2 years ago, when she was still technically a teenage, but still a legal adult at least 18 years of age. Nice try at a false equivalent, but as much of a lie as when the MSM posted pics of Trayvon as a cute little preteen instead of a grown ass man standing almost six feet tall.

hotplants222 reads

make jokes about killing Jews before you would take him to task? Got it.  

And, yes, Trump absolutely should be held responsible for not speaking out, very clearly, and very forcefully---(without needing to be asked repeatedly) against the kinds of anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, mysoginistic comments made by his followers. Just because he is not making these kinds of comments, himself, when he does not separate himself from the hateful rhetoric flowing from his supporters, he is sending the signal that this kind of behavior is OK.  

He is the President. He is expected to LEAD. He doesn't get to fall back on the lame excuse that he can't be held responsible when, he quite obviously *is* aware of the nationalist, white supremacists beliefs of many of his supporters. When a President has to be badgered, repeatedly, to finally speak out against the rise in Anti-Semitic threats since his election, the message that he is reluctant to alienate a core supporter base is clear.  

When T fails to acknowledge the dramatic spike in hate crimes since he was elected, that silence is noticed. That failure, as the POTUS, is read as his reluctance to alienate  core of his supporter base.  

When he fails to offer any public condolences after a white T supporter kills people in a Mosque in Quebec, that failure, as the POTUS, is read as his reluctance to alienate that core supporter base.  

When he fails to mention or acknowledge a white redneck shooting two guys that he thought were middle eastern Muslims (and the white guy trying to protect them), in a bar in Kansas, that silence is read as a reluctance to alienate that same core supporter base.  

When T fails to publicly condemn the ~2.6 million anti-Semitic messages  posted on Twitter from August 2015 to July 2016. Of those, 19,253 were directed at journalists-----this silence reads as a reluctance to alienate a part of his core supporter base.  

OTOH, when he talks about "American carnage" in his inaugural address, or sends kelly out to peddle a story about a terrorist massacre that never happened, or strongly alludes, himself, to a terrorist attack in Sweden that never occurred, or talks about how terrorists are "pouring over the borders---with NO vetting", or repeatedly rails about FAKE NEWS! and calls the press an enemy of the American people, it's equally clear that he is speaking directly TO to his core supporter base, that he continuously feeds with fear and conspiracy theories.  

The presidents words matter.

GaGambler101 reads

Obama et al gets a completely free pass from you, while Trump is bashed day in and day out.

Obama sits in the church of a racist and Anti American like Jeremiah Wright for decades and not a peep out of the left. Obama brings perhaps an even bigger racist into the actual White House in the form of Al Sharpton and yet again nary a peep.  

How you can defend Obama while holding Trump to a completely different standard is beyond me. So do you EVER plan on answering the question about calling out racists from the left?

hotplants218 reads

And, on what issue, specifically, do you think I'm holding Obama to a different standard? You saying this is pretty peculiar since you really have no idea what I think about Obama. You can assume, correctly, that I liked him. It certainly does NOT mean I agreed with everything he did.  

For the record though, I was never crazy about Obamas association with Wright---or Al Sharpton. I've said this before. Then again, as I've also said before, while these guys had Obamas ear, Obama never installed either guy into any official capacity in the WH. We never had Wright or Sharpton appointed as chief strategist to the president. Obama never tried to place either of these guys into the National Security council---while simultaneously trying to remove military and intelligence personnel; had Obama done (or tried to do) something so astoundingly stupid, you can bet your ass I would have been opposed.  

And another thing I can tell you with absolute certainty---if Obama had EVER behaved, in ANY way even similar to the way T behaves, or said things similar, I would have been the first person condemning him. And, another bet----so would have many, many others---on left. Obama was hardly perfect, but T he is not.  

My loud condemnation of T is not about me 'being on the left'. This is hardly the first time in my life I've lived with a president with whom I disagreed. My opposition to T has everything to do with T being an unmitigated, conspiracy theory peddling, fear mongering, white nationalist' dog whistling, delusional, lying, narcissistic, un-self-aware, silver spoon entitled, ethically entangled, asshat who continues to blow kisses to the worst---yes most deplorable---segments of the US, because so many of these people, no matter how vile or dangerous they might be----adore him, feed his ego, and they really do believe his fear-laced xenophobic BS.  

GaGambler244 reads

I will concede Trump is not exactly a likeable person and he is guilty of "some" but not all of what you accuse him of, conspiracy theory is one accusation where I have zero desire to try to defend him.

But what you fail to realize is that "some" of what he is trying to do is vital to this country. Do you REALLY want to end up like Europe, completely overrun by people who not only have NO intention of ever assimilating, but who want to change our country and laws to suit them instead of the other way around? Can you really believe unfettered immigration by people who are more like invaders than immigrants is a good thing?

and while we are on the subject of anti-Semitism and the nation of Israel, how can there be any doubt that Trump is going to be a thousand times better friend to Israel than Obama who was the least friendly POTUS to Israel since Jimmy Carter and perhaps worse

hotplants201 reads

How the fuck would I know why any person supports trump—black, white, or otherwise? Maybe they hated HRC. Regardless, 8% of the black vote is hardly a badge to wear proudly.  

I understand the need for security at the borders. Just because I disagree with the way T is going about it does not mean I want the US “completely overrun by people who not only have NO intention of ever assimilating, but who want to change our country and laws to suit them instead of the other way around?”

What I WANT is fact driven policy making----not policy based on half-truths and the fear based xenophobic ranting of a man who, clearly, has a strong propensity towards Alex Jones style conspiracy nonsense.  

What I WANT is for the experts in intelligence agencies, and Homeland Security et al…to research facts upon which, THEN sound policies can then be crafted. What we have right now is exactly the opposite. T has come to a conclusion about the immediate danger of certain Muslim majority countries, and he clearly expects research to be forthcoming that will support his foregone conclusion. This is same kind shit that got us into IRAQ.  

All of this panicking about Muslims coming to the US to (1) kill us, and (2) institute Sharia law is not based on fact driven analysis. Where is DATA to support the assertion that Muslims who immigrate to the US will refuse to assimilate? And, what does that even mean?  

What I WANT is for the POTUS and his flying monkey KAC to stop making up incidents of terrorism, or claiming that terrorists and refugees are “pouring over the borders”---with no vetting---none! Terrorist acts are already horrific enough. If the actual facts support banning everyone from X countries, there is no need to create fantasy examples of terrorist attacks. So far, I have seen no such fact-based analysis. What I have seen is a preliminary report, leaked from Homeland security, that does NOT support Trumps assertion that his travel ban will actually do anything, of any substance, to “keep us safer” from terrorism.  

Let’s let the facts drive the policy---not the policy drive the facts.  

As far as Israel? Half of my family is Jewish, and even they can’t agree amongst themselves on this. As a Gentile---I’m staying out of this one and with any luck, the rest of us can keep putting up the Xmas tree without too much fuss....lol...

GaGambler242 reads

Just look at what is happening in Europe. You know the definition of insanity, doing something over and over expecting a different result. The EU has proven what happens when you allow an invasion of your country/s by under the guise of being refugees. The evidence is overwhelming that these people do NOT plan on ever assimilating.  

Now if you want to talk about the wall, well there is a place were we not only have "some" common ground, but a lot of it. I think the wall is an incredibly dumb idea and quite frankly I don't mind the country getting a bit "browner"  

As for Israel, I don't blame you for dodging that question. Trump is going to be a MUCH better friend to Israel that was Obama, but to be honest with you, I am not a huge fan of Israel, it's just that after all these decades, our interests have been so intertwined with those of Israel, it's probably impossible for us to ever shift gear where it comes to Israel.

BTW, don't let this faint praise go to your head, but this is one of the few actual conversations I have had on this board in months with a "loony lib" that was an actual discussion and not the usual tripe that passes for discussion that has flooded the board of late. Vey little name calling, complete and intelligible sentences and paragraphs, and a little thought put behind your arguments does make the discussion worth having, even if you are wrong on 90% of the issues. lol

I will throw you one last bone, I agree that the travel ban was poorly thought out, hastily enacted and does nothing to keep the country safer. I think it was done more as a symbolic gesture than anything else, sort of like when Obama would push for tougher gun laws for law abiding citizens in a knee jerk reaction to an attack where tougher gun laws would have had no effect on preventing the crime.

hotplants214 reads

Who’s wrong on 90% of the issues….lol…

If the evidence is overwhelming that people immigrating from majority Muslim countries do NOT plan on ever assimilating, then I would think it shouldn’t be too difficult to produce supporting data. We already have large communities of Muslims here in the US. How about talking to them instead of alienating them? There seems, to me, to be much more jumping to conclusions than actually trying to understand what’s really going on.  

With supporting data, I think Trump would find far less resistance to implementing policies that exclude so many people from entering the US.  Proposing to ban people, on a wholesale basis, from entire countries some deserves some thoughtful discussion, and needs to be based on facts. We should not be making policy in the US based on Trumps gut.

T could do himself a world of good by slowing down and actually talking to (not at) European leaders, and working WITH them, and sharing factual statistics to define policies surrounding immigrants and refugees that not only make sense, but will help protect citizens of all countries. T does himself no favors by continuing to froth his supporters into an immigrant/refugee hating frenzy, utilizing half-truths and lies. All that does is create more distrust on the part of people who can see what he’s doing (which is a LOT of us).

Ditto on having an actual discussion instead of a bar brawl. It’s rare here. But don’t get too used to it---it surely can’t last…..lol…

Trump Inc did NOT base the ban on his "gut" but used Obama Inc and congress as the arbiters of who were the most terrorist exporting countries on the planet. It was based on "supporting data."

Trump used the EXACT same 7 countries that Obama chose previously.

And please stop with the hyperbole. There is no "hatred" of immigrants or refugees. He hates ILLEGAL immigration, thinks it's unfair for people to jump the line who do it legally and wants the refugees to be more fully vetted. This is a bad thing???

Our own intel has confirmed that ISIS has and will most likely try again to enter countries with less than adequate vetting so I see no harm in reviewing the process and making the screening all that much more difficult for our enemies to penetrate it.

There are lots to not like about Trump, I will grant that, but there isn't any need to just make shit up about him.

But you cant claim Trump is using half-truths when you and other libs are doing the same thing to try to bring him down.

hotplants191 reads

"Trump used the EXACT same 7 countries that Obama chose previously" But again, you selectively pick facts you like and you ignore context. What Obama did in naming these 7 countries is different than what T did with his travel ban.  

But T didn't pick the countries...Obama did!!! As if that matters. Who the fuck cares who picked the countries, if there is no factual basis for a complete ban on every single person from one of these countries entering the US?  

And, of course there's no harm in reviewing the vetting process. And, ya know what? There is absolutely nothing stopping trump from doing this. Do it already. Quit wasting time---review the damned vetting process.  

There is no "hatred" of immigrants or refugees? Maybe you can explain that to the wife of the Indian guy who just got shot in Kansas.  

If you don't like the fake news story I linked, you can look-up your own. This is tiring.

It was YOU that said Trump came up with his policy from his "gut" and I argued that that was provably false, so you then moved the goal posts to say that what Obama did was "different." No shit.

You are making a point I am not arguing with. I never said they were the same. I merely pointed out that he based his policy on the previous's administration determination of what the most dangerous countries are, terrorist wise, and not simply conjured the policy out of his "gut."

This would be considerably less tiring if you would acknowledge your "facts" were incorrect re: your assertion in this matter.

Where were you then? He appointed a racist to be one of his racial advisors. He hired one to be his Green jobs Czar.

But Trump is the one that has to denounce peeps he has never met??? LOL

Thank you for making my point crystal clear.

Liberals don't give a fuck about racists and homophobes unless they are R's and they make TONS of excuses for racism, anti-Semitism and hatred when they are libs.

See Keith Ellison as my latest example.

hotplants181 reads

and, Obama didn't hire Ellison. Minnesota did.  

Hey, if you believe that "Liberals don't give a fuck about racists and homophobes unless they are R's and they make TONS of excuses for racism, anti-Semitism and hatred when they are libs" that is your prerogative.

Obama hired Sharpton to be his racial advisor, not Ellison.  

Funny you would conflate the two as both hate Jews.

I am sure you are working up your courage to speak out about both. ;)

hotplants137 reads

How many times do I have to say I was not crazy about Sharpton.  


Next thing she'll want entire audio posts of links with thorough explanations,
 so she can understand the message.  
   I'm not surprised she used age as an excuse.  
  I can agree with that in some cases but a few years is not a long time.  
   We're not talking about a thirteen year old teen.  
  The red neck teacher is a woman, not a child.  
  The way I'm reading her, she has extreme hate flowing in her veins against Jews.  
  The fact of the matter with the time frame, she was posting Hate against Jews a few years ago.
  I have no doubt Ignorant Nancy Salem would still be posting Hate if she hadn't been exposed.
   Is this story on Fake News CNN?  I'd wager not!  
  Here's more.  

hotplants178 reads

It's time for you to take an honest and unflinching look at the POTUS, and the ugly rock he's turned-over.

GaGambler253 reads

She's actually kind of hot.

As for her words, if she were a Jew tweeting hate speech about Muslims and advocating "kill some ragheads for me" she would have also been fired. Hatespeak by teachers really is not something we should tolerate and that should extend to the Hatespeak made by teachers in regard to POTUS. If a teacher were to say to her class "Obama is/was a racist" they would have been immediately terminated, however it  seems to be perfectly ok to call the current occupant of the White House a racist with complete impunity.

But back to Nancy, I'd do her, wouldn't you?

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