Politics and Religion

No one should get attacked regularly in the
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 197 reads

so called civilized society of the Super Power. That exactly is the deep rooted social disease we are infected with.

Ya, Ryan will be the darling of the radical far right, especially with his co-sponsoring of the Fetal Personhood bill, but I can imagine that's going to solidify Obama's advantage with women, and sway majority of independents his way, also. This bill is just one step to making abortions a crime. How many Americans want to do that?

GaGambler381 reads

become religious nut jobs.

I don't really know if I even give a fuck about the upcoming election, except of course for the hundreds of thousands of dollars Obama will cost me personally in the coming years, but I truly hate constantly finding my self on the same side as religious nut jobs that want to legislate THEIR brand of morality on the rest of us.

I MIGHT even make a throwaway vote this year, not that my vote really means anything anyhow. Maybe it's the hangover talking, but it simply boggles my mind that in a country of over 300 million people these two fuckwads are the best we can do.

followme358 reads

I do not think you nor I, will ever have before us our perfect candidate.

And your prefect candidate will not be mine and vice versa, however I think they would be close.

We must therefore do the best with what we have like it or not.
There is no doubt that Mitt will not be a great POTUS however there is also no doubt that Mitt will be 15 plus trillion times($) better than obama, who will surely go down as the worst POTUS ever.

Thank you
2012 = 28

GaGambler300 reads

Well according to Daffy at least. lol

but yeah, I'll go along with your entire post.

followme260 reads

Daffy makes as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Thank you
2012 = 28

Rutabaga_Baggins349 reads

The bill referred to by the ever irresponsible HuffPo as the "Let Woman Die" Act actually passed the House 251 to 172 with 15 Democrats supporting.

First, I am pro-choice.  I favor most legalized abortions, and I admit some of my political allies are on the other side.  However, we agree on most other issues.  If I were only to have allies with those who hold all my views, I would be alone.  Also, it is a very minor issue for me.  I am more concerned about 8.3% unemployment than whether Alabama tries to restrict abortions.   (This is introducition of where I am coming from, not the topic.)

That said, I have to say that although the media always says that anti-choice positions will be death of pols amoung women, it is not true that women are so strongly pro-choice as one would expect.

One of my moments of light came about 20 years ago when my SO did a phone bank for a pro-choice group in L.A. prior to the election.  Given a list of numbers to call in L.A., she was amazed at how many women were not locked into pro-choice.

I have often said that many Dems live in a bubble, and I say this because I lived in such a bubble. I never knew any pro-life. I didn't know any conservatives.  I didn't know any evangelicals or Orthodox Jews. Later I met more people, but at that time, everything I knew about them came throught the filter of the media.  Everyone one of my family was typical Jewish liberal. I lived in L.A. and most friends were teachers or entertainment or defense attorneys.  Pre-talk radio days, so NBC, CBS, NYT, LAT, ABC, ETC. There were not other outlets.

To hear my SO come back and say there were a lot of pro-life women was astounding.  

Later, I discovered that many women DO NOT favor abortion, and my assumptions were false.  to the extent that women are more liberal on abortion, that is closely tied to the fact that women tend to be Dems.  However, as an "independent" issue, women's support for those issues is not as great as one would think.


Posted By: mattradd
Ya, Ryan will be the darling of the radical far right, especially with his co-sponsoring of the Fetal Personhood bill, but I can imagine that's going to solidify Obama's advantage with women, and sway majority of independents his way, also. This bill is just one step to making abortions a crime. How many Americans want to do that?

that many conservatives make, by thinking that 'pro-choice' exactly equals 'pro-abortion'.  In many discussions I have had with women, most of them are not necessarily in favor of abortions so much as they are opposed to others (mostly conservative white men) legislating what their choices on the matter are.  That's what 'pro-choice' means; in simplest terms, don't force your views as to what is right or wrong on this issue on me!  This doesn't mean they automatically favor abortions, they just very strongly (and rightly in my view) feel that others' values on this matter should not be imposed on them.

It is all about personal choice and the having the right to do so. I completely agree with them. Every women will tell, abortion is not an easy decision to make. It has all sorts of impact a man ail never ever know in his lifetime so the right thing for men to do is, stay the hell away from the decision unless you are the Dad.

To me, it is modern version of abuse same as Islam curtailing women's right to think and act.

"I discovered that many women DO NOT favor abortion, and my assumptions were false."

I got to say [no shit] on that one, but I agree you don't know the other side if you don't talk to them.

Priapus53272 reads

The only Demographic that Romney/Ryan will carry & not alienate are conservative White Christians, who are the GOP's base.
Will Obama be able to get a majority of White Christian women ? Dunno, but it will be close.

Hell-----with Ryan "Mediscare", even the Seniors crowd, which looked like a Romney lock, is now up for grabs.

Women tend to be Dem, so the fact that he will carry them doesn't say much.  That misses my point, which was women are not as pro-choice as the media says.

Since you change the subject to Mediscare, Ryan's plan does not affect anyone currently over 55. That is Lie No. One.
Second, if the deficit overwhelms the economy, people will get two aspirin for cancer, because that is all they will be able to afford.
Third, the current system is not sustainable.  Those who won't change it, will destroy it.  Those who will reform it are the only ones who CAN save it..

Posted By: Priapus53
The only Demographic that Romney/Ryan will carry & not alienate are conservative White Christians, who are the GOP's base.
Will Obama be able to get a majority of White Christian women ? Dunno, but it will be close.

Hell-----with Ryan "Mediscare", even the Seniors crowd, which looked like a Romney lock, is now up for grabs.

Priapus53299 reads

& once older folks are informed of Ryan's plan ( most of them, along w/ general population, don't even know who the fuck he is ) they'll turn against him & Mitt.

Don't think AARP will mobilize millions of Seniors against this ? Guess again.

Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life. It's not even close. With a zygote having the same legal rights as you or I, that means a woman can not use certain forms of birth control, and it means, even women who want to carry the fetus to birth, but fail to, because of what someone else views as her negligence can be subject to legal action. And, anyone who treates her, as in her miscarriage, could be subject to legal action. The Republicans are so against trial lawyers, but if such laws are put in place, that will be a good field for our unemployed young people to go into, because they'll be plenty of business. My point is not about pro-life or choice, but rather, most women, pro-choice or life, don't want legal penalties being introduced into their reproductive lives.

GaGambler379 reads

If the anti abortionists were allowed to make their "perfect world" we would find ourselves in a "Christian nation" where sex outside of the purposes of procreation would be outlawed, birth control would be completely illegal and homosexuality would be a capital offense. Ok maybe I exaggerate "a little" but not as much as one might think

The same applies to "gun control" sure any reasonable person would agree that fully automatic weapons along with anti tank guns serve no valid purpose in a civilized civilian population, but when the oppositions stated goal is to outlaw all guns and their admitted policy is to chip away at gun rights until all guns are outlawed, is is really any wonder why the "gun nuts" dig in their heels and become just as unreasonable as their opposition.

Ok, now I have hopefully pissed off both the left and the right. and found myself agreeing with StMatt once again. Fuck, I need to start drinking again. lol

No one ever wanted to ban guns altogether. It is always about controlling who, where and how. I have absolutely no issue with responsible people owning guns for recreational purposes but why does one have to carry guns into a bar? or be allowed to carry gun into a work place, public parks, public roads, etc.

Living in peace and harmony is what civilizational progress is all about. When you have to have gun in your home to protect yourself, there is something terribly wrong.

GaGambler389 reads

You might be willing to put your life solely in the hands of law enforcement to protect you, but I know that violent crime in this world, and until someone figures out how to get rid of ALL guns, I will just keep mine TYVM

and it is the stated goal of many antigun groups to out law ALL firearms, and they plan on doing it one brick at a time.

Funny, I expected the outrage to come from the right, as I intentionally exaggerated a little bit where it comes to Christians legislating birth control, but only a little bit, there are still laws on the books outlawing such deviant behavior as getting a blow job between even a man and a woman, not to mention sodomy laws still on the books against gay sex.

If you have to carry to protect your life in a so called civilized society of a Super Power. What is wrong with that picture?

A philosophical question you wouldn’t engage. It is easy to feed the fodder than engaging in social philosophy.

GaGambler242 reads

this is not a philosophical  or hypothetical discussion, people are getting killed every single day, if you want me as a law abiding citizen to disarm, my reply to you is "disarm the criminals FIRST" and unless and until you can give me a satisfactory answer on how to do that, I plan on keeping my firearms.

Getting rid of everyone of the hundreds of millions of firearms that are out there is a pipe dream even bigger than shipping every illegal "back to where they came from" Regardless of how you stand on either issue, those are simply the facts of the matter.

I have talked to many of my fellow progressives, and hell, many of them think we should outlaw all "semi-autos", not that they even fucking know what that means. This would effectly ban all pistols. I guess if you don't like double action triggers, you're fucked.

We might as well ban Ipods and MP3 players, and make liberals clunk around with their old CDs. Ban frappacinos and tell the folks living in Seattle if they want a pick-me-up, go buy some burnt coffee at Denny's. You want an automatic transmission in that new Volt, bubbie? Go pound sand, and buy a truck with a manual transmission. Don't know how to drive stick? Go fuck yourself.

If you're handling a gun, you should be sober. Clubs know how to not sell booze to kids who are underaged, bars can not sell booze to people who are armed. Or the owner of the bar can forbid any firearms in the place.

What better place to bring a gun then to bring it to a public park?

Protecting yourself is your own responsibility. So is protecting those around you. You didn't have to worry about this when you were a kid and your parents protected you, but it's time to grow up kiddies. If you want to rely on luck to keep you safe, that's your right. It's also my right to be realist.  

-- Modified on 8/11/2012 9:56:50 PM

so called civilized society of the Super Power. That exactly is the deep rooted social disease we are infected with.

1) They won’t for Obama anyhow so they don’t count.

2) They are independent thinking so their views are crafted by someone else.

In every other democratic country, they debate real issues, economy, social issues, global issues and we discuss abortion, sex (who, how, when and how many times), religion, guns and crowd air waves by totally false information through media, ads, internet and yet to be invented technology to spread this rubbish.

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