Politics and Religion

Mushrooms grow much better in cowshit
GaGambler 1671 reads

Obama puts out enough shit to grow enough mushrooms to keep the whole country high. Of course they'd have to be high to vote in Obama.

So this wasn't some rant by Bill Maher, or a piece written by Bob Herbert, or Frank Rich of the NYT, or some Daily Kos blog post, but it's from a former McCain supporter.....

digem-all1466 reads

Unfortunately...he's right.  He's not even close to the man he used to be when he was running in 2000.  The Original Maverick is long dead and been replaced with the Karl Rove style politician. He's embraced the very politics that defeated him in 2000.  You can tell from his lies...his willingness to say and do anything to win.  

They way he runs his campaign is the way we can expect him to govern.  Look at what's happening with the Palin investigation in Alaska. McCain's campaign is working mightily to squash the investigation.  Where's the accountability. Palin herself said "Hold me Accountable"  It's G.W. Bush all over again.  Straight talk my ass.

Haven't we had enough of the last 8 years of our government deceiving us?

Vote for either one of them or anyone else on the ballot and when they are elected, its a different song..Has anyone noticed all the changing talking points from both candidates?

normalbean1411 reads

This isn't a rant either.  This lady was a member of the Democratic National Committee Platform Committee, and the biggest fundraiser for Hillary.

I was disgusted to hear her speak.  She basically called him an uppity ******.  The billionaire with a title thinks Obama is an elitist and Hillary is not.  Are you kidding me.  Hillary is far wealthier and far more "holier than thou."

-- Modified on 9/18/2008 10:20:16 AM

Timbow1336 reads

Lady Rothschild is a billionaire marrying into a banking fortune :)

I mean all five of them are elitists...Hillary,Obama, John and Cindy, and the Baroness.

Which elitist are you voting for?

anon11122451600 reads

You have an obsession with racism...what is your deal?  You are a one trick pony MRB.

-- Modified on 9/18/2008 12:43:35 PM

GaGambler1672 reads

Obama puts out enough shit to grow enough mushrooms to keep the whole country high. Of course they'd have to be high to vote in Obama.

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