Politics and Religion

Looooooser hates the truth.
inicky46 61 Reviews 11 reads




Subsection C, (3)

From the link  

“(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—

(1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);

(2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and

(3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.“

That is new and it’s some serious BULLSHIT that you Dems tried to slide in for the purpose of skewing the vote in the democrats favor!

Nobody checks ID so they wouldn't know who to prosecute in any event. If Biden wins and they retain Congress, illegals will be fast tracked to citizenship.

there is STILL no evidence of major voter fraud in the US or of any illegals voting.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: And yet...
there is STILL no evidence of major voter fraud in the US or of any illegals voting.  
Stop attempting to GAS LIHHTING us!

Voter fraud in Wisconsin and 380,000 images of votes missing in Georgia… 🤔

Who is this ass-clown anyway? Now riddle us this: Trump lackeys filed more than 60 suits about voter fraud. In NONE of them did the present any evidence. All were thrown out.
Stop retailing bullshit. And lying.

"That is what happened when Giuliani and Ellis (and others on the team) visited Rusty Bowers (hardcore Rep and Trump supporter), Speaker of the House in Arizona, on the days around December 1, 2020. Here is Bowers being interviewed on video:  
Skip to section 6, from 51:21 to 1:01:15 (Do you have 10 minutes to listen to hard right Republican Bowers?)
As reported by hard core Republican Rusty Bowers (see video), Giuliani's famous quote about rigged elections: "We have theories, but no proof."  
" http://www.huffpost.com/entry/true-the-vote-2000-ballot-mules-theory-evidence-court_n_65ce6a3be4b0f7fbe7b1e5fc
‘True The Vote’ Tells Judge It Doesn’t Have Evidence For ‘Ballot Mules’ Conspiracy Theory.
A court filing from the group is the latest acknowledgement that claims of widespread 2020 election fraud were baseless.
"The conspiracy theory-promoting group True the Vote says it has no evidence to back up its claims about widespread, systemic voter fraud during the 2020 elections. The group, which was heavily featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s viral documentary “2000 Mules,” claimed that ballot “mules” worked with a network of left-wing organizations to steal the election for Joe Biden. The film and its claims made a huge splash, and Donald Trump praised True the Vote for supposedly exposing “great election fraud.” ****But in responding to a subpoena for any evidence supporting those claims, the group came up empty-handed.**** ..."
"“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said in a statement to several outlets Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”
" “True the Vote made wild and false allegations as a fundraising grift that undermined public confidence in the integrity of Georgia’s elections,” Hassinger told HuffPost in an email Thursday. “Now that they’ve admitted to their con in court, they owe the voters of Georgia an apology.” "
"True the Vote’s filing is far from the first time high-profile election conspiracy theorists have said they do not have the evidence to back up their claims. . Just a few days ago, James O’Keefe and Project Veritas ― the struggling right-wing media outfit ― admitted that they weren’t aware of any evidence that election fraud had occurred at an Erie, Pennsylvania, post office during the 2020 election. The claim had originated with Richard Hopkins, a Trump supporter and mail carrier. The settlement in the lawsuit against O’Keefe, Project Veritas and Hopkins over the claim last week came more than three years after ****Hopkins recanted his allegation.**** ..." "
And we're still waiting for this to be rescheduled:
Trump cancels press conference on election fraud claims, citing attorneys’ advice.
"Former President Donald Trump now says he won’t be holding a news conference next week to unveil what he claims is new “evidence” of fraud in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election — even though no fraud has ever been substantiated — citing the advice of lawyers as he prepares to face trial in two criminal cases that stem from his election lies. ..."

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: I saw something about this.
Something about how one county in Georgia got caught double scanning ballots.

...my maid and my landscapers have told me as much. Look it's quite simple, if you want 20 million NEW illegals in our country the next four years Biden should get your vote. If you want secure borders and the deportation of illegals your choice must be President Trump. Really not that complicated...please vote accordingly this November.

It does NOT give an illegal non-citizen carte blanche to go to a polling place and say:
"Let me vote; I believe I am a citizen."

In order to vote, you have to be registered to vote.  When you fill out the form, you have to sign under penalty of perjury that you are a citizen and eligible to vote.  The form warns that making false statements is a crime.  Very few illegals will take the chance to vote illegally if they want to apply for a green card or citizenship someday.  It will come back to bite them in the ass.

If the non-citizen believes he can vote but he isn't registered to vote, his name will not be on the voter rolls.  If he tries to vote anyway, at most he will be given a provisional ballot which will then be checked to see if he's eligible to vote.  If it's determined that he was not eligible to vote he may be prosecuted for voter fraud.  

When someone gets tried for voter fraud, this law is used by a jury to decide whether or not his "belief" that he was eligible to vote was reasonable.  That will determine his innocence or guilt.

C'mon. LOSTSON, don't swallow internet bullshit and then puke it up on TER.  THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!
Your OP is bullshit.  The link is bullshit.  FIGURE IT OUT!!!  Otherwise, you come off looking like a dumb shit...like you do in this thread.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: You cite a CRIMINAL law used to PROSECUTE voter fraud...
It does NOT give an illegal non-citizen carte blanche to go to a polling place and say:  
 "Let me vote; I believe I am a citizen."  
 In order to vote, you have to be registered to vote.  When you fill out the form, you have to sign under penalty of perjury that you are a citizen and eligible to vote.  The form warns that making false statements is a crime.
Then WHY would this completely ridiculous provision be in the CFR?


Posted By: BigPapasan

 Very few illegals will take the chance to vote illegally if they want to apply for a green card or citizenship someday.  It will come back to bite them in the ass.  
 If the non-citizen believes he can vote but he isn't registered to vote, his name will not be on the voter rolls.  If he tries to vote anyway, at most he will be given a provisional ballot which will then be checked to see if he's eligible to vote.  If it's determined that he was not eligible to vote he may be prosecuted for voter fraud.    
 When someone gets tried for voter fraud, this law is used by a jury to decide whether or not his "belief" that he was eligible to vote was reasonable.  That will determine his innocence or guilt.  
 C'mon. LOSTSON, don't swallow internet bullshit and then puke it up on TER.  THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!  
 Your OP is bullshit.  The link is bullshit.  FIGURE IT OUT!!!  Otherwise, you come off looking like a dumb shit...like you do in this thread.

I'll tell you why you democrats will spend Millions of community organization to get these illegals registered to vote with Bullshit addresses and then you will stick a mail-in ballot in front of said illegal immigrant to get a vote that will then be dropped into a drop box by a mule.  

That's PART of how you assholes stole 2020!

There is ZERO evidence of this.

Posted By: LostSon
I'll tell you why you democrats will spend Millions of community organization to get these illegals registered to vote with Bullshit addresses and then you will stick a mail-in ballot in front of said illegal immigrant to get a vote that will then be dropped into a drop box by a mule.  
 That's PART of how you assholes stole 2020!
‘True The Vote’ Tells Judge It Doesn’t Have Evidence For ‘Ballot Mules’ *****Conspiracy Theory.*****
" http://www.huffpost.com/entry/true-the-vote-2000-ballot-mules-theory-evidence-court_n_65ce6a3be4b0f7fbe7b1e5fc
‘True The Vote’ Tells Judge It Doesn’t Have Evidence For ‘Ballot Mules’ Conspiracy Theory.
A court filing from the group is the latest acknowledgement that claims of widespread 2020 election fraud were baseless.
"The conspiracy theory-promoting group True the Vote says it has no evidence to back up its claims about widespread, systemic voter fraud during the 2020 elections. The group, which was heavily featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s viral documentary “2000 Mules,” claimed that ballot “mules” worked with a network of left-wing organizations to steal the election for Joe Biden. The film and its claims made a huge splash, and Donald Trump praised True the Vote for supposedly exposing “great election fraud.” ****But in responding to a subpoena for any evidence supporting those claims, the group came up empty-handed.**** ..."
"“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said in a statement to several outlets Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”
" “True the Vote made wild and false allegations as a fundraising grift that undermined public confidence in the integrity of Georgia’s elections,” Hassinger told HuffPost in an email Thursday. “Now that they’ve admitted to their con in court, they owe the voters of Georgia an apology.” "
"True the Vote’s filing is far from the first time high-profile election conspiracy theorists have said they do not have the evidence to back up their claims. . Just a few days ago, James O’Keefe and Project Veritas ― the struggling right-wing media outfit ― admitted that they weren’t aware of any evidence that election fraud had occurred at an Erie, Pennsylvania, post office during the 2020 election. The claim had originated with Richard Hopkins, a Trump supporter and mail carrier. The settlement in the lawsuit against O’Keefe, Project Veritas and Hopkins over the claim last week came more than three years after ****Hopkins recanted his allegation.**** ..." "

Twitch much icky?  

It’s quite amusing to watch you jump little puppet.  

Wanna know why it works? Your delusional narcisicum makes you think you are better than anyone else. Your constant use of the term “we” is an example. Btw, there isn’t a we on your side there’s a bunch of you, united by koolaide and the hatred it’s engendered. You know that term? “Birds of a feather?” Lefties are way worse about it.

I wasn't criticizing Loooooser's "Grammar." He didn't mis-spell anything. He simply confused "Seminole" (an Indian tribe) with "seminal," which means "containing or contributing the seeds of later development."
Looooser is so stupid he can't even properly correct his own mistakes. Calling him a Seminole is unfair to real Seminoles.
Yeah, Looooooser is some puppet master. NOT!
PS: I'm not "better than everyone else." I'm just LOTS better than YOU.

...that Dems stole 2020 because of mail-in ballots and drop boxes.  That's what happens when you don't THINK FOR YOURSELF and only get your news from right wing media.

It's time LostSon switches flavors of Kool-Aid so he doesn't keep saying:

LostSon - take a swig of this:
Donald Trump Is Now an Early Voting and Vote-By-Mail Evangelist
How Trump changed his stance on absentee and mail voting — which he used to blame for election fraud
Inside Trump's stunning flip-flop on early voting

Whatta ya think, LostSon, is Trump trying to "steal" 2024 like the Dems did in 2020?  ROFLMAO!!

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: LostSon - still chugging the GOP Kool-Aid...
...that Dems stole 2020 because of mail-in ballots and drop boxes.  That's what happens when you don't THINK FOR YOURSELF and only get your news from right wing media.  
 It's time LostSon switches flavors of Kool-Aid so he doesn't keep saying:  
 LostSon - take a swig of this:  
 Donald Trump Is Now an Early Voting and Vote-By-Mail Evangelist  
 How Trump changed his stance on absentee and mail voting — which he used to blame for election fraud  
 Inside Trump's stunning flip-flop on early voting  
 Whatta ya think, LostSon, is Trump trying to "steal" 2024 like the Dems did in 2020?  ROFLMAO!!
Fight fire with fire Jabba and you should never roll around on the floor! You will never get back up Fatty Arbuckle…

Don’t hate me Becuse I’m thin 🤣🤣🤣

-- Modified on 5/15/2024 11:35:06 PM

…and then saying you were going to “fight fire with fire.”
Where’s your fire?  Not even a little spark!


Seriously, LOSTSON, how stupid are you?  I’ll tell you -
you’re so dumb that you couldn’t come up with a cogent reply.  All you can do is say: “But…but…but…you’re fat!


Don’t hate me because I’m smart and you’re an idiot.  ROFLMAO!!!

Posted By: BigPapasan

 Don’t hate me because I’m smart and you’re an idiot.  ROFLMAO!!!
Your smart? LOL 🤣🤣😳  

Ohhhh ok 👍  

As for me hating you over your imagined intelligence? 🙄 Don’t worry about that 🥱

PS what did I tell you about getting stuck on the floor? Gravity ain’t your friend fat boy slim. 🤣🤣🤣

Now go find a treadmill Jabba 😆

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