Politics and Religion

Let me answer your q this way :
Priapus53 1514 reads

If the election were held today, I would NOT vote for BHO. If the economy were to improve 15 months hence, I might change my mind. I might vote for Romney then ; under NO circumstances would I vote for Perry.

I will agree that the debt & deficits are very important issues that need to be addressed, along with jobs & the economy.

Jesus, I wish I was kidding. You'd think this would be something that came out of the Onion, but nope. Can we say "overkill"?

The sad thing is that we could put every drug cartel on the Mexican border out of business tomorrow and raise a hell of a lot of tax revenue at the same time just by legalizing pot.

Jesus, please save us from your cowboy followers.

You can use Predator Drones for surveillance.  He didn't say they should be used to bomb Mexico. But if we imply something he didn't imply, if we add something to it, it becomes really easy to refute.

In fact, the use of Predators to conduct surveillance is  a pretty good idea.  People can sit in Colorado, and send drones up and down the border, locating quesionable behavior.

-- Modified on 8/16/2011 3:13:48 PM

Take a headline or thought and distort it so you can make a point.  It's called a "red herring," or a "straw man."  Too bad, because Perry really is a dick.  Sadly, so is Willy.  This is very disturbing because there are times (not today) when he seems almost rational.

Priapus531682 reads

If I'm not prying, if Perry were the GOP POTUS nominee, would you vote for him ?

I my heart, I truly believe that the current path will hurt the U.S. more than anything else.

Before he became president, Obama had said that the debt was not sustainable.  EVERYONE agrees. That is a universal.  Three years ago, Hillary said the amount of debt was a national security issue.  We will soon reach the stage where over 20% of all revenue will go to service the debt before one food stamp is given out, before one solidier is paid, before on senior gets an aspirin.

I see waste, waste, waste.  If you want examples, I will give a handful.
Briefly, they estimate 1/3 of food stamps are fraud.  There is a jail in Wisconsin where lots of inmates are on food stamps that are sent to their home.  And Obama wants to increase food stamps.

The Sec of Agriculture just said that increasing the number of people on food stamps is a form of stimulus, and that is not doing a "willie" and making up what he said.  He really said that.

A program with BILLIONS of waste, and they want to increase it when debt is a national security issue.

I am basically voting against anything that continues that policy.

Now, if I may ask you, would you vote to continue that?

Priapus531515 reads

If the election were held today, I would NOT vote for BHO. If the economy were to improve 15 months hence, I might change my mind. I might vote for Romney then ; under NO circumstances would I vote for Perry.

I will agree that the debt & deficits are very important issues that need to be addressed, along with jobs & the economy.

The things I don't like about him are pretty minor.  

I DID NOT like his religious gathering, and, as you may recall, I have been a defendere of religion. However, I did not feel comfortable with it.

On the other hand, I perceive that as a minor thing.  If the most religious person took office, there is really very little he would ACTUALLY do.  

On the other hand, I have a few friends who have moved from CA to TEX. And they are staying.

I was listening to Stephanie Miller this morning and she was saying that Perry's "success" in Texas was because that state is a big oil state.  So is CA. We have more oil here than you can shake a stick at, if that is what you do with oil.  Likewise, I think they have discovered millions of gallons of shale oil in NY.

In short, the fact that Texas has oil is pretty irrelevant.

Now, as I say, he is not my fav. But I am voting against.

(What I really want to do is put the election off until 2014 when Rubio will have more experience.  But that is not too likely.)

-- Modified on 8/16/2011 4:13:42 PM

I mean, who uses laugh and applause tracks?

Nevertheless, the greater point is IF oil production is the cause of jobs increases, what does that tell you about how we can generate private sector jobs? DUHHH, right? Developing our own energy resources here is in the TOP 5 things we should be doing. Instead of CUTTING deductions for new exploration, I'd consider INCREASING IT for the reason Stephanie the Clown pointed out.

SGTStrykerUSMC2179 reads

The only reason you're pissed is because the price of your blow habit will triple ! Well TFB !

have you ever met a stoner who makes his own booze who had a blow habit? You're retarded.

makes clear that Perry was talking about the use of drones for surveillance rather than to "bomb" the drug cartels.  

     And the surveillance drones are not even armed with missiles or laser guided bombs.

      Finally, the use of drones for border surveillance is hardly news even on this Board where I have posted about this on several occasions, most recently when the Senate approved 32 million for border patrol drones last summer.

First off he did say to use them as a weapons platform.

But he is advocating something the the Border Petrol is already doing.  They are using drones on both the Mexican and Canadian Borders.  You would think a Governor of Texas would know that.  Not much to see on the Canadian Border, but I guess its good practice.  

When has the GOP let the facts get in the way of a story!  Looks like Perry would be Bush III!

you said that Perry said he would use them "as a weapons platform."  Where did he say that?  It wasn't in the quote in the OP.

If they are using them already, what's the big deal.  

I am sure that when he goes to all 57 states and explains that we can just print more money because food stamps are the best stimulus, you will be singing a new song about facts.

And those millions of jobs "saved".... Like those are really well documented.  Like the jobs Obama created at the factory he visited at an average cost of 2 million per job.

Posted By: Makwa
First off he did say to use them as a weapons platform.

But he is advocating something the the Border Petrol is already doing.  They are using drones on both the Mexican and Canadian Borders.  You would think a Governor of Texas would know that.  Not much to see on the Canadian Border, but I guess its good practice.  

When has the GOP let the facts get in the way of a story!  Looks like Perry would be Bush III!

uroaajldby2709 reads

[url=http://autoseobacklinks.com ]backlink service [/url]

how so many people have already formed their opinion of Rick Perry.

Unless you lived in Texas, I find it highly doubtful that many Americans have actually heard him talk a lot or have read about his policy and his political beliefs.

I don't know much about him so I am withholding any ideas about him until I get the chance to see him and hear him.

But, of course, we live in a sound bite world, a political world that is very divided and very partisan.  So, that makes for the rather quick judgments assessed by many people.

h8drama1396 reads

That fact that your mindset let you jump to the incorrect and preposterous conclusion as you did after simply reading the headline.

I guess there was some confusion on my part on whether these drones would be armed (I didn't know they could be used to spy), but I was reading this on my phone on the commute home.

I came across this on the DU website, and judging from the comments, I'm not the only one who thought this was the case.


I linked to the politico website, from piece I read on this from the Huffington Post.


I did this because I try to use original source material whenever possible. I only glanced at the politico site.

Secondly, Perry mentioned needing to get Mexico's permission to use drones, which to me seemed to mean that they would need permission from Mexico to bomb the cartels. Would they need permission to spy on them? It seems that if you're going to spy on someone, the point is to not get permission first.

h8drama2432 reads

You've just demonstrated that dozens of other leftists also have a preposterous, incorrect and sad mindset.

I just saw a FOX News info-babe on Hannity claim Perry wants to kill illegal Mexicans. Sheesh.

it's amazing you didn't know that drones were originally developed as unarmed spy vehicles.  Only after they were in service for several years did someone realize they could be weaponized.  As for why we'd "need permission to spy" on Mexico, what's so hard to understand?  If you're going to be effective, you need to fly the drones over Mexican airspace.  Even if your intention is to use them mainly on the US side of the border, the liklihood of a drone violating Mexican airspace is huge.  Why would you piss off Mexico like that?  We aren't trying to spy on the Mexican government, after all.  We probably do spy on Mexico (hell, I'm sure we spy on everyone), but we're sure not going to do it by flying drones along the border.

-- Modified on 8/17/2011 8:08:42 AM

a rare occurrence on the P & R Board, and hope he was riding the Metro home and not posting while driving... Yikes.

He was busted.  Bad. Had he not fessed up he would have lost whatever shred of credibility he had left.  I say it's just damage control.

Mari, are you smoking out the same bong as Willy?

What is unfortunately NOT a rare occurence on P&R is Willy playing fast and loose with the facts. Let's face facts Mari, Willy is a baldfaced liar and only "apologizes" when caught.

Giving kudos to Willy for apologizing would be like giving kudos to ng for making outrageous posts, or tini for simply being an idiot.

error. He did not read his own link and apparently was unaware that drones could be used for surveillance. (So we know he's not reading my posts).

    He did not lie; he did not post in bad faith; he did not post just to stir things up. No different than when I posted that India was the largest Muslim country in the world and someone pointed out that India is not even majority Muslim. Opps.

     How many times have you seen anyone say "Yeah, I got that wrong?" So at the risk of having Zisk pop up again and castigate me for an irrational defense, I say he gets credit for that.

Willy doesn't make mistakes, he flat out fucking lies until caught, and then he makes the same lame excuse that he didn't read his own link close enough.

That kind of shit might fly once or twice, but Willy has been caught lying on too many occasions for any reasonable person to buy his excuse/s

How much would you like to wager that Zisk will agree with me on this one too? lol I doubt that even his fellow lefties like Pri or Nicky can find an argument to make in his favor either. You seem to be the only one who finds no fault in his continuous misreprentation of the facts.

in an effort to revive his crabbed argument on the TJ thread, so be careful what you wish for. His days of being a Model Poster are long gone.

    How much more refreshing it would have been had Zisk said "you know I had it wrong"instead of making a quacky argument like that.

      And I have zapped Willy many times for his erroneous posts - the difference is, this time he acknowledged his error.

Just like every other time he has been caught in a bald faced lie.

This is not the first time he has been caught lying, and this is also not the first time he has "admitted" to having made a "mistake".

Tell me Mari, when given a choice between admitting to having made a "mistake" or admitting to being a bald faced liar, is there really any honor in simply taking the easiest way out?

Error my ass, Willy just got caught lying AGAIN

Mari, please tell us how you "know" what was in Willy's alleged mind when he posted his incorrect drivel and did not even read the entire article he posted?

even the P & R Board detective could figured that one out.

     What are you suggesting? That he intentionally attempted to mislead the Board as to what Perry said, even though his own link rebutted this characterization? The only rational explanation for this one is that he was confused, he was rushed, and he just got it wrong -as he acknowledged.

      Now, at least until Zisk pops up like a sore hemorrhoid, that is my last post of the day defending Willy.

I assumed the same thing you did.  I would just never write that I "know" it to be true.  I think Willy is just sloppy, and when he sees something he thinks will prove his point he posts it without reading it carefully or critically.

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