Politics and Religion

Jeffypoo told a pack of lies about me right here on the board
GaGambler 501 reads

In return I told the truth about him, and if you read his responses to me, you'll see he admitted that what I said was the truth, as opposed to the lies that he, and you for that matter have told about me.

The posts are all still there for all to see, go ahead and try to prove I am a liar. You've been trying to catch me in a lie for years, here's your chance tough guy.

...a photo of willy in his undies.  If you don't want to know what he looks like, don't watch the video.  Big Backstabber strikes again!!

besides, everyone already knows what I look like.

GaGambler627 reads

along with everyone else on this board with the exception of Daffy and his new little lap dog.

...where I specifically labeled YOU a racist.  You can't of course, but Herr Goebbels would still be proud of you for perpetuating The Big Lie.

And I've called "everyone else on this board" a racist?  Really?  In the short time you went to college (if at all) you must have majored in lying with a minor in hyperbole.

I can prove what I say.  Here is a link to a search for every time I used the word "racist" on this board.  Stop talking out of your ass and prove what you say for once.  It's time people see you have no credibility, Drunky McBoozehound.

-- Modified on 9/21/2013 3:39:07 AM

St. Croix460 reads

because I want to see my name come up about a thousand times. Can you do that for me?

But I think we can get past that Backstabber. You know how much you hate alley cats? You know how much I hate raising the minimum wage? I know, you're thinking what is the correlation between alley cats and minimum wage? How about I buy a fast food restaurant, specifically one that backs up to an alley, specifically in an ethnic area. You know they have loose cats, dogs, chickens, roosters running loose all the time.  I hire you as my chief cook. You catch all the alley cats, stray dogs, stray chickens you can get your hands on, say a few prayers slit their throats (I know sounds a bit Jewish), cook them, and I pawn them off as chicken nuggets and burgers.

I'll make a shit load of money, and as a result I can increase the minimum wage for my employees, making willy really happy, except for his dead cat. Any ideas for the name of our restaurant?

Now call me an anti-semite again, because it's Saturday, and run to the Administrators to have this post remove, because that's what you do best.

-- Modified on 9/21/2013 8:43:16 AM

...because he's a gutless puke who knows he's a liar.

And you just divert attention because you have no proof of his lie either.  You really do resent your Jewess wife, don't you?  She raised your kids Jewish so they haven't accepted Jesus Christ and won't be saved and have eternal life. Sucks to be you.  You should've listened to your parents when they told you not to marry her.

St. Croix509 reads

There are unwritten rules in trash talking, just like in sports. You are the ONLY ONE on this board that has crossed the line multiple times by bringing in someone's family.

I realize this is the internet, and there are a lot of pathetic little bastards like you running their mouth off. But anytime you want to enter the "real" world, just let me know.

Now BigPapasan, you are NOT going to run to the Administrators to have this post, or the one where you went after my family removed. You are going to leave it up for everyone to read.

Do you understand me?

...You're trash talking 'family' too.  As long as you do that, you're fair game.

As far as the real world is concerned, I go to most of the Meet & Greets in L.A.  Why don't you come next time and bring GulpGulp with you.  I'll even wear a name tag.

GaGambler595 reads

I would love to give you a chance to talk all the trash you'd like to my face, just like that other gutless wonder Jeffypoo.

As for bird brain, while he is annoying, at least even he knows what lines not to cross, my jokes about meeting him at the top of the Stratosphere are just that, jokes. You OTOH don't seem to know where the internet ends and real life begins, maybe a lesson in "real world" consequence is just what you need.

...couldn't wait to get back on TER and tell everyone that you thought Jeff was old, a fat tub of lard, a coward and didn't pay for his drink.  You're very discreet, aren't you?  I'm just surprised you didn't post the license plate of his car.  Oh wait, you also posted that he didn't own a car.  

Anything else you'd like to gossip about Jeff?  What's his inseam?

-- Modified on 9/22/2013 6:50:26 PM

GaGambler502 reads

In return I told the truth about him, and if you read his responses to me, you'll see he admitted that what I said was the truth, as opposed to the lies that he, and you for that matter have told about me.

The posts are all still there for all to see, go ahead and try to prove I am a liar. You've been trying to catch me in a lie for years, here's your chance tough guy.

...you said I labeled you a racist.  I replied with a link to a search showing the number of times (19) I've used the word 'racist' in 12 tears of posts on this board.

None of them mentioned you.  Of course, you conveniently ignored my post and did not reply to it because you know YOU ARE A LIAR!!

GaGambler580 reads

and there are dozens of words synonymous with "racist" I have no inclination to research every post you have ever made to prove you are a race baiter, any more than I am going to go look for proof that the sun came up this morning.

-- Modified on 9/23/2013 1:53:43 PM

Posts will remain - do not report these.

Maybe you can just refer back to this post when you decide to call each other racist.  It will save everyone some time

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