Politics and Religion

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 18 reads

It'll be interesting to see if Jack Smith does try to get Judge Cannon disqualified like he threatened to do, and to see if the appeal is successful.

Chances of this trial going forward before the election are pretty dim.

followme19 reads

Jack smith low life scum of the earth prosecutor has tampered with the evidence.
The judge had no choice.  

I wonder if Smith’s, evidence tampering, trial will start before Trump’s  


2024 = GOP

BTW greetings from Casablanca

The admission is that the FBI, not Smith himself as you broadly allege, may have inadvertently put some evidence out of order. Some, not all. How did this alter what evidence was there? That is not explained. So, like most right-wing, hand-wringing, this is probably much ado about nothing. And Smith himself is about as likely to be put on trial as Cannon is.
Oh, and I've been to Casablanca several times. It sucks. You have really shitty taste in vacation spots. Try Marrakech or Fez. Essaouria is nice, too.
You're welcome.

followme18 reads

If you actually believe that you are more naïve than I thought.  


BTW greetings from Easter Island

So interesting that you fixated on "may have inadvertently" and ignored everything else in my post. Now explain what it's just impossible for it to have been inadvertent? You can only believe it wasn't if you're a toxic, knee-jerk, right wing hack. And we already have ample evidence that's exactly what you are.
Step up and claim your prize.

followme18 reads

Like to think, as your masters told you to, it was inadvertent, then you are saying that the FBI, the world premier law enforcement agency whose agents are the best trained are incompetent.  

In ickypus the BACKSTABBING post puller we distrust

Let's go Brandon

BTW greetings from Hvammstangi

But we all know you're too big a pussy to take up the challenge because the most prominent backstabber here is probably YOU! Greetings from ??????
SwallowMeat at work.

followme18 reads

We both know that Admin. Does not entertain those kind of requests.  
In fact they frown on it and does not reply to them.  

So not taking you up on it is not being a pussy it is being smarter than you and not falling for or taking the bait.

That was not a challenge it was a whining little douche nozzle trying and failing to divert attention from his scumbag actions.  

You are a backstabbing scumbag, but you do entertain some of your ilk.

We certainly DO know that in the case of your recently-deceased right-wing but-buddy, TER DID comment (to his utter shame and disgrace). What we DON'T know is whether any member complained about him, though it certainly wasn't me. I don't complain about anyone, even YOU, SwallowMeat. Why? Because it's too much fun swatting you across this board.
At back-stabbing scupper trout we laugh.

followme20 reads

Is now calling me a back stabber.

Project much ickypus?

Yes you do. Because that is what you do. That is all you do, trying to deflect attention from the backstabbing scum you are.

You are grasping at straws.  

I eviscerate you and call you out for the scum you are

You to no avail try to hide the pain I inflict on you by (to use your favorite word) lying, and making  totally false accusations.

in backstabbing post pulling ickypus we distrust


But if he doesn't strut around telling us all what a badass he is, no one else will.
All he has is lies. Yes, lies. Not a single thing he's said about me has one scintilla of truth. And he knows it.
SwallowMeat HATES being called a liar. But that's exactly what he is. And he knows it..

followme17 reads

not patting myself on the back, I'm checking for knives.

That gif of you in your soviet uniform telling me to shut up is typical of you trying to  
take away my free speech just like your comrade jizzy the pinko did a week or so ago by trying to tell me to STFU.

Do continue making your false accusations, the more you do the more you prove yourself the low life scum you are

2024 = GOP

Anyone reading your prior post knows you were taking a bizarre victory lap and back-patting tour. It's so obvious you're just simply dumb to deny it.
And you are clearly no expert on Soviet uniforms. I don't know what that one is but I know what it isn't.
Also, I have no interest in taking away your "free speech." Because you clearly have no self-control in exercising it to spew lies, venom and stupidity. What would I want you to stop doing that? Are you really such a snowflake that you take literally every gif I put up???
That's a rhetorical question: you are indeed a snowflake, a MAGAte and a pusillanimous poltroon.
And yet, I am merciful. I hereby grant you your cherished Last Word.

followme17 reads

Steal my lines and phrases. This time it is giving me the last word, when we all  
know ickypus craves having the last word. It the most important thing in the world to icky. What a pathetic little scupper trout you are.

Now if in your little mind I was taking a victory lap you clearly and irrefutably admit you have been defeated and I agree with you on that. Only when defeated does a worthless glob of pus like you have to resort to backstabbing and other underhanded and nefarious tactics.

 You are so desperate to be relevant and you fail every time.


At ickypus the backstaber and post puller we laugh

The admission is that the FBI, not Smith himself as you broadly allege, may have inadvertently put some evidence out of order.
Mishandled evidence is mishandled evidence, whether it was intentional or not. Charges have been dismissed against defendants for errors much more minor than this one.  
But it wasn’t even the FBI, it was a working group under Jack Smith. Did Jack personally walk into an evidence room and mishandle the evidence? No. But lawyers working under him did. And that’s Jack’s responsibility. The buck stops with him.
A government “filter team” that dealt with the boxes once the FBI took them “was not focused on maintaining the sequence of documents within each box,” the special counsel’s office wrote in the filing.
I think we are due for another Imposter book report. This time a litany of all the different ways all the different cases against Trump seem to be imploding.

-- Modified on 5/9/2024 10:27:46 AM

than hack prosecutor Jack Smith failing to find a witness to testify that can link Trump directly to any of the indictment charges he brought against Trump.  If it weren't for the partisan judge in THAT case, the case would have been dismissed by now for lack of evidence.  

It'll be interesting to see if Jack Smith does try to get Judge Cannon disqualified like he threatened to do, and to see if the appeal is successful.

She's been criticized for many of her decisions and has also been slapped down on a couple by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the court that would hear such a request from Smith.

I don't understand all of the legal mumbo jumbo, but several legal commenters have pointed out that Cannon keeps issuing "paperless orders" which, apparently, are different than more official (more substantive) "court orders." Court orders (written on paper, I guess) can be appealed to the Circuit Court. "Paperless orders" are in a different category that are harder(?) more difficult(?) to appeal(?).  
One possible explanation I read was that "paperless orders" are administrative whereas other court orders are of legal substance. "Paperless order: I'm scheduling a hearing on the 3rd ... make that the 14th ... make that the 22nd ... make that the 30th ... make that never." is administrative(?) and of no legal substance(?). "Hereby ordered on a piece of paper: I am throwing out all Evidence #1 through Evidence #2683 because Trump is a former Pres who is above the law."  
Ages ago, in order to delay the case, Cannon agreed with Trump's request and she appointed a Special Master to review 1000s of documents. That went to the 11th Circuit who quickly (in court-time) slapped it down and cancelled the Special Master order.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I'd say Smith would have a pretty good shot at getting Cannon disqualified.
She's been criticized for many of her decisions and has also been slapped down on a couple by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the court that would hear such a request from Smith.
Let's get this documents case going!

Ages ago, in order to delay the case, Cannon agreed with Trump's request and she appointed a Special Master to review 1000s of documents. That went to the 11th Circuit who quickly (in court-time) slapped it down and cancelled the Special Master order.
If Smith had not appealed the Special Master order, there’s a good chance this evidentiary issue would not have become the show stopper that it seems to be now.

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