Politics and Religion

I've never seen that site robert.. I have to lolololololol.. eom
mrnogood 2200 reads


mrnogood2014 reads

The dragon has finally stood up!

China says the US has no right to “protect” Arab peoples, questioning “the sincerity and efficacy of US policy.

”The country’s top newspaper replied to Hillary Clinton after she called China’s and Russia’s veto of a UN Syrian resolution "despicable".
The People’s Daily commentary says, "The United States' motive in parading as a 'protector' of the Arab peoples is not difficult to imagine. The problem is what moral basis does it have for this patronizing and egotistical super-arrogance and self-confidence?"The newspaper recalls the US-led invasion of Iraq.
"Even now, violence continues unabated in Iraq, and ordinary people enjoy no security. This alone is enough for us to draw a huge question mark over the sincerity and efficacy of US policy."

Reporter: China voted against a draft resolution on Syria in the UN Security Council on Feb.4 and a resolution in the UN General Assembly on Feb. 17. How to interpret China's stance?

Qu Xing: The Chinese government's actions reflect the consistence of its policy. China believes that the international community should fully respect Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, as well as the independent choice of the Syrian people. It respects achievements reached by the parties to the political dialogue in Syria, and is not in favor of the implementation of a military intervention against Syria or the forced "regime change". It does not believe sanction will help solve the crisis.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to watch China really take a stand during the time Neptune (The sea dragon) rises in Pisces, infact it would probably surprise me more if the didn't.. America's hypocrisy on our foreign policy in the middle east is shocking! Ask yourself if their was an uprising here would our government not try to put it down? For our security? YES THEY WOULD! And also ask yourself what would happen if China and Russia showed up on our soil to "protect" you if our government tried to put the uprising down..

You are not the world police man! WAKE UP

mrnogood821 reads


With China and Russia in the middle east AND Africa it is big business, but not oil that sparks their interest in the middle east.. Instead it's contracting companies that help then build the middle east up to new world standards, and nuclear energy and medicine..

Russia and china have alot of projects in the middle east, and very few of them are oil based.. But I agree with you that our governments ALL  have  motives.. China only needs to import 32% of their oil, and most of that comes from russia and south america where China also has heavily invested http://www.google.com/search?q=china+gets+most+of+their+oil+from+russia&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

-- Modified on 2/27/2012 5:42:39 PM

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