Politics and Religion

innocent people
juliewantsu 308 reads

Do get hurt. :(

I hope he doesn't drink n drive. My friends don't.


...buy, buy, buy National Presto Industries (NPK).  Or sell it short - you're the expert.

GaGambler394 reads

Sorry, but I don't trade issues that don't trade at least 300-400, 000 shares a day. NPK trades less than 20,000 a day. just not liquid enough for me.

Thanks for the tip though, I guess.

Just out of curiosity, what prompted this post?

followme393 reads

Bigpapascum is being his usual back stabbing scumgag self.

The link showed pressure cookers and the bombs used in the Boston bombing yesterday are known as pressure cooker bombs, because they use pressure cookers.

Clearly his warped, sick, fucked up way of mocking the situation.


Thank you
2013 = 2

GaGambler427 reads

Thanks for the wake up. I think I better put a pot of coffee on to clear the cob webs.

Yeah, some really classy fucking people on this board, aren't there?

St. Croix369 reads

Imagine if I made a joke about an oven that comfortably seats 12 Jews, this piece of shit would brand me as an anti-semite. But to him, making a joke about the tragic and painful deaths and injuries just 48 hours ago is fair game.

Whatever happened to Jeffy-poo? He disappeared the same time that all the posts disappeared. I think you scared the shit out of him. Maybe we found the model for others.

-- Modified on 4/17/2013 8:03:35 AM

GaGambler348 reads

BTW did you bet against the Mets last night? Laffey didn't get the loss, but the Rockies did win 9-8 and a win is a win.

As for Jeffy-poo, I think he is taking a forced hiatus, hopefully a permanent one.

St. Croix418 reads

And I had the time to make the bet because I'm working from home this week.

Actually I've been playing the market a bit. I've been buying some volatility lately. I jumped in too early, but now I'm just a bit ahead. Cyprus, North Korea, bad jobs number, the unfortunate bombing in Boston, I honestly sometimes think this market is on Ambien.

No, I'm not touching any commodities today or tomorrow.

GaGambler402 reads

As long as you get on the right side of the trades that is.

It's probably a good thing a little air has been let out of the commodities market, probably a little over due. I am actually glad that oil has dropped a bit, I am in acquisition mode and valuations have been rather high. Not much has changed fundamently in oil, a little reduced demand, gold drops, the dollar gets stronger, so oil goes done. No biggy IMO, but it gives me a chance to find some value.

...drilling dry holes, then you spend your nights drilling dry hoes.  In fact, the only thing wet is your cirrhotic, pickled liver.

I certainly hope you don't drink and drive.  It's not your wretched life that concerns me, it's the other people who may get hurt.  It seems like innocent people always get killed but the drunk loser walks away without a scratch.

At the very least you would risk getting a DUI.  I've had a lot of experience with DUIs and I can assure you that it messes up your life.  In the immortal words of Back_in_Black: "b gd bro."

Do get hurt. :(

I hope he doesn't drink n drive. My friends don't.


GaGambler535 reads

not that I really care about your health, but since you probably take it up the ass from other guys as well, I would hate for you to be spreading potentially fatal diseases to other guys. Plus I am sure some of your "partners"  probably go both ways and I can only imagine how many people, both men and women could possibly be put at risk due to your irresponsible behavior.

So please, for the sake of the entire community, please put a cover on when fucking (or getting fucked by) your BFF.

GaGambler423 reads

Is this really the best you can do to defend your boyfriend?

Those type of idiotic remarks might have served to rile up the likes of MP67, but I find them rather boring and the syntax rather reminiscent  of  JeffyPoo. Please don't tell me that you have been sucking his old flaccid dick as well as Daffy's?

Come to think of it, it really is fitting. A fake lawyer impersonating a fake doctor. I am happy that you have finally found a couple of posters that you can finally relate to. I am sure your other boyfriend will be back soon and the three of you can have a nice little circle jerk together.

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