Politics and Religion

In that case . . . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1065 reads

let's out the Navy Seals in the Oval Office.

Bernake says we are about to fall off an economic cliff.  On every measurable scale this is the slowest economic "recovery" ever (Still Bush's Fault).  The price of gas is exploding and one of Obama's energy officials says it's good for the environment. He added more debt in a little over 3 years than Bush did in eight even though he promised to cut it in half. Obama's biggest "victory" is 8.2% unemployment   But as this board and the mainstream media knows the real news is whether or not women get free birth control pills or have to shell out the $30 themselves.

The savior is an abject failure and his disciples know it.  Keep changing the subject all you like.  It will get back around to him well before November.  

Priapus531117 reads

As evidenced by polls below.

& the GOP is pandering about this "contraception mess", OC, a recipe for driving away Women voters & electoral disaster.

Lastly, I hear conservatives saying in Nov. they'll either kill themselves or leave the country. I do hope, OC, that you pick 2nd option.
I hear Albania has lovely weather in the fall----------;)

My point is Obama has been getting a pass for the past year or so and it's a GOP bashing session every day.  They report the shitty news but make it like Obama is separate from it.

Priapus531035 reads

GOP are bashing themselves by morphing into far right 19th century theocratic white Christian Party & with their pitiful slate of POTUS candidates.

With this shaky economy, BHO was eminently beatable, but, GOP is blowing it big time for next election & elections to come.

I'm still waiting to hear a reason from anybody (including BHO) as to why he has earned  the right to be reelected.

Between you, followme and Mrnotrouble, I'm quite certain that I will not miss anything Obama has done to your displeasure. I think this is just your way of saying you're upset that not everyone agrees with you on every point, all the time!  Good luck with that!   ;

DA_Flex599 reads

Many times on this board. While far for perfect, I think it's surprising he's been as successful as he has dealing with an intransigent republican congress...racist tea-baggers and the crap that the previous Administration left behind.  Any objective fool can see that things are far better than what Bush left behind. Can you possibly imagine the mess we'd be in if McCain/Palin won.  Shudder the thought.

that are proclaimed to be PresidentObama's accomplishments, actually looks more like a list of his biggest failures and disappointments.

The list includes such things as:

The $787 billion stimulus bill that did absolute nothing to stimulate the economy

The massive Obamacare bill that had a few good things -- exclusion of pre-existing conditions, extended years for healthcare for kids just graduated from college, to name a couple -- but was littered and chock full of wasted expenses and issues that are bringing it to the Supreme Court.

The end of the Iraq War, which was an accomplishment but followed the calendar and plan established and set forth by his predecessor President Bush which means the credit does not belong solely to him

These are just a few of the many things that President Obama and his staff should be ashamed of bragging about as accomplishments.

I like President Obama as a person but let's just say that when OC referred to his Presidency as an "abject failure," he was being very generous.

I've resigned myself to the fact that the GOP doesn't have a viable candidate that can beat President DumbAss in November. Sad but true and I shutter to think what this liberal ass country is gonna look like when the next election rolls around in 2016. Things are going to hell in a hand basket very quickly and when things really bottom out, all the people who elected him AGAIN are gonna be standing around with their arms out and palms up saying, "What happened?"
Oh, and another thing. I predicted to some friends a couple of years ago that Obama is going to attempt a major, major, unprecedented power move in the next couple of years and when he does, I'll tell you all that you heard it here first! Wait and see what he's gonna do.

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