Politics and Religion

im sorry i missed your point and drifted , now not
Back_In_Black 300 reads

Familiar with Canada but what I'm saying is universal healthcare is doable , the funds are there . An independent outside committee should explore the options .  

Honestly this should have been done under Pres.Reagan as people were and are living longer .  

I'm going off again, our government is at a crossroad , people aren't happy , I don't agree with the rep. Of which I am one and truly believe we need 3 parties , similar to the English . Lobbyists have to much control over Washington and little gets done yet billions are wasted. I applaud Obama for making healthcare a major issue but feel when and if it fails it wont resurrect .  
Corporations have to much say and the motto to big to let fail is absurd , a threat to say the least .  
Also , the major issue is the crop of candidates for public office is a sad lot . No true leaders , remember when Reagan got elected ? People felt good to be Americans , know they're not . I travel abroad and were a joke . Not taken seriously , as long as this continues will all will suffer . Look at NYC mayoral race , an embarrassment .  Sorry for my rant but enough is enough .  



Posted By: dncphil
I agree there is waste to numerous to begin to list, but that doesn't address my point.    
 Also, you change the subject.  Insurance companies don't take anything that would fund health care.  That can be done with or without.  
 Ironically, countries like Canada now are going to a system where the State provides a defined minimum level of care and citizens have the option of buying medical insurance. I seem to remember that 25% of money spent on health care is private, not public.

...expansion under Obamacare.  This will give coverage to an additional 275,000 people in Ohio.


Did Kasich do this because he's such a nice guy with a big heart?  No, Kasich is bending over and taking it in the ass because he's been unpopular since his first year in office when voters overturned the collective bargaining law he championed.


Back_In_Black325 reads

Then he has 3 years to dump it !  

Smart business move and hell if he gets reelected too , why not grab those votes . Yup, smart guy !

Posted By: BigPapasan
...expansion under Obamacare.  This will give coverage to an additional 275,000 people in Ohio.


Did Kasich do this because he's such a nice guy with a big heart?  No, Kasich is bending over and taking it in the ass because he's been unpopular since his first year in office when voters overturned the collective bargaining law he championed.


a migration of people who can't get or afford health care in 'Red' States will be underway to 'Blue' or 'Obamacare' friendly States.  

  It could have a quantifiable effect on many things to come.

Back_In_Black387 reads

Cash for the the unions , votes for his poll numbers and doesn't care about the future. Yes , this is the problem going on in every city and state. And in regards to the term welfare state , we will end up with welfare states ! Crime ridden and broke .  

And the beat goes on !  

And then there's the fraud , that will take place , I mean always fraud under new systems .  Ridiculous !  



Posted By: RRO2610
a migration of people who can't get or afford health care in 'Red' States will be underway to 'Blue' or 'Obamacare' friendly States.  
   It could have a quantifiable effect on many things to come.    

Working people will NEED and demand affordable healthcare....Gee, that's a catchy phrase; maybe they should call it the Affordable Healthcare Act! Maybe AHCA for short? But I digress.

  When graduating students with High school diplomas to Doctorate degrees set out they're going to look for the best deal. That will subsequently draw business, and both equate to voters. New voters equate to the whole "Gerrymandered" 'Red' State voter formulas made irrelevant. And since politicians are the self serving, egomaniacal, greedy turds that they are guess where and by what policies they will seek their popularity.

  The phrase "Fly over State" is soon to take on a truly sobering meaning.  


Posted By: Back_In_Black
Cash for the the unions , votes for his poll numbers and doesn't care about the future. Yes , this is the problem going on in every city and state. And in regards to the term welfare state , we will end up with welfare states ! Crime ridden and broke .  
 And the beat goes on !  
 And then there's the fraud , that will take place , I mean always fraud under new systems .  Ridiculous !  
Posted By: RRO2610
a migration of people who can't get or afford health care in 'Red' States will be underway to 'Blue' or 'Obamacare' friendly States.    
    It could have a quantifiable effect on many things to come.    

Back_In_Black545 reads

Yes working people do 100% need healthcare , however the premiums are to high , expecting young people to pay will not happen . This is the biggest flaw in this system , also corporations like Walmart , and yes the fast food crins who don't offer coverage ! Look I don't write essays here but will sum up our system , any plan has loop holes and they are always taken advantage of !  

If the government wanted to the can offer health plans for the nation ! They don't want to .  

Posted By: RRO2610
 Working people will NEED and demand affordable healthcare....Gee, that's a catchy phrase; maybe they should call it the Affordable Healthcare Act! Maybe AHCA for short? But I digress.  
   When graduating students with High school diplomas to Doctorate degrees set out they're going to look for the best deal. That will subsequently draw business, and both equate to voters. New voters equate to the whole "Gerrymandered" 'Red' State voter formulas made irrelevant. And since politicians are the self serving, egomaniacal, greedy turds that they are guess where and by what policies they will seek their popularity.  
   The phrase "Fly over State" is soon to take on a truly sobering meaning.  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
Cash for the the unions , votes for his poll numbers and doesn't care about the future. Yes , this is the problem going on in every city and state. And in regards to the term welfare state , we will end up with welfare states ! Crime ridden and broke .    
  And the beat goes on !    
  And then there's the fraud , that will take place , I mean always fraud under new systems .  Ridiculous !    
Posted By: RRO2610
a migration of people who can't get or afford health care in 'Red' States will be underway to 'Blue' or 'Obamacare' friendly States.    
     It could have a quantifiable effect on many things to come.      

I had health insurance throughout my young adulthood. The irony here is I no longer have it due to the post 911/Patriot Act/banking-Wall Street melt-down and societal revolution.  

  There are many members of Romney's 47% that are "takers" only because they were unwittingly in the path of the "revolution".  

Try sticking your head outside the GOP "bubble" and see what's truly going on around you rather than giving yourself an aneurism over an opposing POV.

Posted By: Back_In_Black
Yes working people do 100% need healthcare , however the premiums are to high , expecting young people to pay will not happen . This is the biggest flaw in this system , also corporations like Walmart , and yes the fast food crins who don't offer coverage ! Look I don't write essays here but will sum up our system , any plan has loop holes and they are always taken advantage of !  
 If the government wanted to the can offer health plans for the nation ! They don't want to .  
Posted By: RRO2610
 Working people will NEED and demand affordable healthcare....Gee, that's a catchy phrase; maybe they should call it the Affordable Healthcare Act! Maybe AHCA for short? But I digress.  
    When graduating students with High school diplomas to Doctorate degrees set out they're going to look for the best deal. That will subsequently draw business, and both equate to voters. New voters equate to the whole "Gerrymandered" 'Red' State voter formulas made irrelevant. And since politicians are the self serving, egomaniacal, greedy turds that they are guess where and by what policies they will seek their popularity.  
    The phrase "Fly over State" is soon to take on a truly sobering meaning.    
Posted By: Back_In_Black
Cash for the the unions , votes for his poll numbers and doesn't care about the future. Yes , this is the problem going on in every city and state. And in regards to the term welfare state , we will end up with welfare states ! Crime ridden and broke .    
   And the beat goes on !    
   And then there's the fraud , that will take place , I mean always fraud under new systems .  Ridiculous !    
Posted By: RRO2610
a migration of people who can't get or afford health care in 'Red' States will be underway to 'Blue' or 'Obamacare' friendly States.      
      It could have a quantifiable effect on many things to come.      

Back_In_Black305 reads

And Americans can't get it ! Or get held accountable for hospital visits , my premium is a small fortune .  

Health care should be a #1 priority for Americans and its not . Obama missed his mark . His plan will fail .

salonpas431 reads

...........or public option. All Bought and paid for by the Insurance Industry.

Here are the Five DINO's, who killed the Public Option

Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT):
Voted NO on both amendments.
Argued the bills would not garner the 60 Senate votes necessary to avoid a filibuster.

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Voted NO on the Rockefeller amendment, YES on the Schumer amendment
Believes Republican support can best be achieved by dropping a public plan.
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE)
Voted NO on the Rockefeller amendment, YES on the Schumer amendment
Is open to multiple policy options

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Voted NO on both amendments
Believes North Dakota residents get short-changed with a Medicare-like public option

Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
Voted NO on both amendments
Argues that successful reform can be achieved without a public option

Posted By: RRO2610
But Kaiser and the Koch Bro's wouldn't hear of it.

salonpas320 reads

There ain't enough rope in the world to hang 'em all!

Posted By: RRO2610
Git a rope!  

Back_In_Black395 reads

I know some illegals who showed me their medical bills , I was floored . Medical , dental , they are treated by the same doctors that would see up and me yet the bills are made out different . Ex: Dr visit , me 250.00 insurance pays 75.00  + my co pay , illegal billed 45.00 ?  

Dental , kid who works at a place I go needed what I would pay 2000.00 for , he paid about 400.00 ? Its insane !
Emergency room visits ? Free !  
Car insurance , out of state plates , like 50.00 a month ? Okay , wtf is going on here ????? An retirees , packing bags in my super market  make ends meet.  No , its gotta stop ! And the notion that people can't be deported ?? Ludicrous .

And what's bankrupting cities ? Schools overcrowded with illegals in most major cities , its draining the local economies  these are the issues that need tone addressed . The government cannot just continued to print paper !!!  



Posted By: RRO2610
But Kaiser and the Koch Bro's wouldn't hear of it.

This is not an ethos; it just IS.

  I have a long-time friend who needed a costly colon cancer surgery 5 years ago. He paid "CASH" for the surgeon and the Loma Linda University Hospital team to perform a $40,000 (cash price) operation.
His subsequent 'check-up' appointments and tests normally cost him about $150(cash).

  A year ago my "friend" reached Social Security full benefits age. The same "check-up" and tests are now being billed out at $400+

 I don't have an answer for man's ceaseless avarice and pilfers whether individual or through self democratic governance. But having 99% of the populace either struggling with the runaway cost of healthcare, or fatalistically living day to day while in poorer health without it is as untenable as the famous "Let them eat cake" ethos.

If they are giving it, take it.

Years ago a conservative was asked why he accepted a program in his state when he initially opposed the program.  

He explained that if someone wanted to spent $100 million to mine green cheese on the moon, he would do anything to fight against the waste.  But if it passed and the were going to build the plant regardless of objections and the money was allocated, he would fight like hell to get it in his district.

If they are going to spend the money anyway, take it.

I am approaching Medical and can't wait to save the money on insurance that it will represent.  I think it would be better for society if they delayed it another year.  I would vote to delay it for everyone.  I would donate money to a campaign to delay it for everyone.  But if they are giving it at 65 to everyone else, I will take it

Back_In_Black416 reads
all the money for the waste programs in the past decade

Would have been enough seed money to finance healthcare !  

Then revamp medicare and medicaid , it really would be , or would gave been that simple .  

Also structure actual medical costs ! Fee by fee , and increase based on inflation .  

Isn't it amazing that with all the natural disasters , the insurance industry still out performs ? So its just a powerful lobby group ! That also gets government funds ! Its a joke , and we finance this mess .

Posted By: dncphil
Years ago a conservative was asked why he accepted a program in his state when he initially opposed the program.  
 He explained that if someone wanted to spent $100 million to mine green cheese on the moon, he would do anything to fight against the waste.  But if it passed and the were going to build the plant regardless of objections and the money was allocated, he would fight like hell to get it in his district.  
 If they are going to spend the money anyway, take it.  
 I am approaching Medical and can't wait to save the money on insurance that it will represent.  I think it would be better for society if they delayed it another year.  I would vote to delay it for everyone.  I would donate money to a campaign to delay it for everyone.  But if they are giving it at 65 to everyone else, I will take it.    

agree, but you missed my point

I agree there is waste to numerous to begin to list, but that doesn't address my point.  

Also, you change the subject.  Insurance companies don't take anything that would fund health care.  That can be done with or without.
Ironically, countries like Canada now are going to a system where the State provides a defined minimum level of care and citizens have the option of buying medical insurance. I seem to remember that 25% of money spent on health care is private, not public.

Back_In_Black301 reads

Familiar with Canada but what I'm saying is universal healthcare is doable , the funds are there . An independent outside committee should explore the options .  

Honestly this should have been done under Pres.Reagan as people were and are living longer .  

I'm going off again, our government is at a crossroad , people aren't happy , I don't agree with the rep. Of which I am one and truly believe we need 3 parties , similar to the English . Lobbyists have to much control over Washington and little gets done yet billions are wasted. I applaud Obama for making healthcare a major issue but feel when and if it fails it wont resurrect .  
Corporations have to much say and the motto to big to let fail is absurd , a threat to say the least .  
Also , the major issue is the crop of candidates for public office is a sad lot . No true leaders , remember when Reagan got elected ? People felt good to be Americans , know they're not . I travel abroad and were a joke . Not taken seriously , as long as this continues will all will suffer . Look at NYC mayoral race , an embarrassment .  Sorry for my rant but enough is enough .  




Posted By: dncphil
I agree there is waste to numerous to begin to list, but that doesn't address my point.    
 Also, you change the subject.  Insurance companies don't take anything that would fund health care.  That can be done with or without.  
 Ironically, countries like Canada now are going to a system where the State provides a defined minimum level of care and citizens have the option of buying medical insurance. I seem to remember that 25% of money spent on health care is private, not public.

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