Politics and Religion

If you really must know, I require you to...................teeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 639 reads

open your mouth wide. I'll show you what my solution looks like.  ROFL

While rest of the intelligent community is trying to undo the damages, the unknowing ones who are beyond TSTTT continue to think the earth isn't broke and that it's unchanging since its inception. They think that it can't possibly be disturbed by our creations.  

Climate change is real. Look at the observations, plots, charts, and it becomes pretty damn revealing. Once you are able to put two and two together, it spells out a clear message.  Rainforests are being cut down faster than we can grow. I haven't checked recently if they got to this problem yet but last I checked the rate at which they were being cut down spelled global doom going into 2100. This leads to depletion of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide. Same goes for emission. Why do you think there are emission testing for cars?  Why do you think ozone depleting gases are heavily regulated?  Water world, anyone?  

Sure, the earth will recover some day but only after the human race is gone. Probably from some nuclear war or famine or water shortage or both. But sure the earth will recover, after it eliminates the source that killed itself.  

Will we be smart enough to survive? Or will the TSTTT yet loud people try to dominate the course of our future? Climate change should really be considered common sense yet those who don't know jack shit tend to know it the loudest.  

As always, empty wagon rattles the loudest. :D  


It's also a good thing that some of the 5% have half a brain to make a difference for the better.

How you plan on stopping the use of fossil fuels? We d have to cut emissions 70% world wide to stop climate change. When China releases 42+% of co2 I want to hear how you stop them...  
       I ve said it before we are having very little effect on co2 emissions world wide, releasing more every yr despite trying to change. The truth is we can't stop it. We can't even start to slow it down. Scientists don't know what the end effect of global warming will be...  
      Trying to stop it now is very much like a dog chasing it's tail.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
It's also a good thing that some of the 5% have half a brain to make a difference for the better.

pointless to be asking me.  

But I agree that it's getting difficult to change, but they still need to try.  

They need a better managed world consortium that have the authority to enforce rules on those nations at a minimum.

The inevitable is coming and  (drum roll) Pimples will copy pastes the book of revelation right about now.

He's not talking about religion though. rofl

Wouldn't it make sense to USE the co2?  It's only been 6 or 7 years and some of the ideas are actually pretty viable.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
pointless to be asking me.  
 But I agree that it's getting difficult to change, but they still need to try.  
 They need a better managed world consortium that have the authority to enforce rules on those nations at a minimum.  
 The inevitable is coming and  (drum roll) Pimples will copy pastes the book of revelation right about now.  
 He's not talking about religion though. rofl

Emissions trading is if your power plant runs cleaner then federal standards you get an emissions credit for the amount that its below the limit. You take that credit and sell it to someone who can't meet emissions standards so they get your credits. At least that's what I understood of it but it's been 10yr or so since I've even looked anything up on it....

that's essentially it...you could also in some cases shut down a facility and then sell the emissions credits...but I don't think AB32 (California GHG Law) allows for that

that's it.....if the forecasts of disasters coming at 400 ppm CO2 are accurate then it is far too late to do anything...I find it hard to believe that things are fine at 350 ppm but a disaster at 400 ppm myself....

that was probably the only civvy breast you felt lol

I know you can post some more dumb shit so continue posting.  
TER wouldn't be fun without a village idiot. LMAO

Rainforests are being cut down faster than we can grow. I haven't checked recently if they got to this problem yet but last I checked the rate at which they were being cut down spelled global doom going into 2100.  
Then stop this and plant more trees.

This leads to depletion of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide. Same goes for emission. Why do you think there are emission testing for cars?  
Cars emissions are tested for smog emissions, and to a lesser degree CO (which of course can kill you)

Why do you think ozone depleting gases are heavily regulated?  
Same reason as car emissions

emissions testing only costs 15 dollars a year max.  
dmv gets paid more through registrations.

if the state wanted to make businesses more money,  they'll just require state inspections more frequently  so that garages can make some off after nit picking everything about the car and forcing the customer to fix unnecessary shit

Pimpathy634 reads

1. VEIP centers create jobs.

2. Repair orders create jobs.

3. Vehicle sales create jobs.


Do CC break?

so you really think that emissions testing is primarily  for income and less for the environment?  

I think you're very wrong.  It's primarily for the environment.  

I suppose guys like you would think that requirement for getting drivers license is for dmv to make money and less for identification and driver safety?  

get in touch with reality,  conspiracy boy

Pimpathy678 reads

... if the EIP is done for the environment why are older vehicles, which produce more emissions exempt?  

(varies by state)


Who said anything about a conspiracy?... it's a state run program.

Pimpathy737 reads

They act like the filter at the end of your Camel cigarette.  

Stop burning so much dirty fuel in your vehicle, you won't have to replace your cat as often, and you won't be putting as many vehicle emissions in the air. Mr. Climate "Science"

Interesting how you miss the whole point of the thread and cling on to my cat problem which I had 2 years ago.  I drive a new car now.  
I'm not the least bit concerned of the other car cuz I got rid of it.  

True genius at work,  pimp.

I'd guess the catalyst (platinum or other precious metal) in the CC got poisoned by either lead or sulfur...but on this subject CC's contribute to climate change!!!  One of the functions is to convert CO to CO2!!!

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 5:26:25 AM

Pimpathy731 reads

Posted By: Drunken Asian
While rest of the intelligent community is trying to undo the damages, the unknowing ones who are beyond TSTTT continue to think the earth isn't broke and that it's unchanging since its inception. They think that it can't possibly be disturbed by our creations.    
 Climate change is real. Look at the observations, plots, charts, and it becomes pretty damn revealing. Once you are able to put two and two together, it spells out a clear message.  Rainforests are being cut down faster than we can grow. I haven't checked recently if they got to this problem yet but last I checked the rate at which they were being cut down spelled global doom going into 2100. This leads to depletion of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide. Same goes for emission. Why do you think there are emission testing for cars?  Why do you think ozone depleting gases are heavily regulated?  Water world, anyone?  
 Sure, the earth will recover some day but only after the human race is gone. Probably from some nuclear war or famine or water shortage or both. But sure the earth will recover, after it eliminates the source that killed itself.  
 Will we be smart enough to survive? Or will the TSTTT yet loud people try to dominate the course of our future? Climate change should really be considered common sense yet those who don't know jack shit tend to know it the loudest.  
 As always, empty wagon rattles the loudest. :D  

JackDunphy698 reads

you can sure bet that the "debate is over" crowd is losing the argument and in a BIG way.

many world leaders are smart enough to know what's really going on.  the trouble is that there are people too stupid to put two and two together to make any sense out of the observations and data presented to them.

JackDunphy765 reads

First off, there are many "observations and data" that are contradictory about AGW.

And Lib world leaders talk a great game. But what do they actually DO? Nada. Nothing.

Gore keeps riding in his jet and then gets into a limo. C'mon, is that a serious man when he tells the world the planet is going to fry b/c of their C02 spewing as he is doing it???

What's that tell you? Tells me GW is bullshit. And the people in polls think so too. ;)

Your dumb ass uninformed opinion means nothing!

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 5:37:50 AM

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