Politics and Religion

I just like the word "stooge." It's funny.
inicky46 61 Reviews 10 reads

And you are my stooge. Should I call you Mo, Larry or Curley?

Jen Psaki Tries to white wash history about Joe Joe the Potato checking his watch (repeatedly) while the Marines were carrying bodies off the plane calling it misinformation.

Fuck you Joe Biden, FUCK YOU 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

And Jen Psaki can eat a dick!

EVERY Trump Press Secretary serially lied. Sean Spicer lied on his very first day about the size of the crowd at Trump's inauguration. And he kept on doing it. Sarah Huckabee lied continuously. Kayleigh McEnany famously told the press "I will never lie to you" and immediately BEGAN LYING.
Republicans are simply allergic to the truth.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: LostSon: "Fuck you Joe Biden, FUCK YOU 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻"...
Sounds like Biden fucked up this country?  
Yes Jabba he did, go take quick drive through LA or Hollywood and count homeless tents and then get back to us.

…that Psaki even LOOKS like a communist. The way she dresses and does her hair. Communist women all look the same. Meanwhile every time Kayleigh McEnany went out there it looked like a wrestling match where Kayleigh kept beating reporters with a steel chair. It was glorious to watch her expose their bias and unprofessionalism.

She always went before the press with a huge briefing book from which she simply read canned answers. And lies. She was a complete stooge.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: No, McEnany was a bad joke.
She always went before the press with a huge briefing book from which she simply kicked their asses. Especially that asshole Jim Acosta, 😂 he is a complete stooge.
What’s with your stooge obsession? Was that your fave show that you watched as a child in 1950?

And you are my stooge. Should I call you Mo, Larry or Curley?

a good-paying job on fox news and is already hosting some of their panel programs.  Psaki is struggling to find an audience on fake news.  The lies in this book will not help her.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Well, McEnany landed . . . .
a good-paying job on fox news and is already hosting some of their panel programs.  Psaki is struggling to find an audience on fake news.  The lies in this book will not help her.  
THIS… right here!

Bottom line is that Jen lied in her book. Biden did check his watch multiple times and the families’ righteous complaints about the behavior weren’t “misinformation”.

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