Politics and Religion

I emphatically agree!confused_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 736 reads

There is something rudimentarily wrong with “American” whoremongers being summarily censored on a political discussion board by European moderators.

  Give me Freeberty, or give me death!

Can individual people be moderated instead of everyone on the board. I am not moderated on Newbie, General Board or DC board, and I hate to see my posts just not appear right away after being posted only on this board.

If couple of people are pain in the ass, why should everyone have to suffer because of them...

Who is with me on this one?  

This should get bipartisan support...:D

...and quite frankly we've needed this board to be moderated for a long, long time.

Timbow805 reads

-- Modified on 5/12/2013 9:33:38 AM

even though  I played no role in any of those trash posts. Don't see the point of moderating the entire board just bc
Some prefer to use the board to insult others.

But I haven't experienced this myself.

It just seems  clear to me that the old status quo around here just wasn't working. Sadly, with a totally unmoderated board, the board ends up being owned by who ever wants to cause the most disruption. As much as I want a hands off approach to moderating this board, that's no longer workable.

There is something rudimentarily wrong with “American” whoremongers being summarily censored on a political discussion board by European moderators.

  Give me Freeberty, or give me death!

I'd stopped posting here until Laffy became unbearable.  Then I became one of the worst offenders.  Mainly, I see this board as a cesspool in which people -- even without Daffy -- can't debate in a civil way and no one's mind is ever changed.  Sound and fury signifying nothing.  So who cares?  Just gives me one more reason to stay away and find other ways to waste my time.
Now I must go and rearrange my sock drawer.

followme562 reads

Put the argyle ones on th etop or bottom?

Thank you
2013 = 28

followme578 reads

Washington DC, and every state capitol etc. is a cesspool, why not here too.

I do however see it much, much more civil when daffy is not here.
Even I am less caustic without him.

Thank You  
2013 = 28

Panthera12718 reads

I am against moderating this board. However some control had to be exercised. It was really bad when the petty shit got so far out of hand that nearly every thread was hijacked and devolved into spats. I accept my part in it but the blame goes to a number of us, some more then others.

I don't think the Euromods are too keen on having this board moderated either because I don't think they want the extra workload and having to figure out what is actually being said.

My suggestion would be for anyone who is moderated on this board to request to be unmoderated.

From my emails to TER requesting a week or so ago to be unmoderated here...the reply was that ALL posts are moderated from all posters.

I suggested that they eliminate that and just moderate the offenders...or ban them.  

The reply was..."We're going to continue using the moderation".

Oh well...gotta justify the hours somehow.

Posted By: Panthera12
I am against moderating this board. However some control had to be exercised. It was really bad when the petty shit got so far out of hand that nearly every thread was hijacked and devolved into spats. I accept my part in it but the blame goes to a number of us, some more then others.  

I don't think the Euromods are too keen on having this board moderated either because I don't think they want the extra workload and having to figure out what is actually being said.

My suggestion would be for anyone who is moderated on this board to request to be unmoderated.

with Laffy's posts, but not how he delivers it.

It is never good to moderate political posts. We all got our opinions. Never will agree 100% with each other. Can't suppress what one thinks/feels.

In all honesty, I came on to this board because of Laffy. Not good or bad. Just the entertainment value.

Yes I do think there should be more understanding here... but as far as anything I have posted, you guys have been nice to me even if you don't agree. So I guess I am more of an observe on the picking on.

Funny how no one is on a team. Some like to pretend they are. Nope. Every one has their own thoughts on how the world should be. Just don't let ego get in the way, as no one has the perfect answer.



it was an LA TIMES ARTICLE about a  USC study

"1 in 3 adults in parts of L.A. are in U.S. illegally, study finds "

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