Politics and Religion

I can't believe that people can't see through your ruse...
mattradd 40 Reviews 430 reads

and are still responding to your posts like you are to be treated seriously. I've had you on ignore for the past couple of weeks, but took you off and have read a few of your posts that past couple of days. You're going back on ignore!

-- Modified on 12/19/2012 9:29:47 AM

I'm not against regulations, I just can not recall where any regulation has had, it's desired effect.

*disclaimer* I have no right wing/conservative/republican, motives behind this post.

and are still responding to your posts like you are to be treated seriously. I've had you on ignore for the past couple of weeks, but took you off and have read a few of your posts that past couple of days. You're going back on ignore!

-- Modified on 12/19/2012 9:29:47 AM

Snowman39411 reads

but that would probably be because he is right and it pokes holes in your beliefs.

And, what exactly his Vern right about? And, specifically which of my beliefs are you talking about?

Not all regulations have their intended positive outcomes. However, are you saying there are no regulations which have their intended positive outcomes? And, why is Vern calling on just liberals to answer his question? Does that mean a conservative or an independent could not think of any positive benefits from any regulations. Here in L.A. we benefit from more rigorous building codes than say Turkey. So, when we have an earthquake the death toll is not nearly as devastating as it would be in a similarly populated area in Turkey. Of course that costs us. But, I think people in L.A. think overall the building code regulations are a positive not a negative outcome. See, that wasn't so hard! If you can't think of any on your own, just check some of the response on this thread!  ;)

AnotherPerspective335 reads

Your reality is as empty as your contentment .

RichardHeadIII509 reads

Your  contentment is as empty as your reality.

willy289422 reads

Regulations especially by the government will tends to make everything difficult !!!

the situation in connecticut had nothing to do with gun regulation.  this is about mental illness and not having the resources available to take care of these individuals.  government can regulate guns but this is just a symptom.  I am blessed that I never had a child suffering from the kind of mental illness that results in death of oneself and others; or this could have been my child with less resources available than the mother of the guy who murdered those children and teachers had.  there are more and govt regulations on gun control has NOTHING to do with preventing a person who is mentally challenged to refrain from killing others. People who are mentally incompetent and no one to care for them do not have medical resources available to them.  So-o-o they are forced on the streets to fend for themselves.  Alias..this occurrence will happen again whether gun are regulated,

I agree mental illness is a big part of the problem.
The question is, how do we keep guns out of the hands of the those suffering from mental illness?
Doing nothing is not an option!  If we don't do something we will have another mass shooting and more innocent lives will be lost!  

control types of guns and amount of bullets per person

as there is a place for suicide victim; there must be somewhere immediately that a parent can take a child who they fear could harm themselves or others: a place that could treat them and  they would be able to  
function in society.  Jail is not an option and no one would be turned down because they couldn't pay.  Parents have been dealing with this behavior of a child for years; and they have no where to turn to for help.  Our country needs to decide if we want to hospitalize them to make them better, drug them to make them harmless, or eliminate them.  the cost is great to address this and not sure if we have the money to do so.  Keeping guns out of the hands of persons that are a threat to themselves and others is addressing a symptom...not the cause.  Eventually, bigger decisions will have to be made if we plan to take care of the violence.  This only happens in America.  what does other Countries do that we don't:  the one thing that keeps on being alerted to is "how america glorifies violence against another human being and video games seem to enable this personality.

for a solution to a problem.  (apples to oranges)...God...if only it was that simple...

AnotherPerspective437 reads

A majority of repeat  DWI  offenders suffer from some form of psychiatric disorder , not including their alcoholism .  

Posted By: HannaAtlanta
for a solution to a problem.  (apples to oranges)...God...if only it was that simple...

While most people ignore turning red lights, the regulation that you stop at one cuts down on deaths, injuries and collisions.

There are persons who KNOW they will hurt someone, verbalize it, ask for help, and the buck stops there. and the people listening hope ,...can only hope that they won't act out...WTF!

We, as a nation are far more fearful of being constrained unfairly and without our consent, than we are of being assaulted by a mentally ill person.

you are so right.  But most americans want both....

of it as we want, and still have that svelte figure we had as a teenager!  ;) There's Yin, and there there's Yang! You can't ever mix them just like with oil and water. You can try, but sooner or later they separate out.

You just don’t see it. Look around with open eyes and open mind you will find it is working everywhere including when you turn on the heat or AC, when you go to the grocery store, you are assured you get food safe to eat, you are assured meat in the meat section did not come from sick cows, pigs or chicken, when you drive you people keeping to the right and pretty much follow traffic rules, when you go to Best Buy and Mobile Phone, it doesn’t blow up on your face, want more?

Actually,  there FDA assures nothing in regard to food safety; their inspectors use visual methods to "detect" products that "look" like the may be contaminated (as if you can see e-coli or salmonella). The fact is that food producers employ much more sophisticated detection regimens than the FDA employs or even requires. Why? Because, due to competition and free-market forces, it is in the manufacturers' best interest to ensure their products are safe. Otherwise, they would soon be out of business.

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