Politics and Religion

I came on over to this board to get away from this kind of crap!!!!angry_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 1193 reads

Get the hint!?!  ;)

Priapus533340 reads

I was gonna post this on GD board,but fuck it, you guys are much smarter than that group.

Without getting specific, I've seen several examples
of providers with beautful pics from different cities getting pages of sterling reviews from established hobbyists with multiple reviews, only to be later revealed that the pics are "bait & switch" & the providers are
"considerably less attractive" than their "fake pics" would suggest.

Since one of the primary features of TER is to steer hobbyists away from ROB's, this leaves me with two questions : WTF is going on & how prevalent IS this ?!

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 12:45:08 PM

Of course the reviews are rarely going to tell you the real critical information. You need look no further than Vegas where both the current dueling divas and the two ladies accused of keeping "deposits"  have great reviews.

      But Vegas is a particularly insular community and if you are known and trusted by the right people -gals and guys - you can get   the true information there.

Priapus531320 reads

when one gets to the "juicy details" section of the reviews from "established hobbyists", why do so many give sterling reviews, when clearly the providers are "less attractive"" than their bait & switch photos ?

Perhaps a rhetorical question. Of course, a hobbyist has the option of NOT writing a review.

Also I've seen this practice in other cities besides Vegas.

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 1:56:40 PM

all, you develop some degree of connection, and you like them, I think it is just human nature to err on the upper side of the attractiveness ledger.

   A friend of my mine opened a restaurant in the Outer Banks and when I dined there last week I told him the food was "really good."
Actually, it was average.

      Listen, there are more "model material" ladies in TER than on the runways of Paris. Most guys go by the composite scores. Not everyone can be Frank Rich or Sam Sifton. It's the difference between a professional reviewer and an amateur one.

...I could rant quite a bit about this, but I do think this is more general board material. But, what the hell, right?

One nice thing about the DC board is that there are a couple dedicated hobbyists who post scams and frauds religiously. This poor guy kept getting flack for this, but he's been vindicated more than once.

I've also learned that there's a few guys who will religiously post minis from agencies, and I suspect them to either be working with an agency, or they have an arrangement to leave positive reviews for reduced costs. I was even offered such an arrangement once from an agency, but needless to say, that's when I decided to dump agencies forever, and stick to well established independents.

There are moral aspects to this as well. If a provider can determine and control her own labor, then it's going to be less exploitative. Anything less is dangerously too close to rape in my book.

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 2:00:35 PM

Priapus531508 reads

Less so lately. I certainly agree that TER has plenty of beautiful "model material"

So, what motivates these hobbyists from "full disclosure" of B&S ? Fear obviously. Also, some of the reviewers don't have VIP & want to get their 15 days of VIP access. Lastly, SOME of them seem to have piss poor self-esteem, IMO.

And the reason I posted this here instead of GD is, with the exception of two egregious trolls ( & I'm not lumping mrnt with these previous 2 ), the group here is quite bright.

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 2:26:26 PM

Look if you're gonna continue to sling insults at everyone, especially me, i'm not gonna play anymore. lol

Priapus531917 reads

"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"----------"Hamlet"

-- Modified on 8/26/2011 7:39:59 PM

I have heard (second and first hand) of guys offering "good reviews" in exchanges for services, and vice versa - just depends which person in the equation is the "predator."
As well,
- fake reviews written as favors to or by girls about other girls they do not like
- fake reviews written by clients/staff of agencies to boost popularity of new girls
- reviews guys write to maintain VIP membership

The list goes on.

A smart reader can sift thru the bullshit, but it does get tedious I am sure.

Currently, I have a "No New Review" policy that has been in effect for awhile, so I don't really worry about it any more. I even left TER for awhile which taught me a lot about the "necessity" or lack there of reviews.

The best review is the call back the following week with a gentleman saying "I want to see you again. When are you available?"


Is it very difficult reading reading reviews of yourself?

Then again I was there, so it's like reading a memory.


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