Politics and Religion

I agree.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 732 reads

Laffy calling anyone stupid is the pot calling the kettle black. He's dumber than a rock, and more obnoxious than Rush Limbaugh at an oxycotin festival.

I'll leave him be until the election is over, but if he doesn't keep his word and scram after the election, I'm going to report his infractions on this board each and every time. The same goes for the other board trolls.

nuguy463731 reads

So Obama saved the auto industry?
They took OUR money, the $$ Obama gave them and now say what?

Let's give RR a chance to 'save' the industry??


In a P&R world of stupid, mis-informed, right-wing Kool-Ade drinkers, nu-ass is the most moronic.  Debating with him is an exercise in futility.

...I'm not trying to convince him of anything. Just to demoralize him enough by making him look stupid so that he doesn't post as often. :)

salonpas918 reads

............campaign. I spend a lot of time checking claims at poltifact.com and while they take both campaigns on, it seems that Romney gets a lot more "false" and "pants on fire" ratings than his opponent.

I highly recommend this website for impartial analysis of campaign claims. There research is outstanding!

Most likely,  somewhere in between lies the REAL TRUTH.


-- Modified on 10/26/2012 3:04:22 AM

Timbow765 reads

Quote :
Fiat majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.

Kinda like Laffy who in left wing world   (and honestly,  I have nothing against your believes,  if they are expressed with integrity and decency)   has nothing to say but  foul, nasty, unpleasant, disagreeable,  horrible, abominable,  offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening; disgraceful, appalling, shocking, sorry,  shameful, dishonorable, execrable, heinous, abhorrent, deplorable, monstrous, wicked, evil, iniquitous, nefarious, depraved, debased; contemptible, despicable, reprehensible  words.  God I hope your Willy when the race is over,  he is GONE.  He is a  disgrace to this board,  left or right.

Again JMHO

Laffy calling anyone stupid is the pot calling the kettle black. He's dumber than a rock, and more obnoxious than Rush Limbaugh at an oxycotin festival.

I'll leave him be until the election is over, but if he doesn't keep his word and scram after the election, I'm going to report his infractions on this board each and every time. The same goes for the other board trolls.

ChowderICantHearYou808 reads

with one link you clear up a misrepresentation and with the next you put forward a misrepresentation.

Romney has been gone from Bain for at least what, a decade?


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