Politics and Religion

Holy Crap! SwallowMeat is so transparent we can read the NY Post through him.
inicky46 61 Reviews 17 reads

First of all, he's RIGHT! I am HAPPY to point out how pathetic he is for spending any time at all to research our posting history. AND, what he also proved is MY point: he also overuses the phrase. So, guilty as charged.
Second, it's hilarious how he ALWAYS tries to inoculate himself against a rebuttal by predicting what someone will call him. Well, if the shoe fits.....
Keep parroting the same old tired shit. You have ZERO imagination and ZERO game. Just an endless supply lies, vitriol and bile. What a sad excuse for a human you are.

-- Modified on 7/29/2024 8:49:14 AM

followme262 reads

He stumbled and bumbled only a few times but it was a short speech (12 minutes).
Biden tried to not show it but he is still is and will be for a long time, very resentful at those who betrayed, stabbed him in the back and pummeled him into submission forcing him to cowardly cave in and end his campaign.

Other than that it almost rose to the level of inept.

2024 = Trump270+

Future Democrat Presidents will now know that they aren’t the leader of their own party. The party leadership is actually elsewhere. Future Democrat Presidents would be wise to find ways to remove them from power. Maybe order the Secret Service to guard them with their very best paraplegic agents.

durran42112 reads

He says, "border crossings are lower today, than when the previous administration left office"  

Oh that's rich! That's riiiiiiiiich!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But then again,  he didn't know what he was reading so......

If you hate a fact you just scream, "NO! It's not TRUE!"
You think if you yell a lie loud enough you'll make it true.
Sorry, reality doesn't work that way.

-- Modified on 7/25/2024 5:06:29 PM

meanwhile - head filthy maga traitor convict criminal felon rapist loser trump tried to hide top secret docs in the commode at traitor-la-go.  Filthy maga traitors are fully complicit traitors to the USA.  


followme16 reads

You far surpass the requirements of ultra-partisan hack.
Your seething anger, hate, vitriol far exceeds that of the squad or any other radical far left violent progressive militant group.

And always attributed to one who is weak, gullible, naïve, unable to think for himself, easily brain washed and manipulated into just screeching, yelling screaming in uncontrollable tantrums, and tirades what his masters tell him to say, as you are doing.

WOW~! All I'm doing is stating FACTS.  No anger here. I'm not the one defending and supporting the filthy maga vermin scum TRAITOR convicted felon criminal loser trump and has become a fully complicit traitor to the USA.  

Such a lame stupid idiotic response to just plain simple facts.

durran42111 reads

But Trump.......
........But Trump.........
...........Trump. 🙄

filthy maga fully complicit traitor vermin scum - super lame indeed.

It's especially humorous to see SwallowMeat criticizing anyone else for overheated language.
You'll have to try hard if you want to outdo him for vile, angry, vomitous spewings. I say go for it!

I know, right!  I've put several deals together today, making tens of thousands of dollars and simply point out the facts that filthy maga traitors are fully complicit traitors to the USA - in plain simple English and this loser thinks I'm 'seething' and enraged and 'triggered' because clueless morons defend and support a fucking TRAITOR to the USA.  What a loser.  I'll hop in the M5 cruise over the club for some 5* meal and call it a day soon.  Meanwhile this looser is going to continue to shit his pants over the next POTUS Kamala Harris who he hates because she's a powerful black woman that is 100x more successful than swallowmeet the loser. Likely a non-college grad super depressed that his life has turned out to be a shit show.

-- Modified on 7/25/2024 5:23:14 PM

followme13 reads

We have Walter-snowflakequeen-Mitty claiming he is wealthy and successful.

He says
“I've put several deals together today, making tens of thousands of dollars” translation …the welfare check arrived.
He is going to hop in the M5 translation …he has a free bus pass on the m5 bus route
Cruise to the club translation ……he is going to the soup kitchen.
For some 5* meal translation …tonight is rodent road kill stew night at the soup kitchen.  

If you have to, out of the blue, brag you made tens of thousands of dollars today….you didn’t  
Claim you own a BMW M5 you do not
Claim you are going to the club ( I assume you are trying to tell us you are a member of some sort of country club or the like) …..you are not.
Have a 5* meal …you did not.

The fact that you, out of nowhere try to make us think you are something you are not, have what you don’t, are better than everyone else means you are not. What it means is you are desperate, you are a complete and total fraud. that’s a FACT

Has sad and pathetic is it when someone has to make up wild shit about himself in an attempt to be relevant on an anonymous fuck board, you must lead a really sad pathetic lonely life.  

But here is the deal I challenge you to prove what you said to be true. Actual proof.
If you cannot prove it that is proof you are a lying fraud, who is desperately trying to be relevant and you failed.

If you are going to use comrade ickypus the gloat's  nick name for me at least spell it right you dumb, stupid, ignorant, illiterate, worthless, low life glob of pus.  Don’t lie and say it was a simple typo it was not. You are a worthless fuckup, desperately trying to be relevant and you failed.

Bahahhaaa!  The jealously is oozing out of the filthy maga traitor loser worse than traitor rudi's hair dye.  Yes, I have an M5. Yes, I belong to country clubs. Yes, I just had a petite filet mignon w/ asparagus, au gratin potatoes and a nice Pinot Noir for supper tonight.  Do I give a flying fuck if some filthy maga traitor loser believes me or not?  NO!  Bahahaaa!  I guarantee that I have more friends and acquaintances than you, loser as I run two totally separate very successful businesses and I have dinner with other millionaires regularly.  There's 330 of us just at my very exclusive club alone.  One that you will NEVER get to get into, play our course or even see the inside of.   My name is on trophies in two of the best golf courses on the planet.  What do you want as proof, dopey?  That my run flat tires only go about 12,000 miles before I spend $1,200 to replace them?  That I spent $10,000 on the extended warranty? And already used it for one of the interior mood lights that was out. That it has 560 HP and 562 Ft lb of torque?  Guess what? You're a fuck wad dumb shit ass wipe of a dick head and I don't give a flying fuck what some filthy maga traitor loser thinks.  LOOOSER.  Bahahhaaa!! Now, go fuck yourself as I'm going to go fuck three different hot K-girls this weekend - two of them as a duo together.  Dumb fuck filthy maga traitor loser.  Best you stick to being a dumb fuck lying loser on the politics board.  Waaaaay out of your league in the real world here. Shit for brains.  

-- Modified on 7/25/2024 11:53:50 PM

You'd think he'd be better at lying since he does so much of it. But simply putting "you don't" after someone's assertions is the height of feebleness.
It was so much fun triggering this snowflake and his pals while I was on a round-the-world trip a few months ago. I drove them into conniptions of lying denials that I was anywhere like Tahiti and Bora Bora.
They are so much fun. Keep it up.
PS: I had an M5 once. Now I'm shopping for a Maserati.  
Now watch them dance. LOL.

followme14 reads

You are so full of shit it is amazing. Just like the urine feces laden streets you wonder in the cities of the third world state of California.  

Jealous of you ……that’s funny……No I pity you  

Your desperate attempts of trying to be relevant and you are failing miserably.
Your attempts at falsely bragging about your pretend wealth shows you to be a very insecure person.  

I graciously and in good faith gave you a chance to prove all your claims and you failed. You asked what do I want as proof? Just a ploy to play victim and avoid the fact you cannot prove any of it because none of it is true. That is a plain and simple fact.

I see your cuddle buddy and fairy godmother is your white knight too. Did you give him a reach around for his support? You are now pinko pals.
It is not surprising you two found each other as you are both frauds and try to be relevant by lying about your pretend wealth, expensive possessions and self-proclaimed importance etc. you two do make a lovely couple,  just keep in mind he is a conformed back stabber.  

As for dancing it is you two who are dancing and this fits you two perfectly  

I look forward to more of you temper tantrums

His constant repetition of lame lines:
1) "You are an amusing little ne'er do well." This one is many years old.
2) "Reach around." Along with "fetching" this is one of SwallowMeat's homophobic obsessions. Most of us know he is heavily closeted.
3) stick around and he'll claim you have "Tongue-pounched" someone "in the fart box." He also likes to call his betters "scupper trout," among many other ancient phrases. He hasn't actually created any of them but relies on The Urban Dictionary for new ones when he's been called out too many times for repetitiveness.
He has no imagination whatsoever.
He's happy here because he's surrounded by his fellow MAGA-losers. Misery loves company.
Secretly he's a masochist because he craves the abuse he receives here.
He is a sad spectacle.

followme15 reads

and I’m deep under your skin when you have to constantly whine about the words/phrases I use and you say I have no game …project much.

But hey do not stop your sissy-ass whining, I love making you look the fool.  
Let’s take the term “reach around” you have used it more than I have, yet you lie.  



Now here we go.
Comrade ickypus the gloat……will now take the bait and  
Call me a stalker for looking up how many times he used the term
He will say that I have no life taking time to look it up.…when both searches took less than a minute total.  

 OK now since you have not figured it out. I keep using those phrases over and over again to bait you and make you whine and cry that I keep using the same old tires phrases. It really is fun controlling and manipulating you and you keep on falling for it.  

First of all, he's RIGHT! I am HAPPY to point out how pathetic he is for spending any time at all to research our posting history. AND, what he also proved is MY point: he also overuses the phrase. So, guilty as charged.
Second, it's hilarious how he ALWAYS tries to inoculate himself against a rebuttal by predicting what someone will call him. Well, if the shoe fits.....
Keep parroting the same old tired shit. You have ZERO imagination and ZERO game. Just an endless supply lies, vitriol and bile. What a sad excuse for a human you are.

-- Modified on 7/29/2024 8:49:14 AM

It's comical to watch the filthy maga traitor vermin scum melt down over someone else's good fortune. Trust me when I say this - living well is the best revenge.  And I do live well.  I'm about to head over to Huntington Beach for a romp with a hottie. Then DTLA tomorrow for a double romp with two sexy Kgirl hotties. Meanwhile - filthy maga traitor scum will be posting about how miserable the filthy maga traitor scum bucket lives are. enjoy. loser swollowmeet

Soon he'll call you a "twunt," one of his favorite terms from UD. He overused it to such an extent I shamed him into retiring it. But lately he's been trotting it out again. He just can't help himself.

followme24 reads

you forgot soy-boy forgot that too,  you cumb dunt

You really are a tough guy behind that key board
you shamed me into nothing you sissy-ass twunt  

At backstabbing post pulling ickypus the gloat we laugh

But I succeeded in triggering you AGAIN.
Gawd, SwallowMeat is SO easy to play.
He's my violin.

Hersh is confirming reports that Biden had a medical incident in Las Vegas in which initially they were going to take Biden to a hospital emergency room, but then decided to fly back to Delaware. Unknown issue, speculation is TIA stroke.
Hersh also says that on Sunday Obama called Biden and told him that if he didn't drop out if the race, Kamala had agreed to start 25th amendment proceedings.  
That's interesting because 25th is about remaining in office, not running for office. That would be a fraudulent use of the 25th -- making it an illegal coup.  Obama is not even an official of the government, yet he is making threats against the president. Obama should be tried for insurrection.

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