Politics and Religion

Here's you're answer! No!

if Alexis thought his job was in danger, due to defense budget cuts. Could that have been the motivating factor behind his actions

thought about shooting my own. My stripes came and went for sticking up for my own .  

My last tour could be made into a movie and almost made it to Saxby's office because I stuck behind a boot and wouldn't come off it.  

I've l known four now that did themselves and not one took others with them .  

That kid is a product of no discipline and 7th place awards.

I would say shooting up the office, due to a potential loss of income, is the irrational thing to do.

I was wondering if the debate to shut down government, could encourage an irrational person to act in an irrational way? Alexis had a mental health medical history, as many American's do.

about what's going on in the younger heads than they do. At least in the ones who go in that world .  

How many times in your service did you see some slacker try and Play the " I'm hearing voices game ". Dudes slam their arms and legs with doors trying to get out of float . One of the best things I ever saw a SGTMAJ do was tell a guy he was going to have a heck of time getting around on ship with that cast on his foot.  

PC killed accountability and killing accountability created these punks who shoot up a school .  

When we were kids you got in a fight at school got suspended and ended up being friends with the guy and smoking some ..... Together .

Personally I've never seen it, since I've never served in the armed forces. I'll have to revert back to memories of the cross dresser on MASH. In order to relate to what you are saying. I've seen people do the same thing in civi labor jobs.

Why would Alexis continue to play this part, in a DOD private sector job, what could he possibly gain from that

GaGambler722 reads

and this fucktard still had his, what a lame excuse.

I doubt if that's the reason, but could the loss or potential loss of a job, be a contributing factor

Too bad he didn't hear the voice of God or of his angels telling him to do good.
Instead he heard the voice of the enemy.  
An exorcism would have helped his tormented soul. In case he didn't have health insurance.

In my case I only hear the voice of my god mrnogood. WHAT? I can't talk to god? Only Presidents and televangelists can. See, that why some people go on rampages.  

Now if you would excuse me, I have a call. It might be god.

SocDegree711 reads

Of course it could. Fear is a psychological motivator for many actions/reactions.

Never condemn a man before you walk a mile in his shoes

GaGambler837 reads

and you are the one to talk, I see you doing a lot more than your share of condemning, AND painting with a pretty broad brush when doing so.

Does this statment ring a bell?

"People who cheat on spouses ALL deserve to be outed"

or have you walked that mile in the shoes of a cheating spouse yourself?

Well said! You don't need any special experience or empathy to understand what this asshole did was wrong. Killing people not in self defense is WRONG!

What disgusts me is how he slipped by all the "security checks." Makes real confident in our government. Oh, and just how the Hell did the NSA NOT know about the Americans in Al Shabab planning to shoot up the shopping mall in Nigeria?

We'd be just as secure if the agency ceased to exist.

This can't be good for people pushing the national background checks for gun purchases. They can't even screen defense contractors. The government needs to face reality and come to the realization government can't prevent every tragedy from happening.

SocDegree879 reads

Cheating is a result of cognitive reasoning. People capable of these sorts of crimes usually lack that if only temporarily. I can see your confusion though.

GaGambler829 reads

So are you saying that you are/were a cheating spouse yourself?

or perhaps that you thought about becoming a mass murderer/ess?

SocDegree699 reads

You clearly suffer from alexia. Probably due to your excessive alcohol consumption as other posters are highly aware of.

about your degree. Think in terms of a bomb. You have the detonator and then the explosive material. An event (external, interpersonal, intra-psychic) may act like  a detonator. However, his psychological make up, at the time of his choosing to gun down people, is more the issue. I wouldn't want to speculate on the former or later without much more information.

SocDegree784 reads

Like most of the people on this board. I believe in accountability if that helps any? Its very important to understand the under lying cause of these events than simply to dole out death penalties. Incarcerate and study. In this case an indepth background analysis must take place to understand why this happened. How the result, of that analysis, will be applicable to other cases is still in question.

Let me think about this some more I'm very busy right now

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