Politics and Religion

Good post. (eom)
BreakerMorant 1260 reads


Priapus536339 reads

great song.

& If a right-winger posts "Ballad of the Green Berets", would be SO predictable------LOL !

Any other song suggestions ?

What about Country Joe and the Fish's "Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die."  Some the guys I knew who were grunts over there used to sing it in their foxholes during fire-fights.
PS:  Willy, what is this first-person shit?  "one of Willy's favs!" LOL! It's cute, I'll admit, but please don't start referring to yourself with the "royal 'We.'"

...Willy was always a fan of Bob Dole's speeches. :)

dumba_boy826 reads

are going to shit your pants.....LOL

but my Viet-Nam era song is....


Blanket statements demonizing entire groups of people are always fun. Since President Obama is now Hitler, I guess us lib-tards should start referring to you reich wingers as subhumans.

One Tin Soldier from the movie Billy Jack.

Did you really expect anything else from me? :D

I used to play it on my guitar - that was when I could sing...

-- Modified on 5/31/2011 3:25:23 PM

Is it wrong for any American to like that song and its message, even libs??????

Priapus53998 reads

As I said, SO predictable.

Speaking of jingoism, I'm a big John Wayne fan ( which will surprise obtuse board righties ),
but, absolutely the worst JW film ( for that matter, worst Viet-Nam war film ) was "The Green Berets". Fucking awful !

-- Modified on 5/31/2011 3:50:54 PM

justifying it in any way.

All I am saying is what in the hell is wrong with any song that praises Americans who fight for our country?

That was the only point I was making.

But you refuse to read posts.  You just glance at who posts them and then post your pre-determined opinionated shit at them no matter what they say.

You have not made a single post of substance since your "celebrated" return.  But, that is certainly no surprise . . . .

I still tear up at "God Bless America" and "God Bless the USA" and "America the Beautiful" and the "Star Spangled Banner" and "This Land is Your Land" and many of the rest of that ilk.

So there.

Guess where that puts me? LOL

Although, Pri, before you stomp on me, I'll be the first to admit that sometimes war is necessary (our Revolutionary War comes to mind). Most of the time it isn't, but once in awhile it is. No, I'm not a fence-sitter; I'll go against war most of the time. But, I'm pragmatic about it; once in a great while it's necessary for freedom.

Happy now?

Priapus531041 reads

you're smarter than that.

Imperative that U.S. that entered WW2; same goes for the Korean war, for that matter.

After that, fuck it.

-- Modified on 5/31/2011 3:58:42 PM

everything else after the Korean with one caveat; I don't know enough about the Korean to make judgment for or against.

WW2 falls under the "once in a great while."

We put such a definite end to that. I can't help but wish we'd had such a clear-cut enemy when the planes attacked the Towers. Then the rest of this mess wouldn't have gone on so long. And maybe my son and son-in-law wouldn't have had to go over there.

And I think our future invasion of Papau New Guinea will eventually be seen as a good thing as well.

or another. But this one more so than any another.

-- Modified on 5/31/2011 4:26:32 PM

-- Modified on 5/31/2011 4:27:17 PM

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