Politics and Religion

God hates homos and others the same
Robertini 4 Reviews 1030 reads

I was kind of reading about the duck guy and whatever.
if you are part of celebrity just don't say anything stupid either way.  
You say god hates gays you get in trouble. You say god loves gays you also get in trouble.
You say there is no god to love or hate anybody. You get in trouble. But you should know that from the start.  

If I were gay I would say that god hates me and I'm going to hell. I'm not gay and i'm still saying it. But I'm nobody. I would say that in fun because I don't see no god.

Now whatever about that duck guy and the money they not make with their stupid program.
And the people who gets offended by the "god hates you" comments. Stop being so oversensitive...
are you gay or something?

In their shotgun approach to freedom of speech they miss the mark; that "Jindal [and you can insert Palin and Cruz], has a misguided notion about the First Amendment. While the Constitution covers free speech from government interference, private businesses are generally free to punish their employees for what they say."

A&E seems to have viewed such 'speech,' by an employee, being bad for business!   ;)

GaGambler852 reads

It's funny how you "open minded libs" only support freedom of Speech that you agree with.

It seems that you have confused Jindal's et al support of a fellow bible thumper as telling A&E  how to run their business. A&E canned Robertson because of a backlash from the most leftist PC crowd, which I see is just fine with you. JIndal, and the rest of the bible thumping crowd has simply come out in support of someone who thinks like them and is being punished for it.

Speaking strictly for myself, I think homosexuality is disgusting, but I support their right to an equal playing field, which includes the right to marry. I also support the KKK's right to march, even though most of them wish I would "go back to where I came from"

When you see Jindal et al, asking for government intervention in the firing of Robertson, then I will get on board with you, in the meantime you are just a PC liberal hypocrite IMO.

No, where did you see me say that he had no right to say what he did? Anyone who considers themselves a Christian is stuck with a dilemma. The essence of it is; why are there people who have an attraction to people the same sex as themselves, if God made that person, and supposedly, what ever God does he does perfectly. Well, for those who believe that, they must believe that homosexuality is a matter of choice, not biology. For those who believe in God, but don't require him to be the direct creator of everything and everyone, they can believe homosexuality is a matter of biology. However, both groups of believers must deal with the fact that there are Biblical references where God condemns homosexuality. Either way, I support them expressing their views in whatever context they may want to do so. However, just like personal prejudices, you can't legislate or regulate PC. Hence, A&E bowed to PC pressure, just as any business bows to the demands of their customers who threaten to or actually vote with their feet. The hypocrisy is not on my part, but on Jindal, Palin and Cruz who talk a lot about freedom, but then condemn others for exercising it. Those whom you view as being PC have just as much right to voice their views as did the duck hunter (whatever his name was). And, A&E has just as much right to fire his ass if they don't like taking the heat. Personally, I have no problem in what is said, but then again he doesn't work for me, and nothing he says affects me in the least.

P.S. You never got back to me regarding me being the biggest liar on the board after BP!  I'm still waiting for the basket loads of evidence! ;)

Freedom of speech is. I would call anyone a moron, if they were OFFENDED by what the man said.

1st, These are the man's observations.

2nd His observations, are weighed against his beliefs.

I've heard comedian Paul Mooney, say basically the same thing about blacks in the south.


Now back to the Freedom of speech in the work place. In this case, I think this would come down to contract negotiations, and who was Phil representing in the GQ interview.

All this publicity is a win-win for both The Robertson's and A&E...

No I wasn't offended...

What I do find interesting is. America's pro-gay stance, in relationship to Russia's anti-gay position.

My observation, this is conflictual propaganda between the two nations.

to the corporatocracy. But our 1st Amendment is obviously going too be more problematic.


I mean seriously, this country has gone so far downhill into Court Jester of the World territory we now have a national discussion on the opinions of a reality show personna who's biggest contribution to society is the invention of a duck call. And millions of idiots around the country watch this religiously? I watched three minutes recently at a friends home. Seriously? THIS is what mainstream America is watching?  
No wonder the Russians and Chinese are kicking sand in our faces, the Iranians are urinating in our soup kettles, and Al-Qu'aida has just declared victory in Iraq while announcing an alliance with Syrian rebels, who just foged allegiances with the United States.

So now we're in business with the guys who took down the twin towers.

But hey, forget this shit, what did phil robertson have to say about barbequing your mallard?

... and his employers have the right to fire him for cause. In this case Robertson's candid expressions of his opinions led to massive negative reactions, leading A&E to do what they did.

MY issues here have nothing to do with Robertsons opinions, but with the extemt of the news coverage about it. It drove political discussoon for what? three days now? And its not over yet. Remember, this is the same guy they've been pushing to run for Congress on the Tea Party ticket. 2014 is an election year.

I'm stocking up on popcorn.

But, don't forget the Kardashians!  ;)

GaGambler1240 reads

I don't believe for a minute that you actually sat through three whole minutes of Duck Dynasty. lmao

Are you still suffering any ill effects from the ordeal? I had to Google it to find out just what all the fuss was about.

FWIW, I support A&E for whatever business decision they make in regards to Robertson, but I completely disagree with Matt that it's improper for pols like Jindal to voice their disapproval. If A&E is making their decision based on "public outrage" from people that disagree with Robertson, it's only fair that the other side gets to put in their two cents as well. That is whats called free speech, I imagine Matt would be up in arms if a "pro gay rights" interview led to a firing by a show like the 700 club, and that he would welcome liberal pols speaking up on that person's behalf.

The first amendment is here to defend unpopular speech as well as popular speech. I am a much harsher critic of Bible Thumpers than Matt, but I am not calling for them to be muzzled like him. So I ask you, who's the hypocrite?

and really Doc, three whole minutes of Duck Dynasty? Did you lose a bet or something?

"I am a much harsher critic of Bible Thumpers than Matt, but I am not calling for them to be muzzled like him." Where did I say I support muzzling anyone. Read through my OP, and my response to you; show me! I support Jindal, Palin, Cruz, or anyone else who wants to support this Duck Dynasty guy, but not under the pretense of the 1st amendment.

You seem to have great difficulty in focusing so you end up speaking for me, and around me, and to others about me. Try communicating directly!   ;)

-- Modified on 12/19/2013 3:36:18 PM

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't believe for a minute that you actually sat through three whole minutes of Duck Dynasty. lmao

Are you still suffering any ill effects from the ordeal? I had to Google it to find out just what all the fuss was about.

really Doc, three whole minutes of Duck Dynasty? Did you lose a bet or something?

In fact there were two people actually watching the program, I was sitting in the same room talking with a third when I realized I was starting to hemorrhage IQ points and left the room in a hurry.  
It was a close call, but 15 minutes of listening to Miles Davis while reading an article on engineering advances in nano-robotics, and I was able to speak using polysyllables again.

FWIW I agree with you re: free speech, and the pols can express their views just like anyone else. It's just they always sound so FUCKING self-righteous about it. Have no opinion re: you and Matt. My opinion about Sarah Palin weighing in on this issue: I wish she would just be quiet and let me enjoy my sick fantasy of throat-fucking her. Gawds help me, I think of her as doable. Not credible, but definite MILF-able

I've seen her fangs come out when talking about 'mother bears,' so if one wants throat-fuck her, he'd better ram it down her throat quickly before she has a chance to clamp down!   ;)

Posted By: mattradd
I've seen her fangs come out when talking about 'mother bears,' so if one wants throat-fuck her, he'd better ram it down her throat quickly before she has a chance to clamp down!   ;)
Well, Yeah!?! I just want to shoot a liberal load of 420-enhanced Gonzo goo down her gullet. Get her stoned stilled and stuffed at the same time :P YEE HA!

GaGambler1601 reads

I can see wanting to grudge fuck her, just for all the stupid shit she says, but I don't find her the least bit desirable in and of herself.

Posted By: GaGambler
I can see wanting to grudge fuck her, just for all the stupid shit she says, but I don't find her the least bit desirable in and of herself.
This from the one nicknamed GaG... thought you'd appreciate the gesture ;)

GaGambler1024 reads

They DO sound self righteous, especially to someone like me, BUT that is the whole point about the 1st amendment, you know you are a true supporter of the 1st amendment when you first defend someones right to say something, and then punch them in the face for saying it. lol

I honestly have not watched even three seconds of Duck Dynasty, nor do I intend to, but I do find it ironic that his demographic are most likely people that would share his views, but A&E is still pulling his ticket.

As for this whole Duck Dynasty uproar, I don't really know why I even give a fuck, Gay issues aren't at the top of issues I give a fuck about, unless it's about them getting "special" rights, which I strongly disapprove of, although I do approve of them getting the right to marry and be miserable just like the rest of us. There is something about somebody losing their livelihood for having personal opinions that are unpopular with certain groups that just hits my "unfair" button. What has this country come to when a bunch of PC police, who I am sure never watch his show, just like you and I don't, can get a guy fired for his rather mainstream religious beliefs, even I am more tolerant of religious pukes than this, I just turn the fucking channel.

Cataclysm994 reads

is more about it being the final straw with conservative types fed up with Obama and his BS more than it is them being upset over a duck hunter in their favorite TV show.

Dixie Chicks because of their Bush comment, country radio boycotted them across the country and ruined them because of freedom of speech.  Which I didn't think what that said was that bad, they were ashamed of Bush.  So am I.  But the country music base is that same Duck crowd (sorry but I have never seen Duck Dynasty)  Which I ain't gonna lie and tell you straight up, that I love some Hank Williams Jr. ;)

I would rather spend my time watching a documentary on Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens, American Indians, Rise and Fall of Rome.  or take a detox Epson salt bath and read The Righteous Mind (thank you for the recommendation, good but a little dry reading to me;))  Lay in my tanning bed, or watch Kevin Hart.  But reality TV?  I ain't time for anybody else's drama, mine is adventurous enough!  :)

Cataclysm1006 reads

She alienated her fan base on her own and his fan base is being alienated from him by a third party . That's the difference .

GaGambler995 reads

I've spent a lot of time around his fan base, and trust me, they are going to take this as another Jihad against the Christian faith, and they are going to dig in deeper than ever. For them it's just like a Muslim believing that someone has insulted Mohammed, religious freaks have serious issues where it comes to their "faith"

I can only imagine the uproar on talk radio today. I think I will listen to music today if I find myself behind the wheel. I am labeled a "right winger" by most libs, but I can't stand listening to the likes of Hannity when he and his ilk think that the Christian faith is being attacked. It makes me want to ralph in the car.

white bred, rich yupee's.  It's entertainment, much like Nascar and Danica Patrick being a beautiful corporate spokesperson.  Everything on TV is fake ass reality drama, that's what people want now.  They want to know which rookie driver is Danica fucking?  I believe this Duck Dynasty drama is planned division and distraction from real issues of our country's real crisis

What is the main similarity of the LGBT community and the Egyptian radical Muslim community?

Answer - They both use everything at their disposal to silence the Christians who have beliefs they disagree with. They both share the same mindset, motives and actions. Their methods of taking action to silence Christians are of course different. There are other differences. Muslims probably don't suck as much cock, yet it is the similarities that are striking to me. Rather than accept open debate and allow for opposite and even inflammatory speech to die an open death, they must suppress it.

This is not a reproach of A&E, they made a business decision. Potential or existing viewers are also free to make their own choices.

And to be fair there have been Christians today that have used tactics of repression (e.g. Westboro Baptist Church) as well as self avowed "fake" Christians that have used violence (e.g. abortion clinic bombers). But not even the non-violent ones ever garnered the support of any media outlet to the extent of A&E, not that they should.

p.s. Thank you Madison for bring up the Dixie Chicks episode, but that was more about their predominantly conservative fans taking financial action similar to what might have happened (and still might happen) to A&E and Duck Dynasty. Does any remember what President Bush said about it just a couple of weeks later when asked to comment?

He said "Obama hates America and America hates Obama"  

Answer to your question of Bush's response to Dixie Chicks.  Listen to song "not ready to make nice".  George Bush told Natalie in a letter to shut up and sing or her life would be over.

Attached song:

In the interview I cited he reacted quite the opposite of GLAAD's response.


BRIAN WILLIAMS: Well, the Dixie Chicks, for example. Would you have them come to the White House?

THE PRESIDENT: I mean, the Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind. They can say what they want to say. And just because -- they shouldn't have their feelings hurt just because some people don't want to buy their records when they speak out. You know, freedom is a two-way street. But I have -- don't really care what the Dixie Chicks said. I want to do what I think is right for the American people, and if some singers or Hollywood stars feel like speaking out, that's fine. That's the great thing about America. It stands in stark contrast to Iraq, by the way.

My google was on spanish for some reason, and by the time I researched my post was still pending approval so I couldn't edit before going to bed.

Shut up and sing, came from hate mail not President Bush

Especially when no one is forcing them to believe their's.

I was kind of reading about the duck guy and whatever.
if you are part of celebrity just don't say anything stupid either way.  
You say god hates gays you get in trouble. You say god loves gays you also get in trouble.
You say there is no god to love or hate anybody. You get in trouble. But you should know that from the start.  

If I were gay I would say that god hates me and I'm going to hell. I'm not gay and i'm still saying it. But I'm nobody. I would say that in fun because I don't see no god.

Now whatever about that duck guy and the money they not make with their stupid program.
And the people who gets offended by the "god hates you" comments. Stop being so oversensitive...
are you gay or something?

David J Barrett / Steven R Swartz - Hearst Corporation  

Bob Iger - CEO Disney

Nancy Dubuc CEO A&E Networks

They need to be held accountable for their decision to degrade the 1st and 4th amendments.

-- Modified on 12/19/2013 11:15:29 PM

Cataclysm1030 reads

of a " save the duck guy " page yesterday for over eight hours and then called it an accident . That page had over a
half million supporters  in less than 24 hours .  

I've always been fond of the Jewish moto "never again" but also think they should do themselves a huge favor and not invite it

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