Politics and Religion

GentleGuy Warns Lefties Not To Engage With Conservatives Here
cks175 44 Reviews 41 reads

Maybe that’s because GG posts such absurd opinions that he regularly gets smacked down when posting here. It’s telling that the other libs here don’t come to his defense.

jumping off the cliff!  
Two things:
1. If you still buy MAGA mantra ‘ oh! He is weak, old, sleepy … “  - how does it feel to be kicked so hard in the ass by an ‘old’ guy!!! Oh now rats are saying’ Joes is too bold and aggressive!!  

2. One comment for my lefty friends here … I see threads here where you guys meticulously engage in ‘debate’ that rats set up for you by following Fox et al propaganda. Please save your breath and frustration because their regurgitation of maga hypocritical and mostly lies propaganda has not changed over 6+ years that I have been reading this board!  

Four more years of greatness of Joe Biden and USA!!

RespectfulRobert18 reads

What does that tell you? Energy wise he crushed it. It was the best speech I have seen him give in years.

...they pumped into to Biden before that speech. I'm sure he was back to his old senile self a few hours later once that cocktail of drugs wore off LOL!

because the state of the union sucks on his watch, so why bring it up?  

What are you guys getting out of it? What, does the DNC pay you in hookers if you suck their cock like a good little obedient robot? What gives? There are any number of criticisms Incould give the GOP. For instance, Laura Loomer, kind of a nut. Trump, dumb as toast. McConnell, needed to retire 10 years ago. But here you have you mindless clones just gobbling Biden’s cock. Why? What do you get out of it? What, do you like the high inflation? The high crime? The open border? Turds on the street and closed businesses are wonderful in your book? 170 House Democrats just voted against the Laken Riley Act that would automatically deport illegals who have committed a violent crime. You okay with that? You okay with an unknown number of terrorists coming across the border? Or possibly Chinese soldiers? Venezuela’s violent crime rate dropped 22% because they’re sending their criminals here. You okay with that?

followme17 reads

Bobbie-boy you  
Say he killed it say
Say he crushed it  
Say it was stellar
Say on his A game

And now you say “all we did was praise a speech” no bobbie you and your pinko  soy-boy  sissy ass pals  got on your knees sucked his dick licked his feet. And you bobbie boy have tongue punched biden in the fart box so many times the only logical conclusion is that you like the taste.

Bobbie you and others are so enamored you go gaga over him and are besotted.  

Simply put you are a hyper-partisan hack who blindly follow orders given to you by your masters. Get your head out of bidens ass and get some fresh air for a change.

2024 = 28


RespectfulRobert30 reads

It just seems like all you can ever muster is name calling and ad hominem attacks. If thats the case lmk so I can stop reading your posts. Your call though.

followme13 reads

I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not.

You have really thin skin if that bothers you and you have you whine about that.

You can’t say that what I said is not true, because it is irrefutably true. I’ll admit that the way I said it was a bit harsh (yes bobbie “a bit harsh” because that is nothing compared to what I’m capable of) and that gets you curled up in the fetal position cowering in the corner.  

I do not give a fuck if you do or do not read my posts.  Or you could do the cowardly thing and put me on “ignore”, just like your idol laffy said he did.  

Bobbie-boy do whatever the fuck you want but if what I say gets you all upset and makes you cry as it clearly does tough shit.

Also this may be one reason you use an alias, you do not want everyone to know the real you is a sissy. I bet the other you pretends to be real macho, when in fact the proverbial 98 lb. weakling kicks sand in your face.  

I know you libs like free stuff so this is for you bobbie no charge  

There's 8 months to go until Election Day--that's an eternity!! And while admittedly, Biden did gain some needed momentum last night--we'll see how long it can be sustained.

RespectfulRobert24 reads

But the momentum has shifted and yes, of course it can shift back. So many variables in this election cycle make the hardest I have ever seen to predict. From Joe possibly stepping down (less likely now) to Trump being found guilty to 3rd party candidates. It's a muddled mess with two very bad options at this point.

Who the hell put that thought in your head, Rob? Blindly repeating some dumb shit Andrea Mitchell or Rachel Maddow said? Momentum?!? What is this a foot race? A domestication of Newton’s Laws of Motion? Who the hell believes this trash? The only momentum to be aware of is when Biden crashes another bicycle. There’s a full scale invasion of the goddamned country! Every institution is captured! We’re waging a proxy war in Ukraine and no one will tell us why! We don’t even know who the real President is! Momentum. For fuck’s sake. Somebody from the DNC stuff a 5 dollar bill up Robert’s ass for being a good little seal.

RespectfulRobert16 reads

On January 27, Trump was up by 4.3 on average and he is now up by 1.8. That's called a shift Willy. :)

Trump was up by 1.1 on Feb 16, now he is up 1.8.  That's an upward shift for Trump.
But in reality its been statistical noise since last November.  All within the margin of polling error.  
It remains a competitive race.  It's going to be determined by a few swing states, just like in 2020.  

Maybe that’s because GG posts such absurd opinions that he regularly gets smacked down when posting here. It’s telling that the other libs here don’t come to his defense.

Posted By: cks175
Re: GentleGuy Warns Lefties Not To Engage With Conservatives Here
Maybe that’s because GG posts such absurd opinions that he regularly gets smacked down when posting here. It’s telling that the other libs here don’t come to his defense.
Two possibilities…

He’s a very disciplined troll (not likely)

He really believe this shit…

Evidence to suggest the second is that he did win the dumbest poster of the P&R board and continues to tenaciously hold onto the tittle.

It's a Washington Post headline with story behind paywall, but it says early polling on Biden's SOTU speech doesn't match the hype.  

Found a link to this story...
The 65 percent who had a positive view of the speech was actually lower than any such speech CNN has polled in the past quarter-century — the previous low being Donald Trump’s 2018 address (70 percent).
And the 35 percent who offered a “very” positive review was effectively tied with Biden’s speech last year (34 percent) for the lowest on record. The next lowest were Biden’s 2022 speech and George W. Bush’s 2007 speech, which each earned “very” positive marks from 41 percent of viewers.

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