Politics and Religion

First of all, stop making sense, you fucker! LOL!
inicky46 61 Reviews 234 reads

Nice to see you back.  Rumor has it you might be in LV over AVN weekend, in which case I'd love to hoist a few (or more) with you.
As to the rest, it's not just the Giants' D that's been AWOL.  So have Eli and the offense.  Hard to believe that after winning the SB they won't even make the playoffs.  But, honestly, they just don't deserve to.
I agree with your economic reality.  And no one, especially the Republicans, seem to understand that deficit spending is what you are supposed to do to get out of a recession.  I'm all for cutting spending once the economy is back on track but remember Gambler's mantra: we're not even talking about real spending cuts, only about by how much to reduce the increase.  BTW, I don't agree with him that actual spending should be cut.  That's a formula for recession, when the real solution for cutting the deficit is for the economy to grow.  There must be a careful mix of tax increases at the high end, a reduction in the amount by which spending grows, and pro-growth measures, mainly improvements in the tax code.
Oh, and FYATWYRIO !!

The fiscal cliff is no longer the only threat facing the U.S. economy. Some 14,500 dockworkers from Baltimore to Texas are threatening to strike this week, a move that could throttle an array of key ports and disrupt commerce across the nation.

For months, negotiations have dragged on between the dockworkers’ union and the group that represents  shippers and port operators — their disagreements have centered on container royalties, which are used to augment worker wages and benefits. Without a resolution, dockworkers are poised to strike at 14 shipping-container ports starting Sunday, including Boston, New York-New Jersey, Baltimore, Charleston, Savannah, Miami and Houston.

“This is truly a ‘container cliff’ in the making,” warned Jonathan Gold, the National Retail Federation’s vice president for supply chain policy.


Obama's employment numbers, are going to tank.

-- Modified on 12/27/2012 11:43:42 PM

chose to outsource the entire U.S. manufacturing base.

  Don't turn in your guns just yet all you post Newtown Dudley DoRights; you may want and need them in the near future!

So sorry your wish for Obama's employment #s to tank won't happen (and if you say you weren't really wishing for it, I call bullshit).  It also looks like there may be at least a temporary deal to avert much of the fiscal cliff.  I love how the Right likes to root against America when a Democrat's in the White House.
Hint:  the employment #s aren't "Obama's," they are America's.  They represent real people, Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike.

Have both sides agreed on a contract?

You sound as if you have a case of laffism. I know Obama's numbers, what ever numbers they may be are America's numbers, I never blame one individual for the nations problems. That an entire administration must face.

Posted By: inicky46
So sorry your wish for Obama's employment #s to tank won't happen (and if you say you weren't really wishing for it, I call bullshit).  It also looks like there may be at least a temporary deal to avert much of the fiscal cliff.  I love how the Right likes to root against America when a Democrat's in the White House.
Hint:  the employment #s aren't "Obama's," they are America's.  They represent real people, Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike.

Did you read that article?

The International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), which represents 14,500 workers at 15 container ports in the eastern United States, and the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) of shippers, terminal operators and port authorities, have agreed to extend their current contract by 30 days to finalize details, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service said in a statement on Friday.

Both sides have agreed "in principle" on the contentious issue of royalty payments for shipping containers, payments to ILA workers based on the tons of container cargo that move through a port.

The statement on Friday was light on details of the actual agreement, and the USMX declined to comment further.

They have not come to an new contract agreement...ILA has extended their (current) contract by 30 days to (finalize) details... Both sides have agreed in (principle)...USMX has declined to comment further.

That means the ILA members will continue to work, until contract negotiations are finalized...

What happens if the union does not get what they want in the next 30 days?

They go on strike.

That's what big Corps would like if they could get away with it.

St. Croix286 reads

First, sorry about your Giants. Their defense has been on vacation for the past 2 games. And yes the Jets are a complete joke. But hey, Sanchez tapped that nice little ass of Eva Longoria before being run out of NY.

You're right, the unemployment numbers are not solely Obama's, but he has the most influence of anybody I know to "indirectly" move the needle up or down.

Are members of the Right rooting against Obama? Of course they are. Just like Dems rooted against Bush. No real difference. People complain when it's their guy getting trashed.

Now re the fiscal cliff. It's a simple math problem. You've got the federal spending @ 25% of GDP. You've got federal revenues @ 16%. Historically, federal spending "generally" runs at 20%. I'm OK with raising taxes to a degree. I'm also would like this administration to be pro-growth, i.e. when you exit recessions, you generally generate a 5-6% annual GDP boost that brings down unemployment. Hasn't happened has it? I wonder why?

Raise some taxes and pro-growth gets you close to 20%. Now, anybody on the left want to reduce spending to the tune of $700B a year in order to get back to the 20% historical norm.

-- Modified on 12/28/2012 4:35:30 PM

Nice to see you back.  Rumor has it you might be in LV over AVN weekend, in which case I'd love to hoist a few (or more) with you.
As to the rest, it's not just the Giants' D that's been AWOL.  So have Eli and the offense.  Hard to believe that after winning the SB they won't even make the playoffs.  But, honestly, they just don't deserve to.
I agree with your economic reality.  And no one, especially the Republicans, seem to understand that deficit spending is what you are supposed to do to get out of a recession.  I'm all for cutting spending once the economy is back on track but remember Gambler's mantra: we're not even talking about real spending cuts, only about by how much to reduce the increase.  BTW, I don't agree with him that actual spending should be cut.  That's a formula for recession, when the real solution for cutting the deficit is for the economy to grow.  There must be a careful mix of tax increases at the high end, a reduction in the amount by which spending grows, and pro-growth measures, mainly improvements in the tax code.
Oh, and FYATWYRIO !!

St. Croix264 reads

Sounds like a bucket list item to me. I'll be in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend, then March Madness (sweet 16 and elite 8 rounds) weekend. There is less than a handful of assholes on this board that I would consider having a few drinks with, and you're one of them. I think you know the others. So do you have Vegas plans during the AVN weekend, or any other weekend for that matter? Never been to AVN. I assume an advanced regimen of antibiotics would be necessary prior to attendance to ensure your dick doesn't fall off (lol).  

I do understand and generally agree with the Keynesian model as it relates to recessions, as long as the spending is targeted at the right areas.  Unfortunately Obama went Keynesian on steriods. Almost $900B stimulus, cash for clunkers, mortgage relief, 99 weeks of unemployment compensation, payroll tax reduction, etc. etc. And what did we get, about 2% growth, when in fact you are supposed to juice the system in order to drive 5-6-7% growth for a few years.

I know you love acronyms like FYATWYRIO. I'm a bit old school. So I'll end it old school. Inicky, you cum soaked little syphilitic piece of mother fucking shit.

P.S. And God help me if the Seahawks and that little shit Pete Carroll win the Super Bowl. It has to do with his days at USC, if you catch my drift.

-- Modified on 12/29/2012 4:54:29 PM

GaGambler253 reads

Mainly for reminding me how fun this puss filled, poor excuse for a cesspool USED to be.

Remember when gentlemen (or mainly assholes) could come on this board and insult each other with a little class and decorum? Now even the insults lack any imagination, and even though Daffy, JeffthePoo, and Nugay are gone, their replacements aren't a bit smarter or even wittier than the trolls they have replaced. When a little pussy like Mattgina appears to have grown a set of balls, or a idiot troll like Trannyboy is taken seriously, you know the place has hit rock bottom. Even an idiot like AF have probably risen out of the bottom 2 percentile here, not because he has even reached room temperature IQ, but because the bar has been set so low around here. What a fucking wasteland this place has become.

On to more important things, I too must have lost what little gray matter that I hadn't destroyed through drinking, because I actually put money on your  "Gints" In my defense, I am really hoping that Vick contributes at least a couple of TD's "for the Giants" I don't have much faith in Eli and the Giants offense without some help

A more important wager is the one between Mari and me, and I really think that you should either extend your stay in Vegas or plan a return trip to participate in. I have bet Mari "One US dollar" (and another bottle of Krug) that Daffy the fucking duck will make at least a "Dead Duck" bounce when dropped off the top of the Stratosphere, Want to get in on a little of that action, WTF I am feeling generous, I will even give you odds if you like rofl

To my friends, "Happy Fucking New Year", to the rest of you please "GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!"

See you in Vegas

The way they played the last 5 games they didn't deserve it anyway.  I'll admit to being happy with 2 SBs in the last 4 years.  No to mention 2 under Parcells and several old NFL championships.
Oh, yes, and this board does suck.  But don't let that door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Hope to see both you and Saint in LV for AVN and, oh, yeah,

St. Croix273 reads

Son of a whore was bit of a lame ending, but overall I thought the rhythm was pretty good. Not bad for an amateur.

-- Modified on 12/30/2012 4:49:33 PM

Also, I'm pretty sure I was drunk.  Fuck you, btw.  email going shortly.

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