Politics and Religion

Escape from New York -- it's already too late.
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 16 reads


If NY Dems wanted to make every business owner in NY sure about the Dems plans to make NY the least business friendly state in the union, they have one upped their lawfare lawsuit against Trump to sue JBS USA Food, a leading beef plant, for “misleading claims” about their carbon emission goals for 2040.  

Apparently, idiot leftists have this bizarre idea in their heads that cow farts is going to cause the apocalypse. They believe this because left wing morons will believe anything they’re told without question. This despite that even mentally retarded people can figure out why cow farts won’t cause the end of the world.  

The belief is that cow farts contain methane and methane is a greenhouse gas, therefore apocalypse. What the mentally retarded left don’t get is that a field of grass will decompose into methane regardless of whether the cow is there or not. Grass rots on the ground, microbes turn it into top soil, methane is released.  

Mentally retarded leftists also don’t seem to realize that cows aren’t the only animals that have assholes and fart. As far as I know every animal on earth farts and releases methane in the process. For every leaf that falls to the ground, for every tree that falls in the woods, it all rots and releases methane. Hell, landfills have to vent off methane to prevent explosions.  

So now beef plants in NY are getting sued because mentally retarded leftists think cow farts are going to end the world and this company didn’t want to lose money to leftists being too mentally retarded to buy beef. Because they’re morons. Who think cow farts will cause the end of the world.  

So now NY sends yet another message that businesses aren’t welcomed there. Well, good luck with that.

-- Modified on 2/28/2024 11:43:42 PM

They both desperately want to be famous and are willing to step on others rights to do it.  

You lefties should be quaking in your boots because at the moment these totalitarians are going after those you have been told to hate by the koolaide millers. Your blue stained Brains won’t allow you to think critically anymore. Hell Robert won’t listen to anyone but this confirmation bias reinforcing news media outlets who whisper what he wants to hear in his ear and then he believes them when they say “SO AND SO IS EVIL, go hate them” and lefties do 😳🤮🤮🙄🙄🙄🙄

When they get done with people like Trump and Beef producers and anyone else that opposes them… YOUR NEXT!!!

“But how could they be???” you cry, “I’m on their side!!!” But they are not on your side.

The legal action is about FALSE ADVERTISING, much as your subject line, "Democrat AG Letitia James Sues Beef Producer To Stop The Cow Fart Apocolypse," is FALSE AND MISLEADING.
From the cited article: "... “When companies falsely advertise their commitment to sustainability, they are misleading consumers and endangering our planet. JBS USA’s greenwashing exploits the pocketbooks of everyday Americans and the promise of a healthy planet for future generations,” James said in a prepared release. ..."
JBS and others can produce beef and everything else and consumers  can chow down on beef, etc.. This is NOT about stopping "the cow fart apocolypse" as YOU FALSELY CLAIMED. It is about NOT MISLEADING consumers so they can make informed choices about which products to buy.

Posted By: willywonka4u

If NY Dems wanted to make every business owner in NY sure about the Dems plans to make NY the least business friendly state in the union, they have one upped their lawfare lawsuit against Trump to sue JBS USA Food, a leading beef plant, for “misleading claims” about their carbon emission goals for 2040.  
 Apparently, idiot leftists have this bizarre idea in their heads that cow farts is going to cause the apocalypse. They believe this because left wing morons will believe anything they’re told without question. This despite that even mentally retarded people can figure out why cow farts won’t cause the end of the world.  
 The belief is that cow farts contain methane and methane is a greenhouse gas, therefore apocalypse. What the mentally retarded left don’t get is that a field of grass will decompose into methane regardless of whether the cow is there or not. Grass rots on the ground, microbes turn it into top soil, methane is released.  
 Mentally retarded leftists also don’t seem to realize that cows aren’t the only animals that have assholes and fart. As far as I know every animal on earth farts and releases methane in the process. For every leaf that falls to the ground, for every tree that falls in the woods, it all rots and releases methane. Hell, landfills have to vent off methane to prevent explosions.  
 So now beef plants in NY are getting sued because mentally retarded leftists think cow farts are going to end the world and this company didn’t want to lose money to leftists being too mentally retarded to buy beef. Because they’re morons. Who think cow farts will cause the end of the world.  
 So now NY sends yet another message that businesses aren’t welcomed there. Well, good luck with that.  

-- Modified on 2/28/2024 11:43:42 PM

All Imp did was quote Leticia James, and her legal reasoning is unsound and misguided. It’s actually not legal reasoning at all, it’s just pure politics.

From the 42-page filing, the charges are:  
"The State therefore brings this action pursuant to Executive Law § 63(12) to stop these fraudulent and illegal marketing practices and to enjoin JBS USA from violating New York’s consumer protection statutes, General Business Law §§ 349 and 350."  
"The State also seeks an order awarding civil penalties for JBS USA’s statutory violations; disgorgement of all profits and ill-gotten gains realized from JBS USA’s violations of New York’s consumer protection statutes; a third-party audit of JBS USA’s compliance with New York’s consumer protection statutes; and such other relief as the Court deems just and proper."  
"JBS USA regularly conducts business within New York State and with New York consumers. JBS USA markets and sells its products in New York State under different brand names including “Swift,” “Certified Angus Beef,” and “Grass Run Farms.” "
"The JBS Group has additional business contacts in New York, including but not limited to the following:
a. JBS Carriers ...
b. Principe America LLC ...
c. Wild Fork Foods ... "
"Section 349 of the General Business Law prohibits deceptive acts and practices in the conduct of ANY [my emphasis]  business, trade, or commerce in the State of New York." "Section 350 of the General Business Law prohibits false advertising in the conduct of ANY [my emphasis] business, trade, or commerce or in the furnishing of ANY [my emphasis] service in the State of New York.
"Claims and advertising may constitute deceptive acts and practices if they are untrue, omit information relevant to the consumer, create a false impression, or are subject to more than one meaning."
"Fraud” under section 63(12) of the Executive Law expressly includes “any device, scheme or artifice to defraud and any deception, misrepresentation, concealment, suppression, false pretense, false promise or unconscionable contract provisions.” " "Violations of sections 349 and 350 of the General Business Law constitute “illegality” within the meaning of Executive Law § 63(12)."
And there are SPECIFIC DETAILS of the fraudulent acts. Many of those acts involve deceiving environmentally conscientious consumers into thinking that JBS products are better for the environment than other HONESTLY advertised beef buying options.  
THE LAW IS THE LAW. The relevant LAWS relate to false advertising, false claims, deceptive practices, and so on in ANY area of commerce. Trump University FALSELY advertised "instructors hand picked by Trump" and teaching Trump's secrets of real estate investing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University Trump Foundation claimed to be a 501(c)3 charity but it was a fraud. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_J._Trump_Foundation Search this wikipedia entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump for "fraud."  
To bring it back to beef, I need to briefly mention Trump Steaks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Steaks .
"Trump Steaks were sold at The Sharper Image for two months before being discontinued. According to Sharper Image CEO Jerry W. Levin, "The net of all that was we literally sold almost no steaks, if we sold $50,000 of steaks grand total, I'd be surprised." Trump Steaks were discontinued at QVC around the same time as the Sharper Image discontinuation."
ANY false advertising can be prosecuted by the AG under the cited laws. I can launch Imp Steaks and advertise "We make our products with the most pollution to further pollute our pollution-loving MAGA base. We charge more for our beef to charge up our MAGAs!" If it turns out that Imp Steaks is actually a green, sustainable operation owith solar panels on the roof and that actually sells vegetable-based "fake" beef, the MAGAs would be justifiably angry at having been deceived. They would petition the NY AG to prosecute Imp Steaks under the same FALSE ADVERTISING laws, NOT for being a green and sustainable company.  

Posted By: cks175
Re: Stop False Advertising and Fraud (It’s Not)
All Imp did was quote Leticia James, and her legal reasoning is unsound and misguided. It’s actually not legal reasoning at all, it’s just pure politics.

She said it herself.  

“When companies falsely advertise their commitment to sustainability, they are misleading consumers and endangering our planet.”

How is producing beef not sustainable? Human beings have been eating beef for thousands of years. How is beef endangering the planet? There is only one answer here. It’s because she’s asserting that cow farts will cause the motherfucking apocalypse.  

“JBS USA’s greenwashing exploits the pocketbooks of everyday Americans and the promise of a healthy planet for future generations”

See. She thinks cows are destroying the world. Cows. Because they fart.

"She said it herself" and you IGNORED it.  "FALSELY ADVERTISE"

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: It’s entirely about cow farts, Imp.
She said it herself.  

***** “When companies FALSELY ADVERTISE their commitment to sustainability, they are misleading consumers and endangering our planet.” *****

I could start a beef company and, to increase profits from MAGAs, I could advertise, "I use expensive American made antibiotics, not the cheap Chinese imports!" "I could dump my waste in the culvert behind my factory but I pay EXTRA to have it hauled 800 miles to Martha's Vineyard and dumped there." "My processing plant only hires Americans with American birth certificates and American passports. I don't hire cheap immigrant labor or underage child labor."  
"Yes, it costs me MORE than the competition to do all of those things for my MAGA constituency and that's why I charge them more than the competition charges. It costs  me more to make my MAGAs happy so I charge them more. I make them happy and they make me rich!"  
An investigation would show that I don't haul my waste to the VIneyard, I just dump it in the culvert. I don't use American antibiotics, I use illegal Chinese knockoffs. I hire illegals and I pay them less than minimum wage and I don't pay required wage taxes into the system. In other words, my costs are much lower than the competition. **I FALSELY ADVERTISE** all the MAGA-pleasing lies just to get the MAGAs to choose my products and pay a premium price.  
The crime in question is FALSE ADVERTISING. You know, like the now defunct Trump University was doing. Or like the now defunct Trump Foundation was doing.

…is the claim by dumber than dog snot Democrats who think that cow farts will bring forth the end of the world. And if they believe that then it’s a matter of national security to keep Big Moron away from the refried beans and taco trucks. In this environment where fucking DOOMSDAY is scheduled just around the corner, every fart counts. This means a vegan diet could end the world. For every bean, lentil and Brussels sprout consumed, we could be turning the earth into a fiery hell scape filled with fire, farts and brimstone.

Imp tries to make a point:

She said it herself.  
***** they are misleading consumers and ENDANGERING OUR PLANET.” *****
Imp made Willy’s point.

James says she’s doing it protect consumers from false advertising, but she shows her true colors when she starts talking about saving the planet because of cow farts. She’s not really trying to protect consumers, what’s she’s actually doing is appealing to environmentalist radicals by attacking the beef industry.

The AG is not trying to change anything about the way JBS produces its meat products. The AG is trying to stop JBS from making FALSE CLAIMS about how they produce those products ("sustainable agriculture," "zero carbon emissions," etc.). As long as the production itself is legal (no child labor, USDA inspections, etc.), the AG has no issue with JBS. The AG wants to end the FALSE ADVERTISING that deceives consumers into paying for something that they are not getting in return.

Posted By: cks175
Re: It’s entirely about cow farts, Imp. (Imp Refutes His Own Argument)
Imp tries to make a point:
She said it herself.    
 ***** they are misleading consumers and ENDANGERING OUR PLANET.” *****
Imp made Willy’s point.  
 James says she’s doing it protect consumers from false advertising, but she shows her true colors when she starts talking about saving the planet because of cow farts. She’s not really trying to protect consumers, what’s she’s actually doing is appealing to environmentalist radicals by attacking the beef industry.

willy is a real dumbass.  He links an article from AP to "prove" his OP is true.  But a few short weeks ago willy was trashing the AP, referring to "...the supposedly professional news service The Associated Press..." and describing an article as "ridiculous."  Now, however, willy cites the very same AP as the source authority for his OP.

LOL!  What a maroon!!

BTW, witless willy, it's spelled "Apocalypse."  You better learn to spell it correctly because that's what Trump will bring on if he's elected president again.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: willy never gets tired of looking like a fool...
willy is a real dumbass.  He links an article from AP to "prove" his OP is true.  But a few short weeks ago willy was trashing the AP, referring to "...the supposedly professional news service The Associated Press..." and describing an article as "ridiculous."  Now, however, willy cites the very same AP as the source authority for his OP.  
 LOL!  What a maroon!!  
 BTW, witless willy, it's spelled "Apocalypse."  You better learn to spell it correctly because that's what Trump will bring on if he's elected president again.
It MUST be the blood sugar is outta whack, two crazy talk posts this close together… Go get some help, every second you delay toes and eyes are being eaten from the inside out.

His pea brain is incapable of coming up with a substantive response.  That’s a really piss poor attempt at white knighting for witless willy.  

Hey Lost: you should enroll in cks175’s new school - WKU, White Knight University.  It’s an offshoot of  JDU.

Register Now!