Politics and Religion

Didn’t Ukraine use a car bomb in Moscow?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2 reads

I seem to remember something about this. Happened a while back now. It was meant to kill some general but they ended up killing his daughter or something like that.  

Well, whatever. The war there is going to be over in 4 months.

RespectfulRobert101 reads

This is just a BAD idea. I am all for defending Ukraine. I think it's vital to thwart Putin there, degrade his forces and give him disincentive to attack any other nation. All that said, providing Ukraine with long range weaponry that can strike deep into Russian territory is insane.  
Putin has said he will view it as an act of war from NATO. This is getting scary. Supply all the weapons and intel to DEFEND the Ukraine and I am in. But supplying offensive weapons to possibly kill Russian civilians is just upping the ante against a nuclear power and is so extremely dangerous. STOP escalating the situation Joe and NATO. Just stop.

We have provided short- and medium-range ATACMS missiles for at least a year but we have limited the Ukrainians' ability to use them at their full range of several hundred miles. As a result, Russian fighters and other assets have been moved out of range but are then used to attack Ukraine. They just want to be able to use them at somewhat longer ranges. And don't worry about Putin's "red lines." He has let the Ukrainians cross every one and has done nothing. There is very little risk in this and it does not mean providing any new long-range missiles to Ukraine.

Putin is telling the West not to do it. Apparently Biden will decide tomorrow so I was well aware they are not in Ukraine as of now.  
Here is the issue. What is the upside for us and the West? We just really disagree on this one. It is faulty logic to say since Putin hasn't acted in the past, he will never act in the future. You can only push someone so far before they act. An attack deep in Russia will embarrass him and could cause him more pushback at home.  
The odds of him using a nuke, even a limited one, in Ukraine will go up substantially if we let this happen. You do not escalate with a nuclear power, you deescalate. Especially with a piece of property thousands and thousands of miles from the U.S. homeland.  
I have been a staunch advocate of defending Ukraine. Emphasis on "defending them." This is a dumb idea and we should back down on this. This is not a hill we should die on. Just keep supplying them with defensive weapons only. Putin has a red line somewhere. Everybody does. No need to experiment on where that line is.

Long range missiles go thousands of miles and none of the ones in question do that. The missiles in question are the ATACMs I mentioned and British and French cruise missiles. The description of "long range" in the article you cite is simply wrong.
As for the Russians, I've long since stopped believing their empty bluster.

The missles in question are already being used by Ukraine, just not to their full range and capabilities.

The long-range U.S. Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) have a range of up to 190 miles (305 kms) while the British Storm Shadows have a reach of around 155 miles (249 km).
Ukraine is already firing both at Russian targets on territory internationally recognised as Ukraine but wants to use them to hit bases inside Russia itself.
Hitting a Russian airbase that’s being used to launch airstrikes, missiles and glide bombs on Ukrainian civilian targets is a form of defensive strategy. The question is if this is an escalation that Russia will actually respond to.

Early in the war, the Biden administration refused ATACMs and F16 fighters because they feared escalation. They eventually relented and Russians did not respond. I think it’s about time that the Ukrainians are able to take the fight to the Russians with full capabilities available.

how can you vote for Trump, who would certainly hang Ukraine out to dry.

Ukraine has been attacking deep into Russia with home grown weapons. US made weapons striking inside Russia makes it more than just a legal distinction.

I seem to remember something about this. Happened a while back now. It was meant to kill some general but they ended up killing his daughter or something like that.  

Well, whatever. The war there is going to be over in 4 months.

…have all gotten in their heads all at once that right now would be a good time to start WW3. Why on earth would they do this?

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