Politics and Religion

Clearly misspoke million for thousand; other numbers were good
impposter 49 Reviews 22 reads

Harris is walking up and down a sideline of an outdoor football(?) or baseball(?) field giving a campaign speech in 2020 with no notes and no teleprompter. The COVID death toll at that time was ~220,000 to ~240,000. Her other numbers (number of cases, etc.) are fairly accurate. This was CLEARLY a speak-o (spoken typo), substituting "million" for "thousand."  
Do you want to know what is stupid (or insane)? Constantly repeating that "This is a fraud on the American public. ... Frankly, we did win the election!"  
"Trump: Frankly, We Did Win This Election."
What is arguing to Raffensperger about the GA election that, "I won this election by hundreds of thousands of votes. There's no way I lost Georgia. There's no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes. I'm just going by small numbers when you add them up they're many times the 11,000. But I won that state by hundreds of thousands of votes. ..."  If million-for-thousand makes Harris and airhead, ***what does speaking "I won" for "I lost" make Trump?*** A lunatic or a liar or both.  
What do you call:
Trump Falsely Claims He Won Minnesota in 2016 and 2020 [May 2024]
"... Former President Donald J. Trump, speaking Friday night in Minnesota, which he vowed to boycott if he lost there in 2020, falsely claimed that he had won the state twice, adding that it was in play for him in 2024. “I thought we won it in 2016,” Mr. Trump said during a fund-raiser for the state’s Republican Party in St. Paul, Minn. “I know we won it in 2020.” ..."  I'd call it insane.
What PolitiFact learned in 1,000 fact-checks of Donald Trump [Feb 2024]
"It's not unusual for politicians of both parties to mislead, exaggerate or make stuff up. But few share Trump’s disregard for factual accuracy." NOT TYPOS. NOT SPEAKOS. ***BLATANT LIES.***

Posted By: lester_prairie

Kamala Harris: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.”

Kamala Harris: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.”

She’s almost as dumb as Joe and she doesn’t have late stage dementia.

I’m old enough to remember when leftists swore up and down that Biden was completely coherent and running the country all by himself earlier this year.

If you pointed out that Biden was in obvious cognitive decline from 2019 until this June you were a “conspiracy theorist.”

These same retards think that Kamala is intelligent enough to negotiate with China, Iran, Russia and North Korea.

Trump is clearly is not a panacea for all of this countries problems but at least he actually loves the country he’s trying run.

Your funniest idiocy yet. Trump loves nothing and no one but himself. He's running only to stay out of jail.
Trump is BY FAR the worst President EVER.

Harris is walking up and down a sideline of an outdoor football(?) or baseball(?) field giving a campaign speech in 2020 with no notes and no teleprompter. The COVID death toll at that time was ~220,000 to ~240,000. Her other numbers (number of cases, etc.) are fairly accurate. This was CLEARLY a speak-o (spoken typo), substituting "million" for "thousand."  
Do you want to know what is stupid (or insane)? Constantly repeating that "This is a fraud on the American public. ... Frankly, we did win the election!"  
"Trump: Frankly, We Did Win This Election."
What is arguing to Raffensperger about the GA election that, "I won this election by hundreds of thousands of votes. There's no way I lost Georgia. There's no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes. I'm just going by small numbers when you add them up they're many times the 11,000. But I won that state by hundreds of thousands of votes. ..."  If million-for-thousand makes Harris and airhead, ***what does speaking "I won" for "I lost" make Trump?*** A lunatic or a liar or both.  
What do you call:
Trump Falsely Claims He Won Minnesota in 2016 and 2020 [May 2024]
"... Former President Donald J. Trump, speaking Friday night in Minnesota, which he vowed to boycott if he lost there in 2020, falsely claimed that he had won the state twice, adding that it was in play for him in 2024. “I thought we won it in 2016,” Mr. Trump said during a fund-raiser for the state’s Republican Party in St. Paul, Minn. “I know we won it in 2020.” ..."  I'd call it insane.
What PolitiFact learned in 1,000 fact-checks of Donald Trump [Feb 2024]
"It's not unusual for politicians of both parties to mislead, exaggerate or make stuff up. But few share Trump’s disregard for factual accuracy." NOT TYPOS. NOT SPEAKOS. ***BLATANT LIES.***

Posted By: lester_prairie

Kamala Harris: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.”

Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress."

Trump and other Reps are ***deliberately misrepresenting*** "anti price gouging actions" as "communist price controls."  
Trump blasts Harris plan to ban price gouging as communism. But GOP states already block some price hikes. [Aug 24, 2024]
Some 37 states have laws to address price gouging, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
"Former President Donald Trump is attacking Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan for a federal ban on price gouging by grocery stores and food suppliers as “Soviet-style” controls. But Republican state officials across the country have embraced the idea of capping excessive prices for years.  
"GOP state attorneys general, as well as many of their Democratic counterparts, have moved to stop companies from charging what they view as exorbitant increases in the cost of some goods in certain circumstances. In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, sued a large egg supplier for raising prices by about 300 percent at the height of the pandemic lockdowns in 2020. ...
"The state laws address the “fundamental public safety role that state AGs have, and it’s largely bipartisan. You don’t see too much difference between AGs in that regard.” The state laws underscore some of the benefits and challenges that Harris may face in selling her plan. It is broadly popular for politicians to shield consumers from excessive prices — even if many economists disagree with the approach. ...
"A wide range of red and blue states ramped up enforcement of their price gouging laws during the Covid-19 pandemic. And Trump, without a national law in place, signed an executive order to stop “the price gouging and hoarding of critical supplies needed to combat the coronavirus.” ****Trump directed the Justice Department to set up a task force to pursue some price gougers**** during the pandemic.  [What?  If you're MAGA, when Trump does it, it's good. If Harris does it, it's bad.]

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Liars
Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress."

Every. Single. Time.

he can flog like the partisan hack he is.
Here's a hint, Fester: it's not working.

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