Politics and Religion

inicky46 61 Reviews 12 reads

Oh, no! You mean Willy lied? What a shock. Now let's see if this brings out SwallowMeat who will be enraged I used the "L Word." It is sure to trigger him. Why is he so sensitive about it? Perhaps because he lies so much himself.
I wonder how much of the other crap Willy puts up here is fake? Like all those "peer reviewed" studies???????

This one relates to so-called "double-dipping" in claiming the same losses twice from a failed Chicago real estate project.
So let's see....you MAGA fools want to re-elect a tax cheat, a draft-dodger, a convicted assaulter of women, a convicted perpetrator of fraud against banks and insurance companies, and an insurrectionist as President? The bill for all of his various legal troubles is fast approaching a billion dollars.
There's only one thing this guy is good at. He's the greatest con man who has ever lived.
And history will record his supporters as the greatest fools to ever walk the planet.

If his victims are stupid enough as it appears they are.

…is quickly becoming a pity party. They know that even after 8 years of nonstop screeching, the rest of the country still wants the guy they hate more than anything. Gee, it’s almost like your screeching turned off voters more than anything Trump could ever do.  

From the latest state poll numbers. Tan states are Kennedy. In New York, Kennedy and Biden are tied, so who knows with that. Regardless, it looks like Trump is going to sail to an easy win. Been following these polls for a few weeks now. Not much has changed.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Kennedy doesn't lead in ANY state. Try again?

RespectfulRobert16 reads

Or Trump leads Biden in Washington state. lol. Will Willy come clean on this?  
I will give you a hint. The tan states are the toss up states there but you can go to that website (270ToWin) and change the color of the states to anything you wish. I know the site well.  
Oops. Sorry Willy. lol.

Oh, no! You mean Willy lied? What a shock. Now let's see if this brings out SwallowMeat who will be enraged I used the "L Word." It is sure to trigger him. Why is he so sensitive about it? Perhaps because he lies so much himself.
I wonder how much of the other crap Willy puts up here is fake? Like all those "peer reviewed" studies???????

Actually, I didn’t. Trump is ahead by 5% in Washington. Are you lefties hearing alarm bells yet?

RespectfulRobert24 reads

It would be all over the place. Every pollster would move Washington into the toss up column. NONE of them have. It's bc no one thinks Trump is leading in WA nor is Kennedy even close to leading in any given state. None.

In regards to Washington state. Trump’s lead was determined not by one poll, but two. However the poll was only 250 people, registered voters. Ideally, a poll should include 1000 people, but those polls are expensive to conduct, so you don’t see that many of them. But it is the most recent poll available. The rule I used was to only use the most recent polls.  

Utah: the most recent poll there ended 4/29, conducted by Zogby. 414 likely voters. Kennedy v Trump, 44% to 40%. In a separate poll Kennedy v Biden 54% to 36%. A different poll from mid April from Noble Predictive Insights of 600 registered voters has Trump 47%, Biden 23% and Kennedy 13%. In a 2 way race, Trump 54%, Biden 26%. While I think this is closer to what the real results will be I always follow the rule of using the most recent poll.  

We are still more than a hundred days out. The only poll in New Mexico was done by Zogby. It’s another Kennedy v Trump and Kennedy v Biden, no polling on Trump v Biden or a 3 way race. The previous poll in New Mexico was not even this year, and included DeSantis.  

This is why I’m doing this now. I want to document what the latest polls are finding. We’ve known since 2016 that polls can be wildly off. They can be dead on the money too. Right now, the polling is still sparse. Polls are expensive to conduct, and the money that pays for them tends to be reserved for the weeks to days before the election.  

My purpose here is to show the full picture via the electoral math of what the polls are showing. I plan to try to post this every week or so until the election. To see how the polls change as the election gets close and to compare and contrast with the actual results. I will post results with and without Kennedy in the race, because it’s still up in the air if he will even be on the ballot in many of the states.  

These are the results from last Tuesday, May 7th, Kennedy omitted.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

And there isn't even a whisper, from either right wing media or the "liberal" media, or ANY non-affiliated legit political polling group re: Washington state or any of the "Kennedy states." When that happens, please inform us.

But I used the latest state polls from 538 to determine what state goes red, blue or tan. The reason for using to 270 to win website is to keep track of the electoral math. I’m using the website as a tool, precisely as it was intended. It takes about a minute or two to run through the polls and generate that map. Nicky’s so lazy that he thinks no one would do 2 minutes work, so I must have just made it all up. Lucky for him, he’s also too lazy to check my work. In 10 years of debating him the most effort he’s ever put into a post is to link an article from The Nation.

Willy posted his deceptive map with no attribution and it gave the appearance of a real map. Which it wasn't so his pissy explanation has zero credibility. It was only when Robert busted him that he presented the rest of his story. If it had been explained along with the original post he might have retained a shred of credibility. His description of me is also bullshit. Willy is a lazy, deceptive, temperamental loon.

Sophistry and manipulation isn’t going to change the polls. They are what they are. You are very likely to have to endure a 2nd Trump Presidency.

Just stop failing to actually rebut me, or even trying.
Stop dodging the fact that you put up a bullshit post with no attribution and got busted for it.

You don’t need to throw a temper tantrum for all of us to see. I know the hot flashes of menopause can make you feel undesirable. You just ignore that hun. Your value is greater than your ability to get knocked up. **hugs**

Explain to us, lil' guy, how my trenchant put mild-mannered post remotely looks like "a temper tantrum?" And then you had to go to "menopause?" Pathetic. The whole post is a feeble attempt to lash out and not remotely connected to anything I wrote.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Just stop, Nicky.
Sophistry and manipulation isn’t going to change the polls. They are what they are. You are very likely to have to endure a 2nd Trump Presidency.
A 2nd Trump Presidency? Icky would have a shit hemorrhage. The first one cost him dearly. The second? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Willy needs all the help he can get.
PS: The first Trump term, as bad as it was, didn't cost me "dearly." But unlike you, I don't vote my checkbook. That's what Republicans do.

The endless denials of biology. The insisting that differences between men and women are social constructs. Claiming women can do whatever a man can do. The lazy arguments that ignores facts and instead resorts to gaslighting and manipulation. Nicky is clearly a woman. Probably an escort who’s hit the wall 10 years ago.

Many polls are Kennedy vs Trump and a separate poll of Kennedy vs Biden. In those cases, if say Kennedy beats Trump and Biden beats Kennedy, then it’s a Biden state. You work with the data you have, not the data you want. Feel free to check them yourself. Just use the bottom tab to select which state you want.

The latest NY Times/Siena poll shows Trump leading Biden in all five swing states. Oh, WAIT! It's The NY Times so Willy assumes it can't be true! LOL.
PS: I linked the story on this from The Hill because not everyone can read The NY Times.

Posted By: inicky46
 So let's see....you dem fools want to re-elect a tax cheat, (Ukraine funds sent through Hunter) a draft-dodger, (didn’t go to Vietnam)  a sniffer and  assaulter of women, (Tara Reid and And AND his own daughter) 😵 A perpetrator of bribery (Ukraine and China)  as Vice President? A complete fool who beyond fucked up the pull out of afhghanastan and embolder of Putin. Putin didn’t invade shit while Trump was president. A MASS climate polluter of the environment, (blowing up Nordstream 2. A president not enforcing laws on the books (border enforcement)  yeah and so much more

He never seems to get tired of making a fool of himself like this. And I never get tired of pointing it out.
What a tool.

Further admin takes a dim view and will remove posts that have been altered by another poster. Careful Lost or you'll go MIA like one of your MAGA buddies who now has a new all digital handle (1657867).

followme22 reads

Just admitted, in the below linked post, to being the backstabber or at least one of the backstabbers.


-- Modified on 5/13/2024 1:22:00 PM

I have no idea what you are talking about, but you seem obsessed with it so knock yourself out. Here's some friendly advice: don't alter anyone else's post because that could get you suspended or, more likely, banned as a repeat offender.

don't alter anyone else's post because that could get you suspended or, more likely, banned as a repeat offender
If TER Admin hasn’t cited this infraction against him before, how can he be suspended or banned as a “repeat offender”?

He, and others, have done it before and those altered posts have been deleted by admin. Admin is watching this board. Not only has admin deleted altered posts, but they've deleted multiple threads and even closed the entire board in the past. It's so naive of you to think no one is watching.

I've ridiculed him for but never complained to TER because I just don't care. I had no idea those faux posts were gone. I think the problem TER has with this board is that it gets so out of control it becomes too much work for them to monitor and manage it. And that's when the shit hits the fan.

Well that makes Lost in Translation a repeat offender too. Careful, Lost.

followme17 reads

Jizzypus the pinko, you know exactly what I’m talking about

To quote you  
“Further admin takes a dim view and will remove posts that have been altered by another poster. Careful Lost or you'll go MIA like one of your MAGA buddies who now has a new all digital handle (1657867).”

That is an admission you had a hand in it.

Now you threaten me. going to try to stab me in the back too......again you basically admitted to being a back stabber and  stool pigeon. yeah you and ickypus are a real team  in that regard.

You falsely accuse me of altering posts then cover you tracks by saying the posts were removed. I’ve never altered a post of yours or anyone’s.    The reason those posts were removed is because they were replies to ickypus and you where you both got eviscerated, humiliates and embarrassed so bad neither of you could take it or the truth.
I do not need to alter your or anyone’s posts because  your posts are nothing but  dumb, stupid, ignorant, moronic, idiotic and full of shit.. Your and your felching partners post are self-humiliating neither of you need my help.  

Too bad you two globs of pus cannot be put back in the anorectal abscess  you oozed from.

Now as submissive beta I found it easy to train you to reply and you will.  

At jizzypus the pinko we laugh  

Posted By: followme
Re: Jizzypus the pinko, you know exactly what I’m talking about
Jizzypus the pinko, you know exactly what I’m talking about  
 To quote you  
 “Further admin takes a dim view and will remove posts that have been altered by another poster. Careful Lost or you'll go MIA like one of your MAGA buddies who now has a new all digital handle (1657867).”  
 That is an admission you had a hand in it.  
 Now you threaten me. going to try to stab me in the back too......again you basically admitted to being a back stabber and  stool pigeon. yeah you and ickypus are a real team  in that regard.  
 You falsely accuse me of altering posts then cover you tracks by saying the posts were removed. I’ve never altered a post of yours or anyone’s.    The reason those posts were removed is because they were replies to ickypus and you where you both got eviscerated, humiliates and embarrassed so bad neither of you could take it or the truth.  
 I do not need to alter your or anyone’s posts because  your posts are nothing but  dumb, stupid, ignorant, moronic, idiotic and full of shit.. Your and your felching partners post are self-humiliating neither of you need my help.  
 Too bad you two globs of pus cannot be put back in the anorectal abscess  you oozed from.  
 Now as submissive beta I found it easy to train you to reply and you will.  
 At jizzypus the pinko we laugh  
Wow 😳

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that people aren't out to get you. What a delusional sicko. Get all your hate and vile out.

The financial monitor appointed by the court to keep track of Trump Org recently reported to the court a mysterious $50M loan that had previously not been properly reported.  
“Tax evasion”: Legal experts say court report footnote caught Trump “intentionally” breaking laws. (Jan 24, 2024).
"A court-appointed monitor overseeing Donald Trump’s businesses on Friday alerted the judge overseeing his New York fraud case that the former president’s financial disclosures are “incomplete” or “inconsistent.” ...
"“When I inquired about this loan, I was informed that there are no loan agreements that memorialize the loan, but that it was a loan that was believed to be between Donald J. Trump, individually, and Chicago Unit Acquisition for $48 million,” Jones wrote, referring to the shell company that held Trump’s debt. “However, in recent discussions with the Trump Organization, it indicated that it has determined that this loan never existed—and thus that it would be removed from any upcoming forms submitted to the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and would also be removed from subsequent versions of [corporate financial statements],” Jones wrote.
"If true, “that would essentially be an admission from the Trump Organization that all the financial disclosures Trump has filed with the federal government listed an entirely fictional debt worth tens of millions of dollars, which Trump claimed he personally owed to one of his own companies,” Sollenberger explained. ..."
It seems that Trump sought -- and obtained -- loan forgiveness on the Chicago property debt to avoid bankruptcy. Loan forgiveness is SUPPOSED to be treated as income and that did not happen. Instead, the forgiven loan amount was transferred to and "parked" in another Trump shell company. So Trump-1 CLAIMED that he still owed $50M (well, $48M) to Trump-2 and avoided paying income tax on it. But there are no records of such a loan or its transfer. The $50M of loan forgiveness = income just, sort of, disappeared into the coffers yet still exists as a NON-existent loan.
It gets more complicated. Trump's financial statements have previously stated the value of the Trump-2 shell company as "zero" or valueless. Even though Trump-2 was (allegedly) owed $50M by Trump-1, it was worthless? (Your bank lends money to borrowers and those contracted loans are bank assets that they can sell to other banks.)  
Trump also still has unsettled tax problems regarding a $73M tax refund claimed under false pretenses:
" http://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/trumps-seventy-three-million-dollar-tax-refund-is-the-biggest-outrage-of-all
Trump’s Seventy-Three-Million-Dollar Tax Refund Is the Biggest Outrage of All.
"... Basically, Trump's businesses were losing money left and right. It was the decade when Trump claimed on his taxes to have lost over $1 billion. He paid zero taxes and carried forward the business losses until the loss credits ran out. In the meantime, a new tax law had been passed that: "Proprietors who abandon loss-making businesses are allowed to claim some of the losses they incurred for tax purposes, but they have to give up the businesses entirely and ****not receive anything of value in return.**** ...
"Because the refund was fraudulently claimed, it can be reclaimed by the IRS, plus interest. That places the amount that Trump will have to pay back in excess of $100 M.  ..."
I might as well remind the Trump Cult of this one, too:
"Tax Cheat Leona Helmsley was called "a disgrace to humanity" in 1989.
"Who called tax cheat Leona Helmsley "a disgrace to humanity"? Donald Trump, of course!"
"... http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/02/what-trump-said-about-leona-helmsleys-tax-evasion/
What Trump said about Leona Helmsley’s tax evasion
"... Multiple reports and social media posts referenced Trump’s 1989 comments about fellow New York real estate developer Leona Helmsley, who was later convicted of evading $1.2 million in taxes. As the New York Times wrote Thursday: "[Trump’s] reluctance to discuss the allegations in depth stood in contrast to his gloating after a real estate rival, Leona Helmsley, was charged with tax crimes in 1989, prompting Mr. Trump to call her a “disgrace to humanity.” "  
"When Helmsley’s tax fraud trial began, Trump again piled on, saying, “I can feel sorry for my worst enemy, but I cannot feel sorry for Leona Helmsley. She deserves whatever she gets.” ..."

Posted By: inicky46

This one relates to so-called "double-dipping" in claiming the same losses twice from a failed Chicago real estate project.  
 So let's see....you MAGA fools want to re-elect a tax cheat, a draft-dodger, a convicted assaulter of women, a convicted perpetrator of fraud against banks and insurance companies, and an insurrectionist as President? The bill for all of his various legal troubles is fast approaching a billion dollars.  
 There's only one thing this guy is good at. He's the greatest con man who has ever lived.  
 And history will record his supporters as the greatest fools to ever walk the planet.  

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