Politics and Religion

Bullshit, paper trading has little similarity to the real world of trading
GaGambler 169 reads

Only people who have never risked anything substantial think that paper trading is even remotely like doing the real thing.

I suppose you think playing Texas Hold'em in "free" tournaments is a good way to practice for the real thing too. Those players are almost as bad as people who learn to gamble by playing "on line" poker.  

BTW, is there even a single subject that you have any real life experience at? Picking up $25 SW's doesn't count

saltyballs617 reads

Betting markets initially slumped 30 percent, after the FBI news release, but then rebounded quickly. Ok Trump fruitcakes, time to head back to your underground bunkers. It was fun watching you peeing all over yourselves with joy over the latest FBI news release. The key line in FBI director, Comey's statement, which you all ignored, “the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.”


Results based on survey of 1039 likely voters conducted from 10/24 - 10/29

poll tracks about 3,000 eligible voters until election day

saltyballs112 reads

.........their record in past elections have generally been more accurate than that of the pollsters. In 2012, both the final national polls and the betting markets had Mitt Romney and Barack Obama essentially tied for the popular vote. But the betting markets never wavered that Obama would win

GaGambler171 reads

The comeback on Obama was something like 1-4. Right now the odds on Trump are bouncing between 3-1 and 5-2 with Hillary at about 2-7

I agree the bookies tend to get things right more often than the pollsters, Brexit aside of course, which the bookies got horribly wrong. Maybe this election can mirror the one on Brexit and for largely the very same reasons?

saltyballs93 reads

........, but six months prior were predicting a Romney rout. The betting markets were clearly wrong about Brexit as you correctly state

GaGambler166 reads

Never once did the odds even approach even money on Romney, much less predict a rout.

Yes,  a bunch of overly enthusiastic righties here on this board were predicting a Romney rout, but NONE of the bookies ever agreed with them.

Right now my account has not been upgraded to do options. But there are some other tickers (UVXY) I can use to short the stock market without having to do margin on stocks.  I will paper trade it since it is a very risky security that can go against in a heartbeat.

My disclaimer:  Not a Registered investor Adviser, Broker Dealer or member of any association of or other research providers in any jurisdiction whatsoever not qualified to give any financial advice. Investing/trading in financial securities  is highly speculative and carries an extreme high degree of risk

-- Modified on 10/30/2016 12:31:27 PM

JakeFromStateFarm220 reads

Wow!  You have a remarkable grasp of the obvious.

GaGambler224 reads

and your disclaimer is hardly necessary, we all know you are not qualified to give advice on ANY subject, much less one having to do with the market.

Doing something that could cause them to loose a lot of money. That is why I put the disclaimer.  

Paper trading and using simulators is the way to go before committing $1000s of dollars for a trade.

-- Modified on 10/30/2016 1:14:49 PM

GaGambler170 reads

Only people who have never risked anything substantial think that paper trading is even remotely like doing the real thing.

I suppose you think playing Texas Hold'em in "free" tournaments is a good way to practice for the real thing too. Those players are almost as bad as people who learn to gamble by playing "on line" poker.  

BTW, is there even a single subject that you have any real life experience at? Picking up $25 SW's doesn't count

Yes things are different especially when you put in a order and it does not execute right away.  Some orders can take days or weeks to trade at the price you want. This is why you only trade on what you are willing to loose.  

Also it is good for a trader to visit a alcohol anonymous meeting to see what happens when you have an addiction to gambling in the market.  

You start out small with a simple goal of making $100/day for a few weeks, then go for $200/day and on up. Go for those small increments of change and nothing too risky. The idea is to get consistency.  

BTW I have no experience with SW's, never picked one up or looked for one.

...disclaimer on a fuckboard!  Who's gonna take investment advice from an anonymous dick on a fuckboard?

And if some idiot does take your advice and loses the family farm, do you think he will sue you and then you'll cite the disclaimer as a legal defense?


GaGambler118 reads

and that is our very own "Cheesy" Remember when he wanted to sue me? Good thing fishbro takes bitcoins. lol

I think it might be a close race as to who is dumber, Cheesy? or Chicken Little?

...spotty?  He might take investment advice from Dave the Mogul.

Hell, every once in a while I used to bet on a horse because he was gray or I liked his name.

bigguy30146 reads

It's funny listening to Trump cult, thinking this is going to help Dump win. Lol

Posted By: saltyballs
Betting markets initially slumped 30 percent, after the FBI news release, but then rebounded quickly. Ok Trump fruitcakes, time to head back to your underground bunkers. It was fun watching you peeing all over yourselves with joy over the latest FBI news release. The key line in FBI director, Comey's statement, which you all ignored, “the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.”  

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