Politics and Religion

As I have said on numerous ocassions, this is what is SUPPOSED to be happening at this juncture
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 2232 reads

and it's what renders polls taken at this time completely meaningless.

We've both seen many primaries, and this one hardly looks like a bloody one. When you see Romney start pandering to the Tea Party, (your misrepresentations about my "adherence" aside) then you can start worring about the damage being done to his run at the white house.

Truth be told, I think the media is keeping a few of these guys relevant just to keep the primary from being a snoozer. Your personal favorite Herman Cain included.

in a very professional manner.

And reporters that shove a mic in your face and have to move to get out of the way of a car door closing would be way out of line to refer to bodyguards as "thugs."

You know, this entire cycle of reporting on the repubs primary has been disgusting in just about every way imaginable.  In the half dozen or so debates, it was nothing but one "gotcha" question after another and then the commentators spend the next week analyzing as if it has some higher meaning for us all.  Then we had weeks of commentary about mormon religion.  And lets not forget all the hype before Perry ever became a candidate, and now all the commentary about why he's not doing so well.  Then we had the guy from NJ... at least he outsmarted them by staying the hell out of it.  Let's see, it was Trump before him.  Now we've got some planted story about some allegation on Cain that happened 20 fucking years ago, he denied at the time, but for expediency was settled with a payoff.  Same old commentator crap.

Now I ask you when have you heard any of these commentators go into any frinzy trying to understand and educate us about what any of the candidates actually would do for the country if elected?  Is our news media practicing freedom of speech, or is it just plain harassment.

It occurs to me that if I were subjected to the kind of crap that candidates get from the media, I'd probably bitch slap every one of them until WW shows up to take care of the heavy lifting.

The media crucified Weiner and took no mercy on that scumbag John Edwards either.

To me, this type of reporting is an embarrassment to journalism.  And the folks at Fox are just as bad with the guys they send out with microphones and cameras to follow people to their homes and to the elevators in their office buildings.

Cain has no one but himself to blame for all this attention. Whether he is guilty of the claims or not, he knew that the agreements with the women existed and that at some point in his campaign they would surface in the media.

If you have any skeletons -- whether they are deserved or not -- you better be ready to deal with them when they do appear.

You are remarkably...dare I say it...fair and balanced.  Also right.

Not sure I got your point, but if you think that my condemnation of the media is limited to what they do/say about the repubs, your wrong.  I'm an equally critical of them for the lies and warrantless criticism they levy at the dems too.  Who gives a shit about Obama's birth certificate, or who he hung around with 20 years ago.  Equally dumb ass reporting.  Now where's my saiga.... LOL

I couldn't possibly care less about his birth certificate though, or any of this crap about his grades.

Just the subject was the Democrats.

If they can't handle this now, how are they going to react in a real crisis?

Timbow1470 reads

Posted By: pwilley
You know, this entire cycle of reporting on the repubs primary has been disgusting in just about every way imaginable.  In the half dozen or so debates, it was nothing but one "gotcha" question after another and then the commentators spend the next week analyzing as if it has some higher meaning for us all.  Then we had weeks of commentary about mormon religion.  And lets not forget all the hype before Perry ever became a candidate, and now all the commentary about why he's not doing so well.  Then we had the guy from NJ... at least he outsmarted them by staying the hell out of it.  Let's see, it was Trump before him.  Now we've got some planted story about some allegation on Cain that happened 20 fucking years ago, he denied at the time, but for expediency was settled with a payoff.  Same old commentator crap.

Now I ask you when have you heard any of these commentators go into any frinzy trying to understand and educate us about what any of the candidates actually would do for the country if elected?  Is our news media practicing freedom of speech, or is it just plain harassment.

It occurs to me that if I were subjected to the kind of crap that candidates get from the media, I'd probably bitch slap every one of them until WW shows up to take care of the heavy lifting.

Supposedly, one of Perry's people worked for Cain when the new allegation first surfaced.  The Cain campaign is calling for an apology from Perry.  Hope they're not holding their breath.  All I know is Obama's rooting for Cain to stay in the race.  The longer the Republican hopefuls slash at each other, the weaker the eventual winner will be.  They are playing right into the Dems hands.

Timbow1903 reads

Posted By: inicky46
Supposedly, one of Perry's people worked for Cain when the new allegation first surfaced.  The Cain campaign is calling for an apology from Perry.  Hope they're not holding their breath.  All I know is Obama's rooting for Cain to stay in the race.  The longer the Republican hopefuls slash at each other, the weaker the eventual winner will be.  They are playing right into the Dems hands.

Timbow1916 reads

Posted By: inicky46
Supposedly, one of Perry's people worked for Cain when the new allegation first surfaced.  The Cain campaign is calling for an apology from Perry.  Hope they're not holding their breath.  All I know is Obama's rooting for Cain to stay in the race.  The longer the Republican hopefuls slash at each other, the weaker the eventual winner will be.  They are playing right into the Dems hands.
Quote :
According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office.  

The Democrats are advantaged by Cain staying in and helping to prolong the bloodletting among the Republicans.  As soon as one clear Republican nominee appears, that person will focus their attention on Obama.

Once a clear GOP nominee appears, the Obama camp will have someone to focus on. It's not like he is going to be able to run a positive campaign based on all of his "accomplishments" in his first term.

Let's list his victories

1) Osama bin Laden killed. Ok, that one I will grant you.

2)Obamacare rammed down the throat of the American public. Do you really want to claim this as a victory?

3) Sorry guys, but simply not being Bush is not an accomplishment you can use to win reelection. I can't think of anything else he can point to. The economy sucks, gas is still high, the troops aren't coming home, unemployment doesn't show a glimmer of hope, do you really want me to go on?

If it isn't screamingly ovbvious to you that Obama benefits more from having the opposition beat up on each other instead of concentrating on him, welllll.....I will have to declare your retarded brother is smarter than you are!  lol!

This primary cycle doesn't look like one that is going to end up "bloody" at all compared to many in the past. This is what the primaries is supposed to be all about.

The biggest danger in the primaries for the ultimate victor is having to pander to the fringe of his party in order to secure the nomination which makes his ultimate move back to center look like a flip flop.

I think most of us will agree that Romney is almost certainly going to be the GOP candidte in 2012, and Romney is virtually untouched by any of this. All he has to do is exactly what he has been doing "look Presidential" and he will coast in as the GOP nominee with very little new baggage to rid himself of in the GE.

If Romney was having to wrestle around in the mud with the rest of the "bit players" I might share your "concern", but he has managed to stay above it all which bodes quite well for his Presidential run.

Priapus532140 reads

about who planted the "Cain leak". Also Perry will go after Romeny tooth & nail about his "flip
flops" & that will be a bloody primary fight. Also, the Tea party ( which you proudly proclaim yourself an adherent ) dislikes Romney, which is why his poll #'s are stuck in the low 20's. All this is leading to a slight boost in BHO's standing & he currently leads all GOP contenders.

Of course, things can change in less than a year;
but, at this juncture, the chaos & volatility in GOP field is benefitting BHO.

-- Modified on 11/3/2011 6:41:09 AM

and it's what renders polls taken at this time completely meaningless.

We've both seen many primaries, and this one hardly looks like a bloody one. When you see Romney start pandering to the Tea Party, (your misrepresentations about my "adherence" aside) then you can start worring about the damage being done to his run at the white house.

Truth be told, I think the media is keeping a few of these guys relevant just to keep the primary from being a snoozer. Your personal favorite Herman Cain included.

Priapus531475 reads

Particularly by sleazy covert Perry operatives.

I think it's gonna get ugly, but let's see what develops.

You made several accusations, but have yet to provide a bit of proof.

am I to conclude you were just making shit up?

I can direct you to the post if you have conveniently forgotten. lol

Priapus533303 reads

Contrary to what you think--------LOL !

Doofus brings up an a Colo initiative on lowering taxes ( btw, I am not unsympathetic to that ) & falsely extrapolates that it means doom for BHO, despite what his linked article says . He then says 2010 polls were wrong, despite fact it showed leads for GOP in upcoming elections, which was an accurate prediction. A retard.

GaG, it would behhove you to distance yourself
from such types, despite sympathetic political leanings. I certainly distance myself from Zorff, who happens to be one of the biggest moronic left-leaning bigots on this board.

I have seen nothing to indicate that he is either a social liberal or conservative. I would love to see your evidence that he is a "social conservative"

A discussion of your "ass kicking" of him can be discussed after you first prove this allegation.

As for Zorff, I guess the term "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" must not apply here as one of compressor's first disputes here was with your good friend Zorff, followed by arguments with AF and Mattgina. If a man is to be judged by the enemies he makes, Compressor is doing a bang up job so far. I doubt seriously that you can muster up even the slightest defense for any of the parties I have mentioned so far. and I fail to see where Compressor has shown himself to be a bigot either.

but's lets stick to the issue at hand. Please show me evidence that Compressor is a "social conservative", and we can move on from there.

and the only "asskicking" was in your own mind.

I don't know the guy, but so far, so good. IMO

The fact that he has already had arguments with Zorff, Mattgina, and AF, not to mention getting the "troll treament" from you speaks highly of his intellect to me.

I may actually enjoy this, I hate to say this Pri, but so far you look outmatched. You might try using actual fact when arguing with this guy instead of simply hurling insults, otherwise I fear you are going to come off looking rather foolish. It just sucks when the facts aren't on your side though, doesn't it? lmao

Priapus531866 reads

I used FACTS & INSULTS against this guy & kicked his dumb ass.

You say otherwise. I don't recall you being appointed board "arbiter" on these bullshit matters, so, you're just another opinionated board asshole, like myself, free to give his 2 cents, whatever's that's worth-----:)

Oh, on other subject, I see Fucking Mccourt has put my once beloved Dodgers up for sale----how that moron has ruined a once storied franchise is beyond me------

good tactic when you are losing this badly. lol

Oh BTW Dodgers suck!!!! lmao

and why is LA such a bad pro sports city. With the exception of the Lakers, LA has a piss poor history with pro sports.

Priapus531645 reads

( 59, 63, 65, 81, & 88 ) The L.A. Raiders ( now Oakland ) won a Superbowl in '83. The Atlanta Braves ( one of the greatest world series choke teams ) have only won 1 world series. The Astros & The Rangers have never won a world series---;)

I will say this-----the fact the L.A., 2nd biggest city in U.S., has gone w/out football team since '95, is pathetic.

and before you go claiming the Raiders as your own. LA only borrowed the Raiders for a few years and never supported them. I went to a couple of Raiders games at the "Mausoleum" I don't think there were ever more than about forty thousand in attendence.

and I am talking about fan support, not on field success. The fan support in LA is as bad as Atlanta or Houston, both of which suck as well I will admit.

Nice hijack.

-- Modified on 11/3/2011 11:50:22 AM

will support Romney in the general election against President Obama. That will make his poll numbers jump.

I think Romney is too smart to have gotten involved in this Cain nonsense. Of course, that doesn't mean that one of his eager workers didn't do something stupid . . .

You're doing nothing but making a prediction when you say "This primary cycle doesn't look like  one that is going to end up 'bloody.'"  No one knows what will happen in the coming 6 months, and things have already gotten personal between Cain and Perry, and between Romney and Perry.  I don't believe Romney is a shoe-in because he's weaseling on almost every issue and people know it.  That's why so many Republicans can't stand him (in addition to his health care history and religion) and are in an "anyone but Romney" mode.  I think as the field narrows, he'll take even more heat.
But none of this really goes to the issue of my original post: does it make sense for the Obama campaign to have leaked the Cain story?  To me, it's clear that Obama does better the longer the Republican nomination is in doubt.  But the bottom line is Cain himself says the story started with a former employee who now works for Perry.  I find that credible, do you?  If it's true, then my original point was correct, no matter what else we each believe about the primary process.
Final point.  You are right that all candidates pander to the fringe during the primaries and run back to the middle once nominated.  Romney's problem is he hasn't done a good job of that and continues to contradict prior positions, thus ending up looking like a flip-flopping weasel.

Of course I agree with you on that point.

Obama trying to derail Cain would go down as one of the all time dumb moves ever in politics.

Happy now? lol

I do disagree with you in re to Romney though, which puts me in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Pri. I think the rest of the field is so weak that Romney's only enemy inj the primaries is himself.

Similarly, I don't believe the Romney will "beat" Obama, I think that if Obama is unseated it will be by beating himself. The election is Obamas to win or lose. No one in the GOP camp is dynamic, or charimatic enough to actually take the presidency, they can only win it by default if Obama and the economy continues to flounder.

I do so hate it when we fight.  LOL!  As for Romney, I hope you and Pri are very happy together.  I used to agree with you until I saw his latest flip-flopping.  He's terrible on his feet.  So afraid to say anything controversial he ties himself in knots and ends up seeming like a weasel.  If he wins, it will be because the Republicans capitulate and accept him only as the lesser of six evils.  But the Evangelicals, Tea Partiers and others on the right wing of the party will then stay home in droves on election day.  
So I guess in the end we agree Obama is the likely winner, despite all his flaws.  This amazes me because I've long felt the Republicans are much better at slugging it out over the issues.  But maybe the only thing they're good at is saying "no."  I thought Obama was a really good candidate last time; less so this time.  Having the choice of him or Romney on election day will, I predict, produce a record low turn-out.
Without Pri's vote, Romney is sure to lose Nevada.  lol.

Priapus532014 reads

I understand Hannity & fatso Rush has also "weighed in" with similar sentiments.

Pathetically laughable.

...while he drops the 'N' from the end of his words when talking to blacks.  Wasn't it endearing when Sarah Palin dropped the 'N'. Can Limbaugh be an even bigger honky than he already is?

Just another non issue, I don't see anything much different than people trying to talk "Texan" when in Texas or white people speaking pidgin English when talking to Asians. I really find it amusing when the average white American tries to talk to someone from Asia, they seem to think that if they speak slowy and loudly enough, they will be understood. lol

El Rushbo has got a lot of "on air" time to fill just like everyother talk radio host, I don't expect all of it to really make any sense.


Just about every politician does it.

Nothing was more comical than hearing Al Gore try to talk like a black preacher when he spoke at a church in the south.

Don't these guys realize how phony they look when they do this shit???  LOL

Is this just piling on?  According to this article, even a "conservative talk show host" said Cain said inappropriate things to the radio station staff.  I am beginning to agree that he's toast.  Think Romney's behind it?

St. Croix1388 reads

that little witch Gloria Allred appears on camera representing one of the ladies. This is right in her wheelhouse. Remember Meg Whitman running for Governor of California? She pulled an illegal alien maid out of her ass 2 or so weeks before the election. Whitman was toast after that.

-- Modified on 11/2/2011 3:20:47 PM

well pulling out after finishing at least. lol

Unless she is fat and ugly of course.

but if you meant that literally, I sure hope the maid was a spinner. lol

any man's hard-on.  Gives me the chills just thinkin' about her.

-- Modified on 11/2/2011 7:46:14 PM

ElGuapo5051289 reads

Oh my. My package just sucked itself up into my body at the mention of her name. If there was ever a woman that would make a man wish he played for the other team, she is the one.

St. Croix3394 reads

I'm sitting here watching a replay of the UCLA/CAL football. Hey, it's either that, or watch Temple vs Ohio, and I don't have any action on that game. But during a commercial, I did a little channel surfing, and Lisa Bloom popped up discussing the Cain case. She's the daughter of Allred, which means I give it 3 days before you will see that god awful witch appear on TV standing next to at least one of the so-called victims. Well, back to UCLA and my wish that Rick Neuheisel gets fired NOW. Nevertheless, Miami or Indy is going to get one unbelievable QB in Luck. (Irrespective of what that putz Phil Simms says - I threw that in for you)

I'm not a lawyer, but aren't non-disclosure agreements in perpetuity? So if Cain talks first, or a 3rd party talks first, I have to assume there is a clause that null and voids the agreement.

-- Modified on 11/2/2011 7:14:16 PM

ElGuapo5052035 reads

My understanding is that the confidentiality agreement is between the NRA and the unnamed woman. Not between Cain and the unnamed woman. Though I think he wasn't politically savvy by speaking out so soon. Nevertheless, he was presented with anonymous charges that he answered without naming names.

Nothing is more frustrating than someone from HR or legal telling you, "You said something to someone, at sometime. We cannot tell you want you said, nor to who, nor when you said it.... BUT DON'T SAY IT AGAIN!" Cain has a lot more patience than I do. I would have told the reporters to f*ck off.

"If the woman speaks out, without explicit permission to break the confidentiality agreement, she likely risks having to pay a serious financial sum, possibly significantly more than she received in the settlement itself, according to David Zarfes, an associate dean at the University of Chicago Law School and formerly an executive vice president and general counsel of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Zarfes also points out that if the woman decides to say, call a press conference, the NRA’s lawyers could probably get a court injunction ordering her to respect the confidentiality agreement. If she disregarded that injunction and went forward, she would face civil penalties."

ElGuapo5052405 reads

"Questions about whether Herman Cain sexually harassed two former employees will persist until Cain irons out his story and demonstrates he has the character needed to be president, celebrity attorney Gloria Allred said Monday.

"There are a lot of inconsistencies in what he said, and then he dragged out this old tired line about this being a witch hunt," Allred told The Hill. "I think it's extremely important to millions of people. It's a relevant issue, should he seek to be elected as president of the United States."...

It has been 2 days since Gloria was last quoted. Any bets on when she is gonna start "representin'"

Priapus532738 reads

You're using same deflecting tactics that your BFF "compressor" is using. Theme of OP is if
Cain can survive all this to become GOP nomineee.
If you say yes, you're as delusional as "compressor" is. But, as a committed Cain cultist, I'd expect nothing less from you.

FWIW, I can't stand Allred either ,but it's not what this OP is about.

-- Modified on 11/2/2011 8:14:25 PM

ElGuapo5051370 reads

Gloria Allured has an opinion about Herman Cain.
She has inserted herself into the milieu.
I suggest You build a bridge and get over it

St. Croix2984 reads

I did not see anything in print re Allred commenting or being involved in this case. If I'm a Vegas bookie, I'd take it off the board. Her involvement is a done deal. The only bet now is the number of interviews she schedules. This is one of those times when I would approve of a helmet to helmet hit.

Timbow1347 reads

Posted By: St. Croix
I did not see anything in print re Allred commenting or being involved in this case. If I'm a Vegas bookie, I'd take it off the board. Her involvement is a done deal. The only bet now is the number of interviews she schedules. This is one of those times when I would approve of a helmet to helmet hit.

St. Croix1000 reads

She is a feminist and political activist. It's not about the money per se with her. All she got Meg Whitman's maid was a whopping $5,500. But what Allred did was ensure her close friend Jerry Brown won the California Governor race. It was a toss-up until Allred showed up.

Cain would be a high profile case for Allred. She is the preeminent ambulance chasing celebrity seeking attorney for women who have been wronged by men. She just wants a stage in front of cameras with a distraught crying victim sitting next to her. Now I'm just hoping Cain had good taste in the women he supposedly harassed.

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