Politics and Religion

Another consideration if the poor can't afford health insurance.
JakeFromStateFarm 330 reads

They will simply go back to the old way: if they get really sick they'll go back to the ER for treatment.  No ER will turn them away but the care is very expensive.  The poor will have no way to pay for it, so everyone else will end up paying for it indirectly with higher hospital costs.  Thus society will pay one way or another.
And, of course, some will just die.

OK.   Should women pay for prostate cancer?      

Should men pay for contraceptives?    Should women pay for Viagra, Cialis ?

For Christ sake...the dems will cry regardless of what they come up with.

Posted By: earlweaver

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 8:27:38 AM

Great idea!

Drop your health insurance and pay cash for all your health care if you are willing to walk the walk.

Posted By: earlweaver

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 8:27:38 AM

JakeFromStateFarm331 reads

They will simply go back to the old way: if they get really sick they'll go back to the ER for treatment.  No ER will turn them away but the care is very expensive.  The poor will have no way to pay for it, so everyone else will end up paying for it indirectly with higher hospital costs.  Thus society will pay one way or another.
And, of course, some will just die.

"Who knew healthcare was so complicated?"  Welcome to the idiocracy.

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