Politics and Religion

if trump does lose, will you scream that the elections was "rigged", "Fake", and or "stolen"?
inicky46 61 Reviews 19 reads

Of course these snowflakes will whine exactly that. Led by their Whiner-In-Chief.

So I realize you hate Trump, but let’s try to set that aside for the moment. If you were betting on the outcome, who do you think would win the election?

From what I’ve seen of the polling and the Electoral math, Biden has very little chance of winning. Now suppose Biden steps aside and someone else runs. Could they win?  

Presidential campaigns take around 2 years of campaigning to win. Could someone replace Biden and come up with a winning strategy in only 5 months?

The Senate is looking very good for the GOP as well. Of the seats the GOP has to defend, they’re almost entirely in safe red states. Democrats have to defend many seats in swing states and even in some red states. As many as 10 seats could change, and 8 of them could go to the GOP. If Trump wins that would add an additional seat.  

So at this point, where would you place your betts? A Dem win or a GOP win?

So I throw them all out and say it's a toss-up.

RespectfulRobert11 reads

Very, very slightly as polls in 3 keys states are on a razors edge. Would I bet on Joe? No. Would I bet Democratic? Yes.
Your "little chance of winning" is silly and ill informed but you are Mr Hot Take Guy so there's that. The election is a total toss up.  
If you dont think Michelle Obama would clean his clock, you are amazingly obtuse.

Going to take its toll on trump. The more he talks, the deeper the hole. Batteries, sharks, aliens.
But I gotta ask, if trump does lose, will you scream that the elections was "rigged", "Fake", and or "stolen"???
And you can bank on the Dems flipping the house. Senate, questionable

Of course these snowflakes will whine exactly that. Led by their Whiner-In-Chief.

Dems have claimed every Presidential election they’ve lost since 2000 was stolen. Will they do it again? Maybe blame it on Mongolia or some other random country like they did Russia.

Let's try again..."If trump does lose, will you scream that the elections was "rigged", "Fake", and or "stolen"???
I'll check back in a day or two

…then I will say it’s stolen. If there is no evidence it’s stolen then I won’t say it’s stolen.

Your bubble world WILL TELL YOU THE ELECTIONS WAS STOLEN...and you'll believe it.
See, I believe trump won in 2016, he got the votes needed. Biden won in 2020...

RespectfulRobert10 reads

Trump Wins = Fair Election
Trump loses = Rigged Election

Suppose after the 2024 election, some Democrats say the election was rigged. And then every single media outlet rings the same words in unison: “most secure election ever.” And then you find out THE FUCKING FBI WAS CENSORING DEMOCRATS WHO QUESTIONED THE ELECTION. Then, I would say there’s evidence Republicans stole the election.  

Oh, hey, remember how Democrats complained about electronic voting machines getting hacked for 20 years and then suddenly they stopped doing that? Remember when Democrats insisted on paper ballots because of it?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Let me make this easy for you.
Trump Wins 2016  = Fair Election  
 Trump loses 2020 = Rigged Election
Fixed it for ya! 😒

Your side doesn’t even remotely want to look at the possibility that the 2020 election had voter fraud in it.

These woman speak for alot of others who are tired of defending him or they can't.

Icky? Jazzy the pinko? Imp? Cause it sounded like you hens clucking… like ya do when the TDS is running high!

So I ask the question again. How are you lefties feeling about this election? With a chorus of Democrats asking your nominee to step down, does he have a real chance of winning?

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