Politics and Religion

How many cats and dogs :D.....
Timbow 412 reads

Posted By: jerseyflyer
2,068 cases of voter fraud? 3,000, 5,000, 25,000, 200,000? I notice the article didn't mention any numbers. What is it with the dems that they don't want zero voter fraud cases? And speaking of voter fraud, during the last presidential election, at my polling place, a van with official NJ state registration pulled in, and 10 people got out. Eight were residents of the nearby mental institution, excuse me, "developmental center", with two state caregivers. While inside the voting booth, one of the residents called out, "Who am I supposed to vote for again"? One caregiver approached the booth and said, "Obama". None of the polling place monitors said a word, even after I complained. I know them well......all democrats  

Reminds me of their position on illegal aliens. Excuse me, undocumented democrats is the PC terminology.


DA_Flex232 reads

Coupled with the fact that many of these Republican controlled legislatures are reducing early voting days, reducing times polls are open and in the case of Ohio, extending the times people can vote in republican leaning counties....the only people committing voter fraud is the Republican!!

Posted By: mattradd
threatening the integrity of our voting systems! NOT!  ;)

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 12:40:54 PM

the story before you make hasty judgements. Or is that not your MO?

2,068 cases of voter fraud? 3,000, 5,000, 25,000, 200,000? I notice the article didn't mention any numbers. What is it with the dems that they don't want zero voter fraud cases? And speaking of voter fraud, during the last presidential election, at my polling place, a van with official NJ state registration pulled in, and 10 people got out. Eight were residents of the nearby mental institution, excuse me, "developmental center", with two state caregivers. While inside the voting booth, one of the residents called out, "Who am I supposed to vote for again"? One caregiver approached the booth and said, "Obama". None of the polling place monitors said a word, even after I complained. I know them well......all democrats  

Reminds me of their position on illegal aliens. Excuse me, undocumented democrats is the PC terminology.

Why dont you click the link and follow the embedded links? Instead having others spoon feeding you?

Timbow413 reads

Posted By: jerseyflyer
2,068 cases of voter fraud? 3,000, 5,000, 25,000, 200,000? I notice the article didn't mention any numbers. What is it with the dems that they don't want zero voter fraud cases? And speaking of voter fraud, during the last presidential election, at my polling place, a van with official NJ state registration pulled in, and 10 people got out. Eight were residents of the nearby mental institution, excuse me, "developmental center", with two state caregivers. While inside the voting booth, one of the residents called out, "Who am I supposed to vote for again"? One caregiver approached the booth and said, "Obama". None of the polling place monitors said a word, even after I complained. I know them well......all democrats  

Reminds me of their position on illegal aliens. Excuse me, undocumented democrats is the PC terminology.


Because most likely there were zero cases of actual fraud.  Note- they didn't say 2,000 cases of fraud- they said 2,000 alleged cases.  In almost all investigations the number of actual cases is zero.  If you have proof to otherwise- cite it.  But you are right- no one wants voter fraud.  We have clear constitutional rights and those rights need to be protected from government interference.  But let's flip this zero tolerance into proper perspective:  

Voting is a constitutionally protected right.  And we all should be concerned when the state takes or somehow makes it difficult for anyone from excercising their constitutional rights (guns, speech, religion... voting)- it is unacceptable to have even one person being denied their consititutional right to vote.  Right?  Or is to you the argument of a right to vote somehow not a constitutional protrected right?  But there's no requirement for anyone to carry or own an ID, unless you are driving, want to fly, things that are not required in life.  I don't own a car, I don't always have my ID because I am not required to have one.  So say I bicycle to my voting place (which is only how it happens), but I couldn't find my drivers license.  What trumps here?  My right to vote?  Obviously, a more acceptable route would be to be placed on a seperate list of questionnables and if it is clear there's a problem, it get's fixed.  But the law as written clearly indicates the state can turn me away from the voting booth without an ID.  If I can't find it- I can't vote?  Really?  I'd think the conservatives woudl be holloring angry about the state taking my constitutionally protected right away.  When anyone argues otherwise.... it's because they want to benefit from the law.  Which the conservs want.  

Let's not forget that the poor often may have no ID, have no need for an ID, and we all would agree, I think, that those without an ID tend to vote democrat.  So let's just be honest:  the repubs know shaving a few hundred in each district in their state may well lean the outcome in favor of the republican candidates.  Any argument otherwise does not pass teh smell test.  

concerning your claim of seeing first hand alleged voter fraud is interesting, but considering the nature of this website, I'll chalk it up to indigestion and therefore I'll have to ignore it.  

The problem is that voting is a constitutionally protected right.  You are right- we should have zero cases of fraud in every aspect of our society.  Having an ID is not one of them.  If voting fraud is rampant- show a cite articulating the number of cases of proven fraud.  (I won't hold my breath).  

Posted By: jerseyflyer
2,068 cases of voter fraud? 3,000, 5,000, 25,000, 200,000? I notice the article didn't mention any numbers. What is it with the dems that they don't want zero voter fraud cases? And speaking of voter fraud, during the last presidential election, at my polling place, a van with official NJ state registration pulled in, and 10 people got out. Eight were residents of the nearby mental institution, excuse me, "developmental center", with two state caregivers. While inside the voting booth, one of the residents called out, "Who am I supposed to vote for again"? One caregiver approached the booth and said, "Obama". None of the polling place monitors said a word, even after I complained. I know them well......all democrats  

Reminds me of their position on illegal aliens. Excuse me, undocumented democrats is the PC terminology.

If I cited to a link from Heritage or Fox or Ntl Review, it would be discounted in two seconds as coming from a biased source.

There have been a slew of recent post citing Huff Po and/or DailyKoz.

Why are these any better that other biased sources?

In your desire to research the issue, did you look at other sources that may disagree with you?  

Posted By: mattradd
threatening the integrity of our voting systems! NOT!  ;)

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 12:40:54 PM

However, I never categorically right off a post that references them. I believe FOX generally provides reasonably accurate journalism, and I read the National Review myself. And, yes, I've been on the look out for any stories that challenge the ones I've posted. One's that are not purely personal opinion, but backed by some sort of quantitative evidence. Nada! Have you found any? You think if anyone, with an opposing view, on this board had found some, wouldn't they have posted them. The fact that neither you, or I, nor anyone else has come up with anything that refutes the articles I've posted, seems to me to being saying that no one has any evidence to refute those stories.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 4:41:17 PM

Everything I've heard indicates there has been zero instances of actual voter fraud....

Posted By: mattradd
However, I never categorically right off a post that references them. I believe FOX generally provides reasonably accurate journalism, and I read the National Review myself. And, yes, I've been on the look out for any stories that challenge the ones I've posted. One's that are not purely personal opinion, but backed by some sort of quantitative evidence. Nada! Have you found any? You think if anyone, with an opposing view, on this board had found some, wouldn't they have posted them. The fact that neither you, or I, nor anyone else has come up with anything that refutes the articles I've posted, seems to me to being saying that no one has any evidence to refute those stories.

-- Modified on 8/13/2012 4:41:17 PM

looking forwaqrd to the day you have an ounce of criticism from huffypo.

if it exists...

And, is the WE you speak of your claim to speak for this board community, or rather referring to you and your alters???  ;)

Is there something you'd care to refute, specifically, from the article? Would you care to present other sources that refute various aspects of the article???   ;)

"Say good-night Gracie!"

...imagine, the fucking Republican Party is concerning itself with the integrity of elections? That's like Hitler concerning himself with human rights.

This is just a ploy by the GOP to try to guarantee Romney a victory. Nothing more, nothing less. It is wide spread ELECTION fraud.

Democrats could do the same thing by claiming that everyone with a conceal carry license is an illegal immigrant, thus anyone with a CCW is barred from voting. See how easy it is to steal an election when you just make shit up?

illegals so they can vote in more and more money for "programs" and "union jobs" so they can take their skim and stay in power.

fuck it if it nullifies my vote, right?

mrnogood216 reads

why don't you ever think about how the poor, almost NEVER votes? Or how the poor is but 4% of the military budget..Cutting funding for the poor will not help our deficit, cutting the trillions that go to "defense" which is really offense, not defense.. WOULD make a difference..

But, you'd rather blame the poor for ALL our woes, than look to the real problems, and that is our wars

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