Politics and Religion

Did they have phones back then? Just kidding! EOM
stucaboy 101 reads


nuguy46332 reads

If the Fed Govt computers have been hacked, VISA, LinkedIn, Target, DNC, etc the same, why would Hill's not have been hacked???  Assuming she's Prez, would she not be subject to blackmail? by the Russians? Chinese? She leading the country to the lowest of lows!


NoYellowEnvelope204 reads

... blackmail from any one of several women who have a sexual assault or even rape case?

... blackmail from a foreign government with whom the politician has had illegal dealings?

... blackmail from an insider who has clear evidence of not just actions, but intent to commit tax evasion?

I could go on but I think you get the drift.  

Anyway, if Hill's email could be hacked, so could any candidate's.

fg, brokebackstabber and pvtlostvegan would be her regulars

LasVegan146 reads

why the Russians are not releasing any Trump or GOP email messages.  Could be, they are holding them back and plan on using them for leverage.  Blackmail makes sense.

We all know if they can hack the DNC and Clinton, they obviously have hacked the GOP and Trump as well yet choose not to release any of this information until it proves fruitful for them.

You make a very good point!

that he used snail mail when he needed privacy, for instance sending the Pope a letter.

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