Politics and Religion

Be honest yourself. I never characterized her performance as gaffes, but
RightwingUnderground 1917 reads

the liberal reaction of, "Oh never mind. We all knew what Biden meant" . . . in his MULTIPLE gaffes recently is disingenuous as well.

digem-all3197 reads

I realize that most folks don't vote for a candidates VP selection, but we may need to look at this one closely.  McCain should have done better.

Check out her take on her foreign policy credentials.  It's really sad.

McCain...too irresponsible to lead!

Palin has always been an insane choice if your criteria is who is best suited to be one step away from being the leader of the free world.

That is not a gaffe.  She is frighteningly ignorant.  Do you really dispute this?  I'm not saying she can't learn or even that she's stupid, but she is clearly extremely ignorant.

Timbow1635 reads

And how about Biden the other day

The wrong president...FDR ..and on a television that didn't exist in 1939 :)

''Ladies and gentlemen, and I say to the national press here, the single biggest tax cut proposed in history for the middle class is being proposed by John McCain,” he said, rather than calling the plan a tax increase'':)


Palin was referring to U.S. fighter jets that are occasionally scrambled from Alaskan air bases when Russian war planes stray too close to U.S. air space.

Russian long-range strategic bombers approached Alaska about six months ago, triggering a U.S. response in which fighters were sent up to escort them until they turned back.
I agree though she really rambles in her answers :)

-- Modified on 9/25/2008 10:36:26 PM

Rambles please she is simply not "the sharpest knife in the drawer." And with the current leadership we have in the Executive Branch no wonder we are becoming the intellectual laughing stock of the current world. And now we are at the brink of possibly electing a man that was 894 out of class of 899 at the Naval Academy. The mere fact that he was admitted to the prestigious Naval Academy was only because of his Admiral Grandfather and Admiral Father. Then we have the VP Sarah Palin how do you fail a general studies curriculum and then after transferring between institutions finally graduate with a BS in Journalism?

Timbow3110 reads

how do you fail a general studies curriculum /
Never heard that link ?

Why in the world would we want to elect McCain and Palin if they keep having to revise their statements.  How many times a week to I have to hear "what [he/she] meant to say ..." "what [he/she] was referring to ..."

Do we really want leaders who have so much trouble being understood?  How will things go when they are speaking with people for whom their first language is not English?  I prefer articulate leaders, but I suppose that is a matter of opinion.

MUCH more importantly, I asked for your honesty about Palin, not commentary on Biden.  Is there a reason you are skirting the issue that I have put on the table in favor of an attack?

RightwingUnderground1918 reads

the liberal reaction of, "Oh never mind. We all knew what Biden meant" . . . in his MULTIPLE gaffes recently is disingenuous as well.

digem-all1845 reads

This has nothing to do with gaffes...I fully expect the candidates to mix-up word, dates, etc.  They're only human, on the road often and are extremely tired.

What Palin has demonstrated is a clear lack of understanding, if not outright ignorance of what diplomacy and foreign policy is.  To actually claim that she has foreign policy experience because her state borders to countries is laughable.

And please...just because the planes that may intercept a potential threat reside in Alaska gives her national security credentials is laughable.  The decision to deploy fighters are and Armed Forces decision.  When the commanders notify leadership in their chain of command...it does not lead to Palin, it leads to Washington DC.

She comes across as completely clueless.

MCain...too irresponsible to lead.

That's because generally people don't think Joe Biden is an idiot and in way over his head.

It's completely understandable why you would want to change the subject away from Palin, but the Biden thing just won't get any traction.

Really and truly, anyone who can honestly say at this point that Palin was a good pick and is prepared to lead this country is either being totally dishonest or is truly stupid.

Timbow1016 reads

No I think the top of your ticket Obama is not qualified and  he is not capable  and does not  have  the right character since his wife is a racist . Him , well birds of a feather flock together  :)
Obama would have as masters Harry Reid and Pelosi and that is scary !

9-man1752 reads

She says it like she knows it is bullshit, but she bravely sells it anyway. She's nervous as hell. I'm afraid if she's called upon to be president, she might just have a total breakdown.

Why is it that Republicans must have at least one person on their presidential tickets who is either an totally unqualified if not a total idiot?

And still Republicans voted for them: Ronald Reagan, Dan Quayle, George W. Bush and now Sara Palin. There's a pattern here, isn't there?

Yes, it started with Ronald Reagan. Take out your nozzles and put them on your flame throwers, but any argument about it will not be answered. Why? Because it won't change my mind and I don't want to retread over it.  

I find it more than frightening that a political party that most recently espouses ”Country First” keeps coming up with such empty suits & skirts as their political demigods.

 This nation’s political system was set up by our founding forefathers as a Federal Republic with a system of checks and balances containing a modicum of transparency for the discernment of the voters.
The glaring mediocrity of those aforementioned is indicative of an agenda that chooses & hypes simple (but sellable) clods as “front men” while the decisions and policies are clandestinely decided by elite special interests.  

  In fairness; the Democratic party isn’t totally innocent in the “front man” game; but our economy improved and our debt was respectively negligible when the morally bankrupt, skirt chasing 'Slick Willy' was at the wheel.  

When I think of Reagan I think of mentally unfit
When I think of Quayle & GW I think of “Dumb & Dumber”

At least the nick name “Slick” emotes the presence of a definitive skill.    

make a better president; Biden or Palin?

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