Phoenix Buzz

wow...I was literally thinking of you yesterday..HBD and welcome back!regular_smile
AZJustJack 3 Reviews 451 reads


Hello Everyone,

Surprise, I'm back on TER again!

I'm here for my BIRTHDAY, then heading out again.  I'm TRAVELING all over now and just LOVE it.

I've been EXCLUSIVE for the last five years and it's been awesome.  Now I'm seeking a FEW more quality gentlemen to be exclusive with. Then I'll be gone again.  This time I'll leave my site, phone and email on for you to still contact me.

TER has been good to me. I have evolved a lot since I joined TER in 2003.  I will be doing things completely different this time around.  Hind sight is 20/20

I am only advertising with TER at this point and staying UTR.  Since I only need a FEW, why not? I'm on my messenger here a lot now lately as well as the chat room again. Come find me!!!  I'm also on Google and Yahoo messengers and Skype under the name...meetmisscandycane.

I am able to offer privacy and exclusivity now with much more FREEDOM to play hard and TRAVEL doing it.  I look about the same except I'm a little older and a lot smarter and my hair is different.

I've made a NEW website very simple.  I'm keeping most of it behind a screened members area which I'm still developing.  All of my NEW and more revealing photos and INFO. will be in the members area.  So keep that in mind when you visit.  The site is very simple and still under development so please be patient and understanding until it is completed...thank you.  I hope you ENJOY it and still find it informative.

Phoenix is my winter home. I have been traveling non-stop for 5 years now too. My regular cities are Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and yes Ohio too.  I still go to Hawaii yearly and enjoy Fantasy Fest for Halloween in Key West usually.  I love all the costume parties, painted nude HOTTIES and I am on a float in the parade too.  It's so much FUN.  I'm already set for this year and plan to get my body painted too.  Wanna join me?

You need to plan ahead with me since I'm not in one place for long.  I only do over-niters, weekends, work week travels and vacations now.  I don't do hourly or last minute, please don't ask.

I hope you understand there is someone for everyone.  Don't settle for less.  Keep pursuing until you find what you deserve.  The connection and satisfaction is so worth it.  So keep researching guys and happy trails.

I'll be back in JUNE, take care Arizona.

[email protected]

Happy Birthday and welcome back "Home". Glad to hear you are well.

Posted By: AZCandy
Hello Everyone,  
 Surprise, I'm back on TER again!  
 I'm here for my BIRTHDAY, then heading out again.  I'm TRAVELING all over now and just LOVE it.  
 I've been EXCLUSIVE for the last five years and it's been awesome.  Now I'm seeking a FEW more quality gentlemen to be exclusive with. Then I'll be gone again.  This time I'll leave my site, phone and email on for you to still contact me.  
 TER has been good to me. I have evolved a lot since I joined TER in 2003.  I will be doing things completely different this time around.  Hind sight is 20/20  
 I am only advertising with TER at this point and staying UTR.  Since I only need a FEW, why not? I'm on my messenger here a lot now lately as well as the chat room again. Come find me!!!  I'm also on Google and Yahoo messengers and Skype under the name...meetmisscandycane.  
 I am able to offer privacy and exclusivity now with much more FREEDOM to play hard and TRAVEL doing it.  I look about the same except I'm a little older and a lot smarter and my hair is different.  
 I've made a NEW website very simple.  I'm keeping most of it behind a screened members area which I'm still developing.  All of my NEW and more revealing photos and INFO. will be in the members area.  So keep that in mind when you visit.  The site is very simple and still under development so please be patient and understanding until it is completed...thank you.  I hope you ENJOY it and still find it informative.  
 Phoenix is my winter home. I have been traveling non-stop for 5 years now too. My regular cities are Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and yes Ohio too.  I still go to Hawaii yearly and enjoy Fantasy Fest for Halloween in Key West usually.  I love all the costume parties, painted nude HOTTIES and I am on a float in the parade too.  It's so much FUN.  I'm already set for this year and plan to get my body painted too.  Wanna join me?  
 You need to plan ahead with me since I'm not in one place for long.  I only do over-niters, weekends, work week travels and vacations now.  I don't do hourly or last minute, please don't ask.  
 I hope you understand there is someone for everyone.  Don't settle for less.  Keep pursuing until you find what you deserve.  The connection and satisfaction is so worth it.  So keep researching guys and happy trails.  
 I'll be back in JUNE, take care Arizona.  
 [email protected]  

We have exchanged emails, talked on the phone, but we keep missing each other, either in PHX or Ohio....

Would absolutely love to see you!!!!


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