
AZCandy See my TER Reviews 8744 reads

YUMMY, you bet...all woman...ask Michael?
AZ LA!!!

The Prince11033 reads

Taylor: I appreciate your honest answer to my query about the high turnover at your company. However, you and MichaelCA fail the Logic 101 course on the first two questions I posed. First, I asked about your announcement on TER, not your website, about Karma's special. I saw it on the website, so it was operating succesfully. At the time you announced the special, Karma was deleted from the website. All I was looking for is your announcement on TER that Karma is no longer offering the special.
    Second, I saw on the accessible website that Aimee was offering a special. There was no explanation on the website, nor was there any announcement on TER. Obviously I could call your place to learn the details, but I am addressing your scapegoat of a bad server in Denmark responsible for the confusion. The server is a red herring. Communication and logic are the issues.
    Michael's response contained the admonition that all I had to do was to "simply" understand the websire was down. Sorry Michael, that is another red herring. I accessed it when it was working, and TER is always working, so Taylor could communicate to us in that fashion.

You seem to have missed a step in your logic. I simply stated that Taylor Lynn was having trouble with their web host and that if you had read the board you would have known that fact. Having this fact to hand, you dismiss it and assume that a web site that has crashed multiple times in the last week or so is up to date. Not a very logical conclusion.

Personally if I were running Taylor Lynn, I would tell you where to stuff your credit card. Anyone who can't post a simple inquiry without offering insult is not a worthwhile client.

funbag7865 reads

The Prince of Idiots...get a life

Yeah, you go guy...tell like it is!!!

AZChewy10464 reads

Uh oh!  Must have had a brian fart here and hit the wrong key - go to next for the response.

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 3:29:13 PM

AZChewy9494 reads

....if we got together we could then be:

                 AZ Chewy Candy

Ba-da-bing! Ba-da-boom!   LOL

Sure hope you are a woman............ otherwise, fagetaboutit Buddy!

YUMMY, you bet...all woman...ask Michael?
AZ LA!!!

You feel Taylor and Michael failed your logic course. So what?

Taylor answered the qusetion about line up changes.  I reflects her commitmnet  to quality.  If an associate is unable to provide the quality service she desires then the association is ended.  Also Taylor has to deal with the issue of  free agency when a person  decides to go independent.  There has been and will continue to be some  changes at her place. This is a sign of her commitment to running a quality service.   You  will be hard pressed to find this at other agencies.    In regards to her website specials etc, if she had server problems  how can this  always be 100% up to date? I hope Taylor will continue to put up with the  hassles and crap and coninue to provide an honest business.

Michael failed logic also.  So what?  Well to continue to be illogical I want to thank him for doing a thankless job!

My Prince,  my respect for all prevents me from attacking such a choice target of opportunity.  You should  expand your philosphy, or  just take your logic and pack off to the the
freakin planet Vulcan.   If not you will be left dissapointed here in this world of wonderful illogical people.

What's with the silly banter, Prince? If you're serious about meeting some awesome girls call or email TaylorLynn privately. If you question her validity, research ter. Nothing but great reviews. To dicker over technicalities or nickel & dime your way into your first review is rather petty...don't you think.  I'm sure you're an outstanding member of the community. Step up to the plate, put your nuts on the table and your money where your mouth is, my friend.

coronalover9038 reads

I've watched Taylor's site since the beginning. There may be occasional lags in updating it, but on the whole the site is well done and up to date.

The simple solution is to pick up the phone if you are not sure about a special or a girl's availability. No need to make a federal case out of it on the boards.

Your posts in the past indicate disappointments and criticism of more than one girl or agency in this hobby. Maybe it's time to pick a new hobby?

Rick7779185 reads

I would suppose the Prince and everone else on TER knows how I feel about him.  But just in case there is a question on the Prince.  I suggest anyone talk to any girl he has seen and see how they feel about him.  A friend to none would be my guess.

TaylorLynn8200 reads

Thanks to everyone for your support.  You don't know how much it means to me, knowing that I am doing things to your satisfaction.  It has been hard work and reading these kinds of posts reassure me that it is all worth it!!

Hopefully, this guy will get a clue and give up picking on everyone and just leave!

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