
RH1984 42 Reviews 124 reads

I used an email from there when I first registered with them - 2016, I think it was. They started trying to get me to change it. It took me a long time to give in, but I ultimately did and moved all of my hobbying emails over, too. You gotta do what you gotta do.

I’ve been trying to register with XO Club for a while now, but continually run into their refusal to accept email from certain email accounts.  Unfortunately, I exclusively use one of those email accounts for my extracurricular activities.  It’s not as if the account is a “one-off”, in fact it’s very “mainstream”.  I don’t want to establish another email account, as I already have three and prefer to keep my extracurricular in one place.  Has anyone else dealt with this problem, and if so did you figure out a work around?  I’d love to get on XO’s rotation but there doesn’t seem to be any way to register with them.  Any suggestions would be welcomed.  

I use protonmail and that seems to work with them.

I used an email from there when I first registered with them - 2016, I think it was. They started trying to get me to change it. It took me a long time to give in, but I ultimately did and moved all of my hobbying emails over, too. You gotta do what you gotta do.

XO is tight on their rules.

Then again, it's worth it to be a member.

Takes literally seconds to create a new email with yahoo google etc.. lol

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