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You're not curious. . .
BBrain 55 Reviews 4228 reads

I happen to be a curious kind of guy. . . and I got some pretty good answers here.

Asking a question does not mean a person is wrapped up in other people's business.

So what do you think a scheduler should charge?

Provider friend *A* is temporarily unable to work; so provider friend *B* is thinking about hiring *A* to answer the phone for her *B* and another provider *C*.

What is a reasonable rate for *A*? 5%? 10%?


another provider working for another provider is only trouble.

Can I pay you nothing to schedule providers for me?

Oh, and I agree with what you said...

That is too blanket of a statement. It depends on the people involved and their relationship. I have seen it work out extremely well, and I have seen daggers fly too.
What I think is fair IF she is booking/screening appointments is 20% or $50.00 at max, just like all other agents everywhere. We also have the added stress of screening well as, what we do is illegal.

. . . and they are friends. I don't think there would be trouble. . . I hope not. They are completely different and their clients have different "demographics". In fact I see only one of them (*B*) as a client.

But I'll bring up the concern to her (*B*).

-- Modified on 5/5/2006 4:11:35 AM

Did you ever watch a family fight over the estate of a loved one?  Money does some weird stuff, even to close friends.

IT doesnt matter if one is bbw and the other is thinner than a Conrail railroad track..

If one is black, and one is white..

If one is bodybuilder, and the other cant pick up a feather..

Providers screening for other providers in this day and NOT good... thanks for passing the message along though.. at least its out there.. and if anything does happen.. they will say

"damn he was right "

I agree with Ciara on this one.  I have seen too many ladies get into ugly fights over this same situation.

It doesn't matter how different the client base is :(  It can only lead to trouble and petty fights :(

There are many screeners that don't see clients at all any longer or never did...that is the way to go if she needs a scheduler.

The rates vary greatly depending on what the exactly the girl needs as far as administrative duties.

Toooooo many things can go wrong with that arrangement.  Too much personal info exchanged with a third party, while not being directly involved is still too involved in the industry :(

Petty fights ?
geezy Creezy...Where are the proffessionals  when ya need them ? In this day and age of girls having to fly all over the place to make what we used to make before at home..
The really successful gals that I know, NETWORK.. They know their worth AND what they are worth to eachother !
We have been divided and conquered. Too bad :(

Built2Spill3443 reads

This thread is just another example of what happens when some hobbyists get too wrapped up in the minutiae of the business.
This is a topic best left for the Provider Only board.  I can't see how whether a provider uses a scheduler or not affects my end of the equation.

I happen to be a curious kind of guy. . . and I got some pretty good answers here.

Asking a question does not mean a person is wrapped up in other people's business.

So what do you think a scheduler should charge?

We should never give out our trade secrets nor our discretions nor indiscrestions on a public board fulla newbies :) :).


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